
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

training maki in positive energy

Maki was in Kevin's room and she was sitting down in his bed.

Maki: so where do start?

Kevin: I think we should get rid of your remaining cursed energy turn around and I'll do the work.

Maki turned around and she closed her eyes Maki felt warm feeling in her body and she felt the remains of her curse energy In her body was being erased and her body felt stronger she wonders if this is what Kevin has to deal with.

Kevin: it's Done I erase the remaining curse in your body now let's get you to learn positive energy

Maki felt like she can punch a wall and her stamina went through the roof Maki never felt like this before and she was great full that Kevin trained her.

Kevin: now to for you to use positive energy you need to have a calm mind and concentration. Now just I'll give some of mine so that you get a feel for it

Maki: Allright

Maki concentrated and calmed her mind she felt Kevin's positive energy and she got a feeling like she is close to unlock something inside her being and once she reaches it she felt a warm aura that is here own.

Maki: saw her hand she put the energy in her hands. And her strength in her first felt ten times more stronger.

Kevin: how do you feel you alright?

Maki: I feel more then better. I feel like I could fight without getting tired

Kevin I noticed that your energy is colored green and my mine is red.it might be because positive energy is actually your own energy and not one born from negative emotions I think if you think about it the curse energy is easy to manifest because it comes from negative emotions and positive feels more calming like you understand your self more then before.

Maki somewhat enjoys seeing Kevin rambel about possibilities because in a wierd way he is right because now that she unlock her own positive energy she feels more calmed and her negative thoughts aren't not bothering her anymore and she actually feels like she understands her own soul.

Kevin: sorry I went on a rant.

Maki: it's fine I kinda like seeing you thinking ideas are not bad. Allright I'm going to my room and sleep. When Maki went to her room and went to sleep but all she could see in her dreams was Kevin but she saw Kevin in his cursed form and he is injured and she herself was the ground bloodied and a curse was coming she saw Kevin rushing to save her but then she woke up gasping for air.

Maki: what the hell was that did I just saw the future? Maybe I'm just stressing out maki keeped thinking back to that dream and she is scared because would mean that Kevin will die she she couldn't close her eyes she was too scared the she made a decision that she wouldn't do.

Kevin woke up to the sound of his door knocking but when he opened the door he saw maki who didn't have her gladden and she looks scared and uncomfortable. And she was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts.

Maki: I'm well aware this is a bad time but I can't sleep because I had a nightmare.

Kevin just sighed and let her in

Kevin: what happen? And take your time.

Maki: I have been having normal dreams my childhood me training with our friends but then I saw you in your cursed form and you looked injured and a curse was about to kill me but your eyes you looked panicked and it felt so real that I woke up in a sweat.

Kevin: so you came to see me?

Maki: well yeah but can I sleep here?

Kevin:huh in my bed?

Maki: It's just for one night and that's all look I tried to go sleep I really did but I keep seeing that nightmare. I know that normally I'm aggressive and all but I want to try at least ask for help and are the only person that knows how I work.

Kevin hugged maki and patted her on the back.

Kevin: look you can sleep here but this is a secret between you and me

Maki: fine

They both decide to went to sleep but and they fell asleep the next morning Maki woke up and the first thing she sees is Kevin's sleeping face and she found it cute

Maki: I can't believe I'm turning into a high school girl with a crush but at least Kevin actually change me for the best if I didn't meet him I wouldn't achieve much. She decided to leave but before she did. Maki did something that she would want to die from embarrassment. She actually kissed a sleeping Kevin on the check and once she processes what she just did. she went to her room and burned her face her pillow and she was screaming in complete embarrassment.