
Julie's choice

I had my own share of problems but I saved him not withstanding. Unbeknownst to me it was the beginning of something new. Will my secret keep the relationship or just like mom will I end up disappointed? To find out more do add the book to your library

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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chapter 13 Emilia

I woke up from the constant ringing of my phone I groggily opened my eye and saw it was Morgan's call I picked up the call


"hello babe how are you doing this morning"

I'm fine good morning

" good morning how was your night"

went well and yours

"mine was ok pretty, I called to let you know I'll be traveling today, will be leaving to H city. Hope you'll take care of yourself when I'm away"

Yes I'll do take care of yourself

"Alright have a nice day"

I couldn't help smiling and looking forward to seeing him when he returns

I got up prepared for work and left the house

I ran into the morning traffic and I'm 10 minutes late for work when I eventually got to the office it was half past eight in the morning

I got extremely busy till it was lunch time when my phone beeped indicating a new SMS I checked and it was a message from Morgan

"I'm now on City H hope you're good"

I just smiled I ate my lunch and went back to my position when a bunch of people came into the shop

I stood up and wanted to attend to them when I saw someone amongst them

Emilia Anderson oh no I said can today get any worse

made up my mind to face her and her trouble when Samantha came over she thuged my sleeve and said

" is that not Emilia"

I just rolled my eyes and nodded

I went to answer her and I crew