
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Contractor

Bindings, shackles, geas, chains, all things that restrict everything in our universe. Laws must be put into place and punishments need to be handed out to those who do not respect the rules for the world to retain its functions. But what happens when one can escape that punishment? What happens when one can manipulate those rules? A contract cannot bind one who can escape it. So the world cannot bind 'him' to its rules. He runs freely, unshackled by the rules of humanity and world. A God looking down on the world. ------------------------------------- Story is very slow and does not make the MC strong for the first 40 chapters. If you don't want that then I don't recommend this book for you. *I don't own the cover nor the story this fanfic is based on.*

WutDelusional · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Auction (6)

"Die for you? Are you insane? Do you really think I'll accept that?" Malenia who had just heard Arai's proposal was angered. Anyone who would of heard that from someone who just a moment ago was fighting with you to the death would be maddened.

"You'll have to, if you don't want to be a mindless machine that only follows my every order." Arai didn't care about her tantrum and simply closed his eyes while laying down in the bed.

"You know my technique or at least have a gist of how it works, don't you. So what makes you so confident to get angry at me when I can just make you a slave. Don't worry, if you think that's bad I can make things worse for you. I'll make you a fanatic that worships me like a god if you want. That's what I have made so far to every sorcerer I've come across, I don't see why one more would hurt."

"You crazy bastard."

Malenia gritted her teeth. She wanted to just grab him by the throat and punch him in the face but she held it in. Calming down and having a relaxed mind was good in battle. That was what she had learned after all her encounters.

And her mind was telling her that Arai was acting very odd. His behavior was completely different the moment he made the domain. It was as if a newfound confidence was found within him, before he was calculative, cold and uncaring. Now he was all of that but also sarcastic and annoying, a new change that she personally didn't like.

Malenia sighed before laying down as well, she looked to the side to see the paintings of her brothers on the wall. 'Choso, Eso, Kechizu and me, the four of us are the only ones left and yet every one of us will be trapped. I was the last one to have freedom... and I'm going to lose it now.'

"So how's it going to be?" She turned her head to the side to see Arai still having his eyes closed and facing the ceiling.

found the man annoying and dangerous. If she accepted this deal, then her fate would be sealed. Still... if there is a slight chance to survive, then Malenia would take it. After all, her death would mean no one left to save her brothers that are trapped by Jujutsu Sorcerers.

She needed to save them.

"I'll accept it. I'll be your slave, worshipper, underling or whatever it is you want to call me but under two conditions."

Arai turned his head towards her and smiled sinisterly. "Now we're bargaining."

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Arai opened his eyes in the real world and got up while groaning. Getting inside someone's mind was never a fun experience, when entering it feels as if you are swimming in a pool of sludge with no real direction to go to.

But with the ordeal finished, he can finally exit the mind.

He looked down to see Malenia unconscious, having strained herself for too long. It was only inevitable that she would fall asleep. Her body had long reached its limit.

"I expect great things from you, Malenia." Arai muttered before lifting her body. The body then began being sucked into his ear until it was gone.

"Today's a long day, huh."

This day was supposedly just about going to an auction, see the bets rolling in. Get his money from the sold item and get out. Maybe have dinner.

But now a woman, creation of the most vile sorcerer in history, comes in and breaks all that.

All while killing a multitude of innocents and sorcerers.

'Couldn't you have at least left the sorcerers alive? Waste of manpower.' Arai sighed and sat down on a piece of rubble. His eyes narrowed down towards a particular direction.

"Masuru, come out."

At first nobody came out, but after a moment a head popped out and Arai saw Masuru hiding behind a broken pillar.

"Arai I knew you were going to be fine!"

His face was full of sweat and he had a nervous smile. Masuru did hide when he was fighting making him nervous about encountering him again but after everything that's been going on, a runaway was the least surprising thing to Arai.

"Shut your trap and listen to my order."

"Have people cover up this mess, the bodies are going to be disposed of and incinerated. Got it?" Arai glared at Masuru and both of them knew that if he was to mess up. Then his death won't be as pretty as this battlefield.

"I've heard you loud and clear." He saluted before running away.

He wasn't going to argue back when Arai is leaving him alive, after seeing the display of power shown by him. It sunk in, the sorcerer world is not to be messed with by ordinary folk like him.

'I think I'll retire after this.' Masuru thought.

While Masuru was getting to work, Arai simply stared at the sky. His eyes closed as he enjoyed the coldness in the air but after a while he opened his eyes after sensing someone's presence. A so familiar presence.

"So you're here."

His eyes slowly opened, the wind making his blue hair move to the side. As he pushed away his hair, he could see with his bright green eyes now looking at a man floating in the air. His white hair was as white as snow and his brilliant blue eyes contrasting Arai. His clothes was the uniform of Jujutsu Tech and at the edge of his nose was his sunglasses plastered there.

The arrogant smile plastered on his face could easily be recognized anywhere Arai would go.

It was memorable.

"Been a while, Arai."

The man he was facing was the strongest sorcerer there is. The honored one. The one who the world revolves around him. A man who had more titles than Arai had victories in his entire life.

He was Gojo Satoru.

"Yeah, been a few years, hasn't it Gojo."

The infamous Gojo Satoru had appeared right in front of him in an instant. Even with Arai's growth of strength, he still could not have seen. After all it was instantaneous, the power of space and time were in Gojo's hands.

"Sheesh! What happened to your face, a new makeover?"

"It's the new trend, guess you're too old to know of it."

Half of his face had its skin peeled off showing the flesh inside it.

Gojo looked around and seeing all the destruction, laughed audibly.

Laughing so hard that he had to fake wipe the tear out of his eye.

"Bwhaha!! You've gotten pretty wild, man I would of loved to see what you did! How about recreating the action for me? Man that would be a nice show to go to." Gojo said while circling Arai, it looked like a cat who had just found a something interesting and began circling it.

Arai sighed knowing this was simply how Gojo is. His face with the signature smirk looking down on others, it was annoying to Arai especially when he was exhausted with the fight.

"How about you just go tell what you came here for and I'll go back to my lodge and sleep. Seems fair?"

"Then I'll cut to the chase." Gojo said before dropping his smile. His demeanor changed in an instant as he sat down in the air floating.

"Tell me everything that happened here."

Gojo was someone who didn't take his life seriously but if something did make him serious. It would be to threaten those around him.

Arai seeing this smiled nervously, actually Arai had sensed Gojo the moment he came here due to his danger sense. Before he could not fathom the power that he possessed but now he could clearly see Gojo's strength.

The result?

It was overwhelming.

The danger sense kept telling him that he was overwhelming powerful.

A power that cannot be classified. Defying the term special grade.

"And I mean everything, Arai." Gojo smiled, showing his superiority was a daily occurrence for him and Arai understood that and complied.

"No need to worry, I'm not arrogant enough to lie in front of you."

Arai explained what had happened while leaving out the few details like him being able to form a domain and Malenia's identity. The remnants of his domain would not be able to be sensed even by Gojo due to his cursed energy being invisible. So no trace of his actions could be found even with Gojo's 'Six Eyes' and Arai understood that Gojo had realized that fact and was already suspecting him.

No... not suspect, he knew Arai had done something.

"Well you know the rules Arai, gotta take you to talk to those elders. Have fun listening to their bullshit! When you visit us bring some good snacks or Shoko is gonna get mad!" Gojo giggled as he flew to the sky before teleporting away to god knows where.

Leaving Arai alone in the midst of the rubble, knowing that he would come to Jujutsu Tech. Arai smirked understanding Gojo's words, the old folks that stand at the top. Gojo always hated them, he did too but not to Gojo's degree. Arai always wanted controlled order while Gojo wanted to unleash chaotic good.

So to Gojo going to talk to those old men would be worse than camping out in the rain with bugs everywhere.

'Hmph! If I was him I would of killed those men already, he's too soft even if he doesn't show it. Which reminds me, I need to start trying the theory but in that place it will be hard to do it. Well it's not like they can keep me in forever, I'll get out and then become even stronger than I am now.'

Arai gazed at the place where Gojo was just a moment ago-

'Just you wait, I'll reach the top.'

Until a piece of candy fell on his hair.

'Never leave without annoying someone, do you Gojo.'