
Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Smoke

Scottish bore Jujutsu sorcerer travelling lands afar. While on his journey he arrives in Japan, land of the most powerful Jujutsu sorcerers both past and present. How was he supposed to know his life was going to be flipped upside down. Support me on: pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW Cover image isn't mine, contact me if you want it removed.

DodgyWriter · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Japan 3

"Remember, if the principal asks what happened, we fought, talked it out, and stayed at a hotel overnight." Gojo repeated for the umpteenth time.

Snapping his head towards his new sensei, "I get it already! Fucking hell man, geez a break" Hector barked, murmuring the last part in english.

It was morning, the day after the fight. Turns out he was out for a lot longer than he thought, felt like he was only under for a few minutes for his view.

Gojo seemed to be a pretty decent guy, as long as you can ignore his chronic annoyingness. Took him out for a big breakfast and everything, propper good stuff as well, paid for it too.

Gojo's wallet must be stacked if his Special-grade rating is anything to go by, those at that level don't even need to do missions to get paid. Everyones sucking up their ass so much they get paid a fat salary regardless.

While they were out and about, Gojo changed out of his Jujutsu Tech uniform into a fresh new outfit and started rocking blackout shades that typically blind people use, instead of the blindfold he covered his eyes with before. The brands that he was using just highlighted how rich he was, if Hector was guessing he would say Gojo's entire fit cost upwards of two grand.

Currently, they were walking through Jujutsu Tech, which looked less like a school and more like a rich cunts private land. The mountains the school was stationed on were covered in numerous edo-period houses which varied in size and shape.

"Where we going? We've been walking for ages now, and all you've told me is what to say to the principal." Hector grumbled, it's been a good half hour since they passed through the barrier that surrounds the school, and they walked by an uncountable number of empty houses that seemed to be randomly stationed around the place.

Checking the time on his phone, Gojo replies "Oh, we're going to see the principle. He'll get you your license and induct you into the school."

Sighing Hector sparks up another fag, he's not seen any 'no smoking' signs on the premises, so he figure it was cool to smoke. Gojo never said anything either so that's that.

"Better put that out before we go in." Gojo told him, finally stopping at a massive mansion, "Principle Yaga's a bit of a hardass when it comes to stuff like that. He said it's fine for you, since your cursed technique works like that, but we're roughly twenty minutes late, and I wouldn't bet on him being too happy."

Great, first day here and he's already pissed off the boss. Just what he was needing.

Placing the cig between his lips he rapidly hoovered it down to the filter, quicker than cartoon fuses burn down. Gojo gave a snort of amusement, as he watched his newest pupil finish his smoke faster than he finishes missions.

Without further ado Hector stepped inside to meet the principle. The wide open room was dimly lit, with only a few small torches tied to the central pillars bringing enough light to properly see.

Sat in the main podium a few steps higher than ground level, was a burly, middle aged man surrounded by cute stuffed dolls of various designs. As funny as the contrasting scene may be, Hector knew better than to laugh.

The dolls that surround the man were cursed corpses, highly well made ones at that. Every one of them were primed and ready to pounce, contrary to their lifeless forms at present.

Hector actually knew quite a bit about cursed corpses, as someone in his clan had the technique that allowed him to create cursed corpses out of pure water, granted they were mostly weak and the sorcerer's low cursed energy didn't help his endeavor in the slightest.

Still, Billy was a stand up guy for the most part. Used to let him mess around with his creations when he was younger, mostly fighting with them, but what's fun is fun.

As he walked towards the principal, the man in question was staring down Gojo, a visible tick mark throbbing violently on his temple, "What have I told you about being late…" he said with anger, before glancing at Hector, "...and you're late while bringing the new student no less."

"Not my fault I happened to get lost on the way here." Gojo responded with a sly smile.

Snapping his fingers, the dolls that surrounded him came to life. Stuff filled arms shakily brought them to their feet, before quickly finding their stride and pouncing at Gojo. The hoard quickly swarmed around Gojo and began swinging, not that they could do much against his barrier.

While Hector smirked at the cursed corpse pile that hid Gojo from his view, Yaga spoke, "So you're the new recruit?" giving Hector a one over through the tinted lens of his glasses "Why're you here?"

With a baffled look coating his face, "The fuck d'you mean why am I here? To join the school and get my ID obviously" Magnus coarsely answered.

"What about when you join the school, what are you going to do then?" Yaga pressed.

"School shit, of course." Hector shrugged, not knowing how else to reply to Yaga's question.

"And what if you don't enjoy the school shit." Yaga said, sounding more like a member of the Yakuza than the school principal. Looks like one too, swap the blue uniform out for a yukata and he'd fit right in to the criminal organisation.

"Well I'll just have to suck it up then won't I." Hector shrugged, in all honesty he wasn't too thrilled about going to school but he's got limited options here with Gojo breathing down his neck.

Plus it could do him some good staying here. For one he'll be getting paid for doing missions, instead of being cursed by the local sorcerers for being on their turf without express permission. Secondly, the sorcerers here are the best the world has to offer, if he wants to improve there's hardly a better place for it.

Surprisingly, Yaga never immediately bombarded him with another question. Yaga just stared at him, deep in thought as the sounds of the cursed corpse laying into Gojo dully thumped in the background.

"Acceptable." Yaga states, reaching his final verdict, holding his arm out he says "Welcome to Jujutsu High"

Closing in to shake Yaga's firm hand, Gojo instantly appeared next to him as they shook, "See what'd I tell you, easy peasy wasn't it." Breaking us apart and herding me to the exit, Gojo says "Come on, Come on. I