
Jujutsu Kaisen: Solo

Jujutsu Sorcerers & Choso vs. Pseudo-Geto & Uraume is a battle fought by Tokyo and Kyoto Jujutsu High affiliated sorcerers, Yuji Itadori, Noritoshi Kamo, Panda, Momo Nishimiya, Mai Zenin, Kasumi Miwa, & Atsuya Kusakabe, as well as the Cursed Womb: Death Painting, Choso. They face off against the curse users, Pseudo-Geto and Uraume in one final attempt to procure Prison Realm from their clutches in order to rescue Satoru Gojo. This battle occurs at the remains of the Shibuya Police Station at the very end of the Shibuya Incident. Geto announces that this is the world of the future and releases numerous cursed spirits to cover up his escape. Among the curses is Oizys, a curse he claims is worth at least 15 Sukuna fingers. Which he'll collect folding it in a shape of a ball. He shows Prison Realm to his enemies and bids farewell to Yuji, claiming to expect a lot from him in the future. The young man calls out Gojo sensei's name one last time and Geto addresses Sukuna directly. He tells the King of Curses that an era reflecting the Heian is coming, and the Golden Age of Jujutsu is returning. After exiting the battle field, Geto decides to test the special grade cursed spirit's on some hired sorcerers and non-sorcerers but all of them ends up dead. He releases Gojo from the prison realm to fully test the curse's capabilities. Can it backfire? Volume 1: SOLO Focuses on the fight between Gojo and Oizys. Volume 2: FLY Explores sorcery outside Japan, mentioned in volume 1 and in the original series.

Brolinit · Action
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11 Chs


The prison realm is a special grade cursed object containing a barrier capable of sealing absolutely anything or anyone inside of an inescapable pocket dimension.

It can only contain one occupant at a time. Unless the person trapped inside takes his own life, it can't be used.


Geto: "It's very bright today. I'm enjoying the view myself. Look around you, these corpses belong to various gifted sorcerers and non-sorcerers I'd chosen from various locations to take down that special grade curse behind you. They were all pretty confident at first, reminds me someone I have fake memories of. Unlucky for them they were up against something out of their league. The dead non-sorcerer on your left wraps himself with a very rare cursed tool which grants him immortality rendering him invincible in battle. A bomb wouldn't scratch him. Nevertheless, he ended up like the rest. Since you are strong, you can tell she's the real deal can't you?"

Gojo: "I might as well kill you right now. Won't fall under your schedules a second time. This is rematch!"

Geto: "You haven't yet grasped the gravity of the situation. If I should release her to the world none would be able to stop her. Not benefiting of both sides. You see, with the strength she possesses she's also a threat to my dreams"

Gojo: "Sounds like fantasy. Still have no clue if this is real"

"Even if it is, this might be centuries ahead of my original timeline. The prison realm has taken it too far, it must be destroyed" he thinks.

Geto: "This is still the present in case you assume this is the future. The higher ups are yet to receive the shocking news of your DEFEAT"

Gojo: "He isn't bluffing. He's still inside Geto's body. He hops from one body to another. He's too dangerous I must stop him" he thinks.

Geto: "My plans are secure, Satoru. I won't risk unsealing you if there's no backup plan. Now Oizys, KILL the sorcerer standing right in front of you"

Gojo: "Huh? Kill?... It's made it's move!... Too slow. Zero combat experience, all her vitals are wide open" he thinks.

"Utahime has finally found a worthy opponent" he says (jokingly).

Geto: ...

Oizys attempts a second attack by kicking up sand from the ground towards Gojo at high speed but he easily dodges everything.

Gojo: "Ha ha ha. Is this some joke? I heard you said kill someone"

Geto: "Heh, don't underestimate her... Not even I am able to kill her!"

Gojo: "I wouldn't be surprised"

Oizys: "I don't get it. Why do humans talk behind my back everytime I meet one?"

Gojo appears right before her.

Oizys: ...

Gojo punches her to a pipe close by.

She starts bleeding.

Geto: "What if her cursed technique is related to her blood or her dying?" (smiles)

Gojo: "If that's so, I will be fine"

To be continued... ^^

I recommend: Jujutsu Kaisen.

Watch season 1 (it's well animated)

Continue with the manga (the story gets really good)

Come back right after you finish the Shibuya incident arc from the manga to read this filler arc I came up with after rereading that arc.

Oizys' abilities are amazing. An overpowered character I created is about to go 1 on 1 against Gojo.

Not going to nerf Gojo. I love Gojo and I think this should be interesting!

Regarding Gojo's domain expansion... This will be fun!

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