
Present Day

(10 Years Later...)

Mahoraga Ze'nin (Deceased)

Was now the status of the child prodigy Mahoraga as confirmed by the Ze'nin clan themselves. The world of Jujutsu felt a sense of relief knowing that now only Gojo would be of their worries. Unfortunately for the World of Jujutsu, The Ze'nin clan lied.

Mahoraga was very much alive and ever since that night of his attempted assassination, he had a transition in mind. He had no regretted leaving his mother but instead thanked her for showing him the Ten Shadows Cursed Technique. He instantly and instinctivelly adopted to the brutal and gruesome World of Jujutsu. He became unhinged and fell in love with battle.

(Note: Mahoraga is gonna be similar to Sukuna when it comes to caring about human beings or cursed)

Unlike what you'd expect from most overpowered people, cooking up evil plans or plotting ultimate justice. Mahoraga on the other hand lived a normal highschool life. Your probably wondering why? Well at the time Mahoraga was only six so Mahoraga wanted to give himself more time to grow. Even though he wasn't associated with the Jujutsu Corp from any district, he'd beef instantly with every cursed sprit that he came in close quarters with.

He was labeled dead by the Ze'nin so now nobody would bother even trying to find him or ask any questions about it, they were all just relieved.


(Intercom: There's been a report of a special grade cursed sprit at a highschool called CrossNorthern, head there immediately!)

Reported an old man in a urgent voice across the intercom of a white haired teen. The teen would smile as for once he could finally go on a solo mission and against a special grade. He wasted no time and would start making haste to location.


Mahoraga: ~snoring~


A teacher would yell before his head was crushed by a massive hand. Mahoraga would wake up groggily before becoming witness to the gruesome scene before him. He'd rub his eyes to make sure he still wasn't dreaming.

Mahoraga: "Well this is something to wake up to.."

Mahoraga would say while standing up. He hadn't noticed most of the chaos the monster has caused because he was sleep but by now already 30% of the school was murdered and a few kids were still in Mahoragas class. Mahoraga would walk up to the Cursed Spirit that was gripping onto the skull of his now deceased teacher and he would simply put his hand on its shoulder while yawning.

Mahoraga: "I don't feel like playing around today, come again later"

Mahoraga would whisper. Next thing you know, dozens of purple lighting streaks exploded from the spirit and it was incinerated to ashes instantly.

Mahoraga: "Well I guess that means class is overs, have a good day guys"

Mahoraga would say as he walked out the class while doing a peace sign.

(And then)

Gojo arrived to the front of the highschool, seeing many students still running and retreating as he walked past them. Mahoraga was also just so happen to walk out, but unlike the other students he was walking calmly and unbothered. Gojo saw this and immediately became on guard just by looking at him.

Gojo: "Are you a jujutsu sorcerer?"

Gojo would ask Mahoraga who was just as calm as he was. Gojo didn't get to close as he was still weary. Mahoraga looked at Gojo with surprise and interest. Mahoraga was smirking as he thought about ways he could mess around with this random person. Then a funny idea would hit him and Mahoraga would tell the white haired boy.

Mahoraga: "Nah bro I'm the one who murdered all those kids"

A chill immediately was sent down Gojos spine as he wasn't expecting that answer at all. The way he said it too was extraordinarily nonchalant as if he does this for a daily routine.