

It's just for fun, some of the stuff will be hard to read bad writing and all but you would understand it. I just thought about what would I do in jujutsu kaizen with an innate technique like (fusion of Sharingan and Byakugan) as Yuji itadoriI think it has potential but he would be overpowered way to quickly and fic would end sooner than the orignal series. I HAVE CHANGED THE NAME OF THE EYES FROM SHOGAN TO JUGAN IT SHOULD MEAN CURSED EYE: all seeing cursed eyes Jujutsu kaizen or Naruto does not belong to me nor does the poster

Reaper_2985 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 3 Thank you

<p>one week later.<br/><br/><br/>Yuji stood in the center of the training room, his eyes closed in deep concentration. his focus was on mastering the art of genjutsu, and he were determined to create new techniques and recreate high-level jutsu like Tsukuyomi and Kotoamatsukami.<br/>For the past week, Yuji had been practicing diligently, experimenting with different techniques and refining his control over jugan. he had made significant progress, but he knew there was still much to learn.<br/>With a deep breath, Yuji began to channel his cursed energy, drawing it up from his core and into his eyes. Slowly, the jugan appeared, its eyes glowing dark crimson blood.<br/>Yuji opened his eyes, and the world around him changed. Colors shifted, shapes blurred, and everything took on a dreamlike quality. This was the power of genjutsu, the ability to manipulate the senses and create illusions.<br/>With a wave of his hand, Yuji conjured an illusionary butterfly, watching as it fluttered around the room. he then began to experiment with different techniques, trying to create new illusions and push the limits of his abilities.<br/>Hours passed, and Yuji's eyes began to grow weary. he knew they couldn't maintain the Jugan forever, and he didn't want to push themselves too hard. With a final burst of energy, they deactivated his eyes and collapsed onto the floor, panting heavily.<br/>Gojo appeared in the doorway, looking pleased with Yuji's progress. "Well done, my pupil. Your control over the Jugan is improving by the day. Keep up the good work. yah but I'm kinda trying to create this two techniques which you can call Tsukuyomi and kotoamatsukami.<br/><br/><br/>ohh great, look I brought you a prezent a book of advance techniques whe he said that I looked at him with a mix of disbelief and awe as the older sorcerer handed him a book on "Advanced Techniques." He couldn't believe that his mentor was giving him such powerful knowledge, and he felt honored and grateful to be entrusted with it.<br/>"Th-thank you," he stuttered, barely able to contain his excitement. "I'll study it well, I promise."<br/>Gojo smirked and patted his shoulder. "I know you will. You're my best student, after all."<br/>Yuji couldn't help but feel his heart swell with pride at those words. He had come a long way since his days as a lonely high school student, and he owed it all to Gojo.<br/>As Gojo turned to leave, Yuji realized that he hadn't properly thanked him yet. "Wait, Sensei!" he called out.<br/>Gojo turned around, raising an eyebrow.<br/>Yuji took a deep breath and spoke from the heart. "I...I just wanted to say thank you. For everything. For saving me from my execution, for trusting me, for being such a good person. I won't forget what you've done for me, and I'll work hard to repay you. I want to become a strong sorcerer, so I can help you in any way possible."<br/>Gojo's expression softened, and Yuji could see a flicker of emotion in his eyes. "You don't need to thank me, Yuji. I did what any decent person would do. And as for your training, I have no doubt that you'll become a great sorcerer in no time."<br/>Yuji smiled, feeling a sense of warmth spread through his chest. "Thank you, Sensei. I'll do my best."<br/>I know you are the strongest sorcerer but you also must have a lot of responsibility and you also keep the balance of power and all but don't worry that gives one more reason for me to be strong so I can help you in any way possible. <br/><br/>After my long speech gojo, smiled a genuine smile and said don't mention it and I can wait for you on the top so you don't need to hurry just enjoy your life, As Gojo teleported away, Yuji couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and determination. He had a long way to go, but with Gojo's guidance and his own hard work, he knew he could achieve anything he set his mind to<br/><br/><br/>After he left I opened the book and saw the first technique <br/><br/>1)Black Flash - Black Flash is an odd one because it's technically one of the rare Cursed techniques that anyone can use, like Innate Domains, Binding Vows, or Veil. It boils down to a Jujutsu Sorcerer releasing Cursed Energy within 0.00001 seconds of a physical hit, which amplifies its power of it to about 2.5x the amount, black Flash is a power-amplification technique.<br/><br/>2)Reverse curse energy- The concept of "Reversing" a Cursed Technique is so convoluted that barely any Jujutsu Sorcerers can use it because they can't wrap their brains around it. Well, in simple terms, in mathematics, multiplying a negative by a negative gives a positive result, and that's exactly how Reversed Techniques work. Curses and Sorcerers multiply two different types of Cursed Energy (which is negative by default) together to create a positive reaction.<br/>So, a force that was once only used for destruction can now create<br/><br/>3)Domain Expansion is an advanced barrier technique that manifests the user's Innate Domain, Domain Expansion is the most supreme ability of any jujutsu user. By using a barrier technique to create a separate space, the user can realize their innate domain with cursed energy and trap their target within it. The domain is embedded with the user's innate technique to complete the formation. Once inside, the user's jujutsu is greatly amplified and any attack deployed is a guaranteed hit. Using a hand sign or another sort of signal unique to the technique is one of the requirements to activate it.<br/>Manifesting an innate domain with cursed energy requires a lot of power, and erecting a barrier requires even more so. Domain Expansion is a difficult technique to learn that most high-level sorcerers are never able to master.<br/><br/>4)Curtain (帳とばり, Tobari) is a commonly used barrier technique that separates an area using a black force field that is imperceivable to outside observers. They are mainly utilized by jujutsu sorcerers to maintain secrecy while exorcising cursed spirits.<br/><br/>5)Shikigami conjuration is considered to be a type of cursed technique. Like barrier techniques, sorcerers who do not possess enough intrinsic talent for their innate technique can summon simple shinigami. Shikigami themselves are familiars incarnated by their summoner's cursed energy.<br/><br/>wow, these are awesome techniques, I wonder what my domain would look like it may be a fusion of my power and sukuna powers. I need to learn to reverse the cursed technique it's the most important one, and barriers are also most use full I hope I can use them as anos does and most of all I am fan buying about is shinigami I hope I can create the same techniques as itachi with my shikigami, As I was thinking of it I heard a knock.<br/><br/><br/>I got up from my bed and opened the door,<br/>I saw fushiguro, He said let's go for training Nobara is waiting for us, I smiled at him and said wait a minute I will change into a tracksuit and come and I want to master a new technique, he raised an eyebrow, I continued yes its called black Flash.<br/><br/><br/>In that week I mastered the Black Flash and created divergent fists and sometimes tried using them together and created divergent Black Flash I could use all of them constantly and I also trained with my classmates, Fushiguro couldn't believe the rate I was growing I was at his level in weeks.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Name -Yuji Itadori <br/>powers & abilities -<br/>*Jugan - The wielder has unparalleled 360-degree vision, infrared energy detection, and target aim (maximum 6.2 miles for now 2 finger sukuna) the wielder can create and deflect illusions, copy techniques of others (not innate technique) detect curses and traps, Can tell how strong someone is, see into the mind of a target to determine there thoughts and feelings even to look through their memories, for now, the power of jugan might increase as Yuji develops and gains the power of other fingers.<br/>Description- the shogan is often depicted as being dark reddish-white with black sclera <br/><br/>Special Techniques-<br/> Genjutsu- <br/>Demon illusion hell viewing and False darkness technique have been mastered-he can only trap someone in their mind for now if someone is stronger and has great will it can be shattered easily.<br/>Ephemeral -For other uses, see Utakata (disambiguation).<br/>This technique allows Yuji to put his opponent within a genjutsu by using his finger as a medium. This induces the genjutsu<br/><br/><br/>Taijutsu and physical strength-<br/> Superhuman strength, Enhanced - speed, reflexes, stamina, Durability, professioent learner. <br/>Mastery over Hand to Hand combatant, Poison resistance, and weapons mastery.<br/><br/><br/>Jujutsu- Great Cursed Energy: Yuji's cursed energy originates from the parts of the special grade curse, Ryomen Sukuna. Because of his innate technique, he replicated curse energy manipulation from his sensei, and on top of that he has shown great proficiency in learning how to control cursed energy.<br/> <br/>Vacuum bullet- Buy either gathering or imbuing cursed energy output at his mouth <br/>or tip of his finger and compressing air or wind around it to a focal point he can create a vacuum and after aiming and releasing it <br/>it shoots at the speed of sound after hiring the target the compressed wind explodes.<br/>Its superior version is Vaccum blast and vacuum palm.</p>