
Julie's choice

I had my own share of problems but I saved him not withstanding. Unbeknownst to me it was the beginning of something new. Will my secret keep the relationship or just like mom will I end up disappointed? To find out more do add the book to your library

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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Chapter 76 missed you

I rushed down to the kitchen and made a big bowl of rice for everyone while make a bowl of poridge for Morgan. I cleared the kitchen when I was done it too less than an hour 40 mins I went to the bathroom and took a bath dressed in my PJs and went to sit near him this had been my routine for days and when I tried to distract myself by cooking I burnt the food as I remembered my hubby playing around with me in the kitchen.

I soon feel asleep but don't know how long for

I woke up from a splitting headache I moved my hand and it responded I opened my eyes to see my beautiful wife asleep I sat up and stroked her face removing the stubborn strand of hair from her face. It felt good seeing her again. As if sensing my presence she woke up.

"Hubby you're up here have some water she said and passed me a glass of water from the dispenser beside the bed"

After drinking she asked

"how are you feeling, are you okay, should I call the doctor, do you feel pain anywhere."

Calm down babe I'm fine I'm sorry I got you this worried

"It's okay I'm not complaining. I... I just missed you so much, I was breaking down each passing second without you. Can you not get me this worried next time hubby please. She said between sobs.

I brought her into my embrace

I'm sorry I got you worried my Love.

"Here made you diner please eat as much as you can"

"It's good to see you smiling again ju. You look like a zombie while he was unconscious"

Don't give my baby a scare next time else you'll have me to contend with Samantha said

"Hubby this is Des Howard your attending physician and that's David p your therapist miller will join us next week"

Nice to meet you all.

Nice to see our efforts paid off. Your wounds are healed and you don't have any problems from the test results so the rest depends on how well you deal with your PTSD which I believe David did a good job. See you guys tomorrow

Thanks guys how can I repay you guys.

Nevermind sweet rest up

I need to call Greg. Having told him how things are going and how far our progress I can now return to bed.

Good night Hubby she said good night love I love you so much.

Minutes later I drifted off to sleep