
Jujutsu Kaisen: Peak Projection

An AU where Naoya Zenin gained one revelation after a certain event regarding a clan member that changed his demeanor from his Canon counterpart, which is why he has different dynamics with the people in his life. Support me on patreon and get chapters to be ahead of the webnovel update. Link: patreon.com/Asceanime

Asce · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Mai's Hesitation

Mai wondered when she became the first person to sit on the steps, the first person to tap out during training, unable to do more. It's been like this for a few days now, where she would get out and watch everyone else continue to train in their own ways.

Momo and Miwa, those two were now with Todo, Noritoshi, and Mechamaru. They were each sparring, and only one of them faced off against Naoya. It was either Todo or Noritoshi.

Mai looked towards Momo, who was holding her own against Noritoshi using her newfound strength. Mai clenched her hand in frustration, she was getting left behind. The previous dynamic was perfectly fine, she liked that way.

But now it's all changed. All she can do is sit back and watch, knowing that she wouldn't even be able to do anything. Miwa doesn't even have a curse technique, yet she's so much stronger than her, able to fight against Mechamaru evenly with cursed energy enhancement, blocking, dodging and even cutting through his attacks and one of his arms.

Mai knew where this all started from, it was when Naoya Zenin entered the mix. The son of the clan head, someone who follows the ways of the clan better than anyone, yet his son is here teaching!?

Perhaps she'll never be happy, even for a moment. Do they constantly need to tell her how useless she was, by sending him of all people!? He doesn't even say anything, he just ignores me and doesn't try to teach me.

Yet he teaches Momo and Miwa and helps the two of them out whenever they went up to him. Why is she the only one who hasn't gotten any help? Is she that worthless!?

But perhaps this is expected, I mean what good is her technique at all? It can only be used once per day and she only uses that to make an extra bullet in a revolver.

She doesn't belong here either, it's better if she just leaves. Getting up, Mai walked away from the training hall alone towards the dorms. Naoya watched as Mai walked away, sighing to himself. Guess he's going to have to take the direct approach.


" Yo. " Naoya greeted, standing in front of Mai abruptly.

Mai looked up to see Naoya in front of her, blocking her way to the dorms.

" Why are you here? " Mai asked, her voice low and devoid of any of its usual sass.

" Better question. Why are you here? " Naoya asked.

" I'm tired. " Mai said.

" Tired of what exactly? " Naoya asked.

" I'm tired from doing training. I'm not tired from anything. " Mai replied tersely.

" Really? " Naoya asked. " You barely did anything. In fact, your performance plummeted. So what's on your mind? "

" Nothing you need to worry about. I'm not worth the effort anyway. " Mai said.

" At this rate, you'll die a liability and that's even worse than not giving it you're all before death. " Naoya sighed in disappointment.

" It's not like I wanted to be here!! " Mai yelled.

" Then why are you here? " Naoya asked.

" I'm only here because of Maki. Because she wants to a be sorcerer, I'm forced to become one as well and I don't to be a sorcerer. " Mai said, clenching her fists in anger and frustration.

" Understandable. So then mind telling me something? If you have the option of no longer attending Jujutsu Tech, what do you want to do? " Naoya asked.

" ...don't know. " Mai answered. " All I want is to be with Maki again, as sisters. But she left to a sorcerer and I have to be used to get back at her because she's trying to go against the clan. "

" And why is Maki going against the clan? " Naoya asked.

" Why should I tell you?! Why are you asking so many questions!? It's not like you don't know! " Mai yelled.

" I don't know so tell me. " Naoya shrugged.

" Because she... she... " Mai repeated.

" Thought so. Mai, let me make this clear because you've in living in your own delusions for a while now. " Naoya said, moving forwards to flick Mai on her forehead.

" First off, I'm stronger than everyone in the Zenin clan combined. It doesn't matter who came up against me solo or in a group, I will win! " Naoya clarified.

" Secondly, I have better things to do than comment on how weak you are again and again for days on end. Becoming a teacher was my own choice, a choice that the Zenin Clan couldn't do anything about.

Thirdly, Maki does have a reason to go against the Zenin clan and become clan head. She just hasn't told you what that reason is.

So why not try putting yourself in her shoes and try to figure out why she would go against them, why should continue to go fulfill her goal while knowing what might happen to you? " Naoya said.

" She knew... " Mai muttered.

" That you would be used as a way to make her quit, yes she did. " Naoya said.

" Which is why you're going to have to make a choice. Tell me, what is it that you want more than anything else, something that will make you fight against curses and get stronger in the process, even risk dying to fulfill? " Naoya asked.

" That... I... who would... " Mai stuttered. " Who would go that far? "

" Everyone at Jujutsu Tech. " Naoya answered. " Our lives are not guaranteed. Even with the strongest sorcerer alive, people still die, sorcerers still die in this line of work.

So why is it that many keep going, fighting curses and curse users every day? It's because there's something they want, something they will risk death for. You don't have that, which is why you're falling behind. "

" Does Maki have something like that? " Mai asked.

" If she didn't, she wouldn't have left you behind. " Naoya said.

" I see. " Mai whispered. " What should I do then? "

" Well, for starters. You could always go ask, it's the simplest and straightforward method. " Naoya said. " But let's be honest, that's not going to work, is it? "

" Already asked her, even begged her to tell me. But all she said was to wait. " Mai answered.

" Then we will take the other route. You putting yourself in Maki's shoes. " Naoya said.

" What does that even mean? " Mai asked.

" It means you're going to get stronger, overcome your fears and find something that you want that you'll risk death to obtain. " Naoya said, patting her head.

" Will I be strong enough to fight against the elite in the Zenin Clan? " Mai asked.

" That depends on you and how far you push yourself. But for now, I'll let you think about it, and here's a little assignment. " Naoya said, handing a piece of metal to Mai. " I want you to make something from this piece of metal using your curse technique. "

" But that's not how... " Mai started.

" Ahahahaha... Your usage of your technique is horrible. Creating solid materials using cursed energy reduced your amount to zero when you use it once!

Construction can take place using existing materials as well. How do think spoons were made in such a large quantity without cursed energy?

This is a little hint from me to you. Now try and see how it goes. Take your time and get back to me, but you will still attend the classes and especially focus on hand-to-hand. Got it? " Naoya asked.

" Yes, sensei. " Mai answered.

" Good. I'll leave you to it. " Naoya chuckled before walking away, leaving Mai with a lot to think about.



14th chapter inbound. Tell me how it was in the comments.

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