

It's just for fun, some of the stuff will be hard to read bad writing and all but you would understand it. I just thought about what would I do in jujutsu kaizen with an innate technique like (fusion of Sharingan and Byakugan) as Yuji itadoriI think it has potential but he would be overpowered way to quickly and fic would end sooner than the orignal series. I HAVE CHANGED THE NAME OF THE EYES FROM SHOGAN TO JUGAN IT SHOULD MEAN CURSED EYE: all seeing cursed eyes Jujutsu kaizen or Naruto does not belong to me nor does the poster

Reaper_2985 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

chapter 0 Start (skip it if you want)

Hi, I'm a guy who has told he may die any second. Yes, you heard me correctly, I am going to die any second because, I took the same air as some bastard who had Carona and he gave me that sweet sweet death called Corona viruss and I'm hospitalized on my death bed why because I couldn't wait to buy the new Manga of Jujutsu kaizen. I watched the anime, but it does take a long time to create it so, I couldn't wait and now I'm here at least I read the manga. and it was good but not worth giving my life over come on give me a break, I just had my life sorted I had hot gf who loved me but no fate has to take me away..... ahhhhhhhhh as I was ranting suddenly my heart beat increased and my lungs started to fail at last I stopped breathing... I died.

[Time of Death at 23.59]

Wake up wake, I heard someone say

'Give me Five minutes more babe, as I said that.' I realized something that was not my girlfriend's voice as, I open my eyes. I see a man wearing a mask with a clean and fancy suit and hat cheerfully dancing.

As he stops dancing then he looks at me and says in a serious tone. Oh, so you woke up huh, Before you start asking questions. Let me introduce myself, i am ROB and don't speak until I'm done speaking get that. I will explain your situation here, well you see you died and As a result, our great and kind God's chosen you to give a second chance in life like total reincarnation and all, before you ask, your personal life memories are erased for example you know that you had parents but you won't remember their names, looks, etc get that, So before you start asking questions let me explain how your reincarnation will work you won't get to choose a world or character that will be chosen by a wheel of fate as he said that a wheel appeared as you can see there are many names on edge of the wheel like Naruto, Attack of titans, Jujutsu Kaizen, Fairy Tale, etc as you can see in the center of the wheel there is a rolling machine 🎰 there will appear names of the characters, for example, Protagonist, Antaiganesist, side character, Cannon fodder, New character, etc once the wheel stops and the world is chosen the name of the person will appear in the center of the wheel.

Now let me explain about wishes. You can ask anything you want but it can not surpass the power of that world or more like it should be related to the world for example you can ask for whatever dojutsu or bloodline in naruto because they exist in that world you cannot ask for infinity stones or mother box in naruto. And if you're wondering how many wishes you get it depends on the characters for example if you get protagonist or antaiganesist you get one wish if you get side kick or simply strong you get two wishes and if you get a New character or normal character you get three wishes, so that was all of it now you can ask questions but not about your past, people get crazy when they want to know more about their past. ROB said.

I was flabbergasted first he told me I'm dead that I know by the way then went on about how generous gods were then he told me some of my memories are erased and then about my reincarnation he dumped every single bit of information on me at once. what a fu#king tool man, so I sighed and started calming myself down and started thinking there is no point in thinking of the past and this R.O.B. does not take shit like, I read in fan fics. I watched some of the shows from that wheel and he explained everything I need so I have few questions.

Why did you erase my memories second why are there anime worlds only? i asked.

For your first question, people can't let go of their past and instead of enjoying life, they do stupid things so all the gods have decided that it's easy if we erased personal memories we do not erase Personalities. And for your second question gods watched as you mortals made Isekai, reincarnation, etc for fun gods started to make the anime worlds you imagined with some rules and decided to send some mortals with wishes and watch as entertainment how will you change the world and all, our gods have really made an interesting human beings with creativity and all so you have any other questions if not let's get started. he answered.

'i nodded no'

so he continued.

let's continue shall we, as he said that the wheel started to spin and then it started to slow down, and then it stopped on jujutsu kaizen, after that the names stareted rolling like in casino🎰 and the name came Yuji itadori (sukuna vessel).

And with that, my mind broke first the jujutsu kaizen that Manga took my life and now you are sending me to that world seriously come on give me a break, ok ok mu odds aren't that bad I mean at least it's not as bad as an attack on titan but still, it's bad, in that show characters dies like flies and on top of that I am the protagonist that means I have only one wish and that wish should be able to relate to that world. And also Yuji has heavenly restrictions and if I wish not to have heavenly restrictions I can not be certain what power I will have so that's out and If I don't eat sukuna finger I don't get to use curse energy, think dumb ass think.

If only instead of yuji. I got gojo I mean he has limitless and Six Eyes, EYES huh he did say related right, I got it.

Meanwhile ROB was looking at me like, I was an idiot after all of my expressions change a lot at last he saw my expression change into happiness then,

he asked. so I guess you know what you want as a wish.

I replied, yes I think but can I wish for anything related to jujutsu kaizen Right. So my wish is to have my own innate technique which would be a dojutsu which is fusion of Sharingan and Byakugan it should be kekkei mora level if that's possible.

ohh i see Well, you can wish for that since it can relate to six eyes but,

You won't get an evolution of these eyes and you should know it won't evolve into tenseigan, mangekeo sharingan,rinnegan, etc.

But you might get enlightment and yes I would make the dojutsu kekkei mora.

But you can not activate your innate technique until you have eaten sukuna finger or another way to use cursed energy because even your curse energy will be merged with the heavenly pact and you will be more physically stronger than the previous Yuji.

I thought at least I got superior version of the dojutsu kekkei mora and it's disappointing I won't get evolution but enlightment should be enough if I get too powerful there might be no fun.

I would be bored as hell, since I am going to jjk and not naruto I would be missing out on fighting strong opponents and Versatility of chakra but jjk should be interesting and complicated at the same time.

soo lets give your new dojutsu a name? as nameing things gives them life and purpose in reality so what would u like to name it, ROB asked.

ohh thats right what should i call it, since in boruto jougan means pure eyes and i am going to a cursed chaotic and impure world lets see we should call it jugan. but i have a last question will i be born as Yuji or will I be fused with him?

Yes, you will be fused with him when he is born but you will get your remaining memories back when you're about to eat sukuna finger, So do I have to be his Vessel?

Yes, that's the absolute point in that world and it can not be changed. Now goodbye and have a life, he replied

So your not going to say have a good life. as I was saying that my reality changed and I saw a finger going inside my mouth.