
Julie's choice

I had my own share of problems but I saved him not withstanding. Unbeknownst to me it was the beginning of something new. Will my secret keep the relationship or just like mom will I end up disappointed? To find out more do add the book to your library

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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87 Chs

chapter 67 worried

I couldn't sleep for the whole of the night

I have been feeling nauseous for the entire night. I threw up for quit some time but when I got myself together I sat down watching hubby sleep he looked so peaceful

I kept watch for the remaining of the night and when it was morning I went down to prepare breakfast for grandfather, I had no appetite so I ate nothing.

I went back only to find hubby writhing so badly in his sleep I called for the doctor imidiately.

I hugged him closely trying to calm him down as much as possible his breathing was a little laboured and I knew he needed urgent examination up and proper treatment.

when the doct arrived everyone was panicked and I tried as much as possible to remain calm in order not to make things worse.

Please doc. what wrong with my husband I asked reining in my tear

He's fine and out of danger for now he needs a lot of rest and care especially from people dear to him

He needs all the love he can get at this moment and with the help of his therapist I am sure he'll be okay he said

I was so worried and I didn't know how to help but I didn't let it show

when everyone had left the room I started sobbing quietly.

Hubby please wake up I want to see you smiling at me I want you to get better I have a lot of things planned for us please get well soon.

I shouldn't have left you alone in the first place what do I do.

I wept till there was no tears left

I know the doctor kept something from me , Morgan seems to have gone into a comma from the shock he has received. so right now I need to get a lot of things under control.

the Anglo empire think they can mess things up by bringing two prominent families into war with each other

it's time I stand up and for the Anderson's I will deal with them sooner than planned

please ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ send me your gifts and power stones I need em

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