
Julie's choice

I had my own share of problems but I saved him not withstanding. Unbeknownst to me it was the beginning of something new. Will my secret keep the relationship or just like mom will I end up disappointed? To find out more do add the book to your library

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 75 Awake

What do you mean father, how can you say you don't know the whereabouts of your grandson. He's been missing for days now father.

I told you I don't know where he is but I got a call from his wife few hours ago and I believe she's with him



My son is married to whom exactly and how come I'm just getting to find out about that don't tell me it's the illegitimate child of the Anderson's family.

Yes and you failed in being a good mother in-law to the poor child who has been helping us with the underworld keeping them at bay till your son is ready but see what happens barely 48 hours after she left.

Oh my god father why didn't you tell me all these while.

I'm such a faliure as a mother, what have I done.

It's okay honey so long you acknowledge your wrongs I believe she will understand

See why you shouldn't judge a book by the cover. You have gone far and wide around the world but you still did this heh

I'm sorry father I was ignorant.

That's given please try to be more patient with her.

Hello Greg has he woken up yet? Is he okay and his wife? That's understandable okay now I can rest assured that he and his wife are okay.

How are they?

They're fine Lucio but his wife seems to have gone weak from the stress

Hmmm that's a relief Father guess we should all retire to bed now.

What about his therapist I can't believe she's had Ill intentions all these while

The more reason you should trust based on what you see. The human nature is very complicated you know that. What about your center in Africa how is it going so far.

Fine father the kids are doing great but we'll be needing more staffs.