
Julie's choice

I had my own share of problems but I saved him not withstanding. Unbeknownst to me it was the beginning of something new. Will my secret keep the relationship or just like mom will I end up disappointed? To find out more do add the book to your library

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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chapter 45 mom

we went to Mom's grave side I placed a bouquet of lilies I sat caressing her photo on the stone

Mom I'm here, it's been a while since I last saw you , a lot has been going on Mom and some I can't handle well, I hope you are at peace where ever you are. Mom I brought someone to come see you. He is now my husband and he's taking care of me. Don't worry Mom I am in safe hands, He's been a good husband and friend he is better than father and I hope he remains like that to me. I m..iss you Mom I miss you so much


I listened to her as she introduced me to her mom I placed a bouquet of dark pink roses

Thank you Mom for giving me a strong yet kind woman to marry. I promise you from this day mum to be a devoted husband to your daughter. I promise to love and respect her.

I brought my wife into my embrace, it's going to be ok wifey it will end soon and I will stand by you no matter how strong the storm maybe.

cry all you can love I promise you will not cry again after today

we stayed there a little longer and when she's calmed down I took her to the car as we drove home in silence

it was past eight when we got home, I asked Agnes to fix up something for us to eat

Babe the food is ready you should eat something before we retire for the night. she nodded but did not pick up the spoon so I feed her and ate mine as well

I didn't know how to console her so I took her home prepared water for her to bath

babe you should come take your bath please do you want me to bathe you she just nodded her head in agreement.

I carried her like a princess as I took her to the bathroom

I undressed her and placed her in the bathtub. I washed her up and dressed her in her nightgown.

It was not an easy feat as I had a hardon after undressing her but I put my lust behind me as my wife needs my care right now and not not my di*ck.

I had a cold shower I dressed in my PJs and joined her in bed

sleep honey I am here for you sleep tight hm?

"Good night hubby"

good night love. I love you

I watched her as she fell asleep I hugged her and fell asleep as well