
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

a Strom is coming

It was a cold day and the group of 6 where walking around the school campus.

Kevin: I didn't expect it would be cold to day well thank God I'm bearly feeling it.

Yuta: so Kevin what's with maki her energy is kinda like your.

Kevin: I actually trained her on using positive energy i had a theory maki has a heavenly restriction because she bearly has any curse energy so I thought that people that have heavenly restrictions are perfect matches for positive energy and my theory was right.

Yuta: you think I can do it to I'm just curious.

Kevin: you would be hard no

Yuta: huh why?

Kevin: rika is kinda like me she is made out of 90% curse energy and I'm 90% positive energy. That mean if you had positive energy you would only be able to use it In the reverse curse technique.

Yuta: so I can use it but Rika's cursed energy is way too overwhelming?

Kevin: exactly. But again at least you will be able to use the reverse curse technique.

Yuta: yeah yo-

The group saw a giant pelican and It opened its mouth to reveal people thought one caught Kevin and Yuta's attention.

Maki: who the hell are you?

Inumaki: your trespassing leave now.

Panda: wait I i think he is the fugitive In hiding suguru geto.

Elizabeth: you know him?

Panda: no but apparently he is wanted by the higher-ups and the order are to kill him on sight.

Instead of responding to the four geto just got to Kevin and yuta at blinding speeds that Kevin and yuta weren't used to and geto grabbed both of there hands in a friendly way.

Geto: so you two are the special grade and semi special grade.

you two seem like you get along

The moment geto spoke the panda inumaki and Elizabeth were shaking because of geto intimidating aura Kevin slap geto's hand away from him and stood I front of yuta he knew that yuta can defend himself but he wanted to sure that geto doesn't do anything

Geto: I see the the semi special grade is the big brother figure of the special grade. Make sense yuta is a bit shy

Kevin: what do you want with yuta?

Geto: of my boy it's not just yuta I'm looking for you too because your are the succesor of an ancient sorcerer.

Kevin: how the hel-

Gojo: what are you doing to my students geto?

Geto: ah satoru it's good to see you old friend I missed you how are you doing?

Gojo didn't spoke back and the sorcerers behind him were on guard.

Geto: well thats a shame not in the mood to talk well as for why I'm here I'm want yuta and Kevin to join me to make a Paradise for jujutsu sorcerers and kill the non sorcerer. Yuta and Kevin were surprised that someone wanted them to kill non sorcerers. Yuta was surprised but Kevin was pissed off because non sorcerers would mean his mom too and he would rather die than to kill his own mother for a stupid reason for a paradise for sorcerers.

Geto: but your other student are somewhat interesting

A curse corpse. A curse speech user. And.

Geto look at maki with disgust and a mix of interest because he could sense something that isn't curse energy but more peaceful geto ignore that and only saw maki as a man that destroyed everything he believed in.

Geto: and a monkey pretending to be a sorcerer-

Geto was punch in the face and flew back a few meters away. And Kevin was the one who putch.

Kevin: call maki a monkey again and I'll kill you

Kevin's eyes were slided and looked at geto as if he just touched his treasure. Maki was glad that at least that Kevin shut geto up because when geto looked at her she could that he looked at her with disgust as if she did something to him even though she never met him.

Geto: I see so you decline my offer?

Kevin: shove it up your ass if you're telling me to kill non sorcerers that would Include my own mother so to hell with your paradise.

Geto: I see I'm going to assume that yuta here will also decided well since that plan failed time to do what I actually came here to do. Hear these words very closely because this is a declaration of war. From 2 weeks from now the parade of 100 demons will start and I'm wiping out every non sorcerer in the area.

The sorcerers could see that geto was serious about this and with his declaration finished geto got back to his pelican and flew away. Kevin then walked away.

Elizabeth: dude where are you going?

Kevin: were do you think I'm to tell my mom to leave the area.

Gojo then stopped Kevin look at him with a serious face.

Gojo don't worry your mom is gonna be fine.

Kevin: how the hell would you know?

Gojo: let's go to your mom's home I'll show.

Gojo and Kevin were on the streets and they went to his moms apartment but it was fill to the brim with boxes and Kevin saw his mother and a blonde man with strange glasses.

Lucia: ah Kevin and gojo it's been a while.

Blonde man: what are you doing here gojo?

Gojo: we need to talk let's go outside oh by the Kevin here is your step son

Kevin: huh what do you mean step son? Wait don't tell me are you.

Nanami: I know this is an award situation but yes I'm your step dad my name is kento nanami it's nice and I've been meeting your mother and making sure she is alright and telling her how are you doing. and yes she is aware of you being a jujutsu sorcerer your mother has sharp eyes and she can use curse energy and your mom works with me and she was stubborn about it.your mother wants to help her son. You are lucky to have a good mother

Kevin was having trouble processing the dump of information he now has a step dad and his mother is a sorcerer.

Lucia: I should be mad you lied to Me but I wouldn't have believed you. Nanami told me the facts and I'm some what proud that my son is special and I'm glad you family found out what's going on with your body.

Lucia hugged Kevin a proud way and Kevin hugged back.


Nanami: so get made a declaration of war?

Gojo: yeah but if I know geto he won't make a threat without a plan.

Nanami: do you think his real goal is Kevin and yuta?

Gojo: that's most likely thing that will happen. What ever the case we need to be ready for the worst. So what's your wife's technique.

Nanami: I'm still not completely engaged but like shoko she has a talent for the reverse curse technique and she might have the ability to heal someone's soul.

Gojo: really? Well looks like the mark family is a bit special.

Nanami: yeah I'm planning to do my best that Lucia and her son are safe.

Gojo: hey you never told you came back as a sorcerer.

Nanami let out a sigh and explained he knew that gojo acts like a clown but he is a clown with a Brain.

Nanami: I tried getting a normal job but I didn't turn out well. and I met a female baker and she had a curse wrapped around her neck and me and her talked about how some jobs are not for some people and she told me to do a job that I actually have more of a benefit and so here we are.

Gojo: so you wanted to quit being a sorcerer but you didn't fit in anywhere huh.

Nanami: I suppose so but enough about me we should get ready when geto attacks.

Gojo: right.

The sorcerers and students were getting ready for the attack but the ones who need to prepare the most is yuta and Kevin.