
Jujutsu Kaisen: Good Loser

What if you had the ability to 'erase' an aspect of reality? the ability to even deny concepts and causality. What chaos will you create? Our boy Kumagawa Misogi who owned that ability receives a gift from Anshin'in-san. Look forward to what will happen if the King of Minus himself arrive at the world of Curses. Will he become a curse or perhaps a curse energy generator. Read to find out

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: King of Minus


Fushiguro Megumi and Itadori Yuji stared at the boy standing still ready to attack at a moment of notice.

Itadori was clenching his hand hard because all of his senses are screaming at him. Whether the being who possessed the boy or even the boy himself, they are the personifications of evil! He really wanted to jump into him right now and pummel him however Fushiguro stopped him.

Fushiguro is also forming a particular hand seal ready to do the ritual. Just like Yuji, he sensed the ominous thing inside this creature. He just hope that help will arrive soon.

5 seconds after the boy stood still, a movement was finally noticed from him. The two young man tightened their muscles ready for the next fight but what they didn't expect was for the boy to start crying infront of them.

[Kuh! And he was such a cool man. Waaaaaah! Unfortunately he had to perish!] This comedical reaction took them aback enough that their jaws opened on their own. "Hey, are you alrigh- no, you're not! We need to go to the hospital! How are you even alive in the first place? You're full of holes!" Yuji ignored his instinct and went close to Kumagawa inspecting his body.

Kumagawa perked his ear as he slowly looked at Yuji. Tears suddenly bursted out of his sockets stunning Yuji. [You're the second person who treated me nicely!] Kumagawa shouted.

"I-Is that so..? Wait, not the time for that! We need to patch you u-? What the hell?" Yuji remembered the crucial thing as he helped Kumagawa stand up only to notice the fresh look he has. "Where did your injuries go?!" Yuji asked patting Kumagawa's body.

[Huh? Did I get injured? I don't remember having some damage] Kumagawa tilted his head appearing confuse as the two did another Tsukomi.

Fushiguro who was watching the whole fiasco still had his jaw open. He also didn't notice how his injury were fixed. 'His clothes were returned too?' He felt like he is dealing with something more absurd that Gojo here.

Luckily, his prayers were answered when a hand reached his shoulder. "Aiyaa, you're beaten up Megumi~" Gojo Satoru, the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer of this era commented staring at his student's condition. "Sensei!" Megumi exclaimed.

Instead of being happy, Megumi's expression soured watching his teacher taking pictures of him. "Anyway, where is the finger?" Gojo had enough messing around as he asked. It was an important artifact after all.

Megumi didn't respond and just pointed at the two arguing guy. Gojo turned his head at the two and saw an anomaly. "Are you kidding me?" He muttered now fully aware of what happened minutes before he arrived. "What is that kid Megumi? He has the aura of Sukuna while having no curse energy at all" Gojo asked tilting his head.

Megumi can understand the first part but he was gobsmacked by the second one. "No curse energy?" He muttered before getting shocked. Indeed! He somehow ignored it but the immense curse energy surrounding him before has vanished! 'What just happened?'

Gojo also saw the confusion on Megumi's face so he took it upon himself to do the job. "Yo! You look good young man!" He said waving his hand while showing a wide grin. Itadori and Kumagawa stopped their play as they both turned their heads.

[Woah! Someone has a good eyes here! You managed to spot my super hidden secret, I guess it can't be helped. Even if I tried to hide it, my charisma will just give it away] Kumagawa shook his head as if disappointed to himself.

"Haha, I like your style! How about coming with us? You too boy, you're abnormally strong" Gojo chuckled as he reached out his hand. Though he immediately took it back as fast as he placed it. 'Huh?' Gojo thought tilting his head wondering what just happened.

Did his hand just instinctively pulled back? What is the reason? How come he, the strongest felt frightened? [Ohh, you won't have a handshake? Sad, I was expecting too] Gojo instantly found the answer. Blue eyes that seemed to hold the skies itself stared at the disturbing gray eyes that looked darker than black.

As expected, even in this world. No one can get away from Kumagawa's minus. The strongest of the world faltered just from the thought of holding his hand, what would become of the guy if he really touched him? That would be a question better left unanswered.

