
Jujutsu Kaisen: Honor Is Useless To Me

After the shocking weight of being brought to another world passes. All there is left is gaping hole of having no dreams and wants. After the bliss from strength is gone, the euphoric feeling of growth vanishes, and the word meaning becomes meaningless. What is left? Throughout heaven and Earth only few know this answer and sadly Kuta is one of them. I accidently posted this under novel and not fanfic so here it is fixed.

Zxl_Numa · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The Devil Part 3

Holding Suigetsu tightly I sat on the cold floor saddened.

My tears splashed onto the blade clearing its reflection. Seeing myself in the blade I began holding it tightly with my hand. Blood slowly fled from my hand from a cut. A cut originating from my tight grip. 

"I wish I was stronger. Strong enough so that others do not have to die for me."

[Oe had always been a timid girl. But even a small pup raised like a wolf will become one.]

The flowing tears a beautiful clear slowly became a deep red.

[And when backed into a corner a wolf becomes a dangerous animal. Especially one that has thrown away all cares. Only caring about defeating its opponent.]

"I'll give anything. Just give me the power."

Muttering to myself, I looked at my reflection. A strange red hue overcame my vision. Looking at the blood on the blade, slowly butterflies raised from the crimson liquid. Their wings a deep red circling me like a storm.

Looking into the wings where endless possibilities I've never seen. Further than I've ever ventured with my ability. Slowly one of the butterflies flew closely to me. Landing in my hand I lightly grasped it looking deeply into it. 

[Oe's technique which had been advanced due to a dangerous binding vow. Allowed her to see deep and wider than before. A being beyond normal sorcery was born out of blood and need in this moment.]

(3rd person)

"Are you going to give up."

Breathing heavy Nishimoto stood alone. 

'Damn it. How much cursed energy did she have.'

Oe's 'mother' slowly approached him with a smile on her face. Trying to channel his cursed energy like Sensei had taught him. He knew he could barely stand and looked at her smiling.

'I guess I'm all out of gas.'

Barely holding himself Nishimoto had a small smile on his face. 

'At least Oe was able to get away.'

Oe's 'mother' approached both looking at each other. Getting to Nishimoto, she put her hand out near his face. Nishimoto felt a strange feeling in his body. Like his soul was forcefully being pushed out. 

'Her cursed technique.' 

Oe's 'mother had activated her curse technique on Nishimoto. An energy grasped Nishimoto, Oe's mother stared at him before his body went limp. A light blue ball of energy came out. 

Turning around to the rubble of the building. A reddish ball of energy came over to her. Both balls of energy floated in front of her.

"Great. Everything going to plan. Just a few more pieces need."

Combining the balls into one. She looked at it with a wicked smile. Using cursed energy on a finger and she cut a slit into her finger. A drop of blood added to the energy and making the energy sinister. 

Feeling a presence close by her smile remained on her face.

"Naoki, were you going to just let your friends die."

Turning to her side. Oe's 'mother looked at a random dark corner. 

(Oe's Pov)

Coming out of the dark dragging Suigetsu by my side. I looked at the monster who took my mother's face.

"Shut up."

"You know it's rude to talk to your mother like that Naoki. I rose you better than that Naoki."

My face was unfazed my this 'things' act.

"You're not my mother. You're the Devil."

"The Devil how could you say that about your mother. But you're not wrong."

The monster began laughing before messing with the stiches on her head. Unraveling them she took her head off. Showing me a disgusting sight of a brain. 

"How could you tell."

I pointed to my eyes with my free hand. 

"How interesting. Must be related to your cursed technique. But what would happen if I did something to those eyes."

The monster ran at me quickly. But I stood there not moving.

[Maximum Cursed Energy Output - Cursed Technique: Butterfly's Almighty Effect.]

[A crash like sound resonated around the two fighters. One was unfazed while the other was confused.]

"I missed?"

Looking at the monster. I saw her stare at her hand. Wondering why she missed.

"Your back."


Reaching behind her the monster looked at her hand confused. Blood colored her hand.

"My cursed technique."

"Your cursed technique?"

The monster had a confused expression. Lifting up my hand slowly and pointing to my eye. I began explaining my cursed technique as she stood looking at me. 

"My cursed technique allows me to see the future. But the cost is it exhaust a lot of cursed energy. How much I can see is very limited as well. The only time it isn't when I'm asleep. Sensei said it's because when I'm asleep I'm in a Zen like state."

The monster listened closely. 

"But with my maximum output. I'm allowed to destroy a possible event from happening. Making a random one come true. In that moment you attacked me destroyed that event of you attacking me. Seems I got lucky with that outcome."

[The devil stared at Oe amazed. Her actions had created something beyond what she was expecting. A monster, but she only smiled. This was beyond her expectations.]

"If you can see the future and even change it why didn't stop me from killing your friend earlier."

Looking up the 'sky' was beautiful. It was a veil that entrapped the whole town. The city was dragged into a fight that it didn't even know about. Looking back at the monster in front of me my face scrunched in anger. No one was exempt from this thing's 'experiments'. Not even Masaki's father. 

"You let him die didn't you. You saw something and let him die."

The monster began laughing.

"What did you see Noaki.' 

The monster stepped closer. Looking at her I felt no fear in these moments. Instead of a face of despair a small grin grew.

"Which name do you want me to put on your gravestone. Geto or something else."

The monster smile grew even bigger. 

"So, you know. How much did I see?"

My smile became as crooked as her's. 

"Your head rolling like a bowling ball."

After the sentence came out of my mouth. I started laughing. As I laughed the monster joined in laughing as well. 

[Maximum Cursed Energy Output - Cursed Technique: Butterfly's Almighty Effect.]

I flew in the air after a fist hit my face. Gripping Suigetsu while I was in the air. I landed a few feet back. Using Suigetsu I got up slowly.

"I grazed you."

Wiping my cheek. The monster looked at me annoyed.

"I Guess I got lucky again."

Looking at her expression brought back my crooked smile. But while I stared at her. She became blurry in my sight. 

'I guess that's all I could muster.'

"Your eyes. Their unfocused. Wait a minute, can you see me. A binding vow, you made one didn't you."

The monster's annoyed expression changed. My vison slowly decreased my ears were the only thing accurately alerting me of her presence. A laugh coming from her mouth. 

"Seems like you were mediocre even to your death."

Hearing here laugh didn't make me feel nervous. With my blurry vision I saw her lift her hands. A fist approached like lightning. Instead of fighting back I stood there.

'That should've been long enough. I'm tired.'

Closing my eyes, suddenly I felt a warm feeling encompass my body. I opened my eyes seeing golden eyes looking back at me. 

"Sensei. Welcome home." 

Forcing a large smile out of myself. Trying to seem happy. Tears swelled in my eyes, but I held them back. 

[There are few people on this earth that could measure up to Gojo Satoru. None able to fight him and live to tell the tale. But one man was able to. One man was able to face off with the honored one.]

"Where is Masaki and Nishimoto."

A stern voice came from Sensei.

"They're right there."

I pointed to the ball of energy with a sinister feel to it. Turning his head and looking at the ball. I sensed the energy around him shift. 

[Kota had thought that had got rid of these killer instincts. Long since using them. But they had been awakened and they were bearing their fangs. The Cursed Hound who existed at the peak of power with the Gojo Satoru had been unchained. And he was hungry for blood.]

Sensei slowly put me down and turned around. Turning to the monster, only a few words left his mouth. 

"I'll fucking kill you."

[The battle between the Devil who has been alive for hundreds of alive and the Teacher whose strength was beyond even the Honored ones understanding. Has officially begun, A match truly made in hell.]

Here's the chapter. Sorry that I didn't upload yesterday I was busy the whole day. This chapter wasn't from the vault and actually fresh. That's why it's coming out so late at night.

But I hope you guys like this chapter and hope every one has a good night or day.

Zxl_Numacreators' thoughts