"Oh right, I haven't heard your name yet. Mine's Gojo, Gojo Satoru" Gojo decided to push that matter aside and introduced himself. He assumed a snarky grin on his face. [I am Kumagawa Misogi! The number one minus] Kumagawa also did his introduction maintaining the creepy smile.

"That's that. Let's leave now! Ijichi will handle the rest~" Gojo smiled as he gestured the others to move. "Wait! How did you erase your curse energy?! It was abundant earlier, how come everything just vanished?" Megumi decided that it was time to ask about this matter. Just earlier, he can't even see a glimpse of a human from how dense the curse energy is.

This also piqued Gojo's interest as he didn't sense anything before. [Do you mean this?] Kumagawa smiled at Megumi before his whole silhouette was covered by an immense amount of curse energy that dwarfed Gojo by an insane margin. Gojo twitched his lips at the showcase.

He now realizes why Megumi seemed frantic about this. 'Jackpot' he thought, grinning widely. This will definitely help him with the reforming he wanted. "I like you even more now~!" Gojo commented as Kumagawa sniffled. [How passionate..! Your feelings have reached me but unfortunately I hate gays] Kumagawa said.

Gojo didn't mind the comment as he was more focused on what will happen from now on. "Alright! Let's leave this place!" Gojo shouted, feeling pretty excited. Although he is curious to how Kumagawa completely hid his curse energy, he can ask about it later.

[Where are we going? Is it somewhere cool? Oh, what is this?! This creature is actually awesome! I want to have one in my aquarium! Oh, can we buy some snacks? I have no money so please pay for it. Huh, wait I do have money, I'll go buy some right now] Gojo finally understood the feelings of others when he is messing around.

The sight of Kumagawa petting a curse spirit while the creature not responding in hostility amazed Gojo but also weirded him out. Not only him but Megumi and Itadori also. Both are just numb from the mind breaking things that Kumagawa did that they just chose to stay quiet.


"Welcome! Jujutsu High!" Gojo opened his arms and welcomed both Itadori and Kumagawa inside. "Huh? Where's that guy?" Gojo asked noticing the lack of presence of Kumagawa. Megumi just sighed and pointed somewhere while Itadori took his time admiring the place. "This looks like old as hell!" he commented touching the wooden structures.

"Isn't this bad sensei? That guy clearly smells like trouble" Megumi said staring at Gojo who just shrugged it off. "Hah, the air of youth is beaming on him! Let's leave him be! He'll meet the principal anyway" Gojo said picking Itadori on his calf before dashing to the dormitory.

On the other side of the place, there was an middle aged man sewing some cute dolls while a young man sat in front of him having a smile on his face. [So? You love cute things?] Kumagawa asked picking one of the dolls only to be punched by it sending him flying to the wall.

[He packs a punch! How nice~!] He said ignoring the blood dripping from his mouth. He started chasing the dolls again as they responded in kind, beating the hell out of him. It was only when Kumagawa was left battered on the floor that they stopped their aggression.

Principal Yaga also finished his new work so he put it aside and stared at Kumagawa. He was focused on his job before that he didn't took a single glance at the boy but now that he did, an unstoppable urge was triggered on his body. His stomach churned before vomit dirtied the floor.

"Kuuh!" He could not stop the urge as he kept vomiting. [Aw, now my favorite uniform has been drenched. I need to clean it now] Kumagawa said still smiling as he stood up from the floor. His whole body is still full of bruises from the beating he received.

Principal Yaga took a step back clearly trying to avoid looking at the abomination. He never saw a human emitting so much negativity before! This insanity is too much, it made him nauseous and dizzy. [Are you alright? I bet you're not! Why are you barfing? Someone poisoned you? Well, at the end, IT IS NOT MY FAULT!]

Kumagawa seemed to enjoy the situation as he spoke cheerfully at Yaga. Principal Yaga flinched at his voice as it was as disgusting as his visage. He flared his curse energy and took control of his cursed puppets. He is now ready to fight this anomaly in front of him.

Unfortunately or fortunately for him, Gojo arrived just in time breaking the door with his foot. "Yoo~! Huh? Yaga-sensei, you're shaking!" Gojo found it amusing watching Yaga being cautious with Kumagawa. [Kumagawa Misogi at your service!] Kumagawa shouted at Yaga while having a salute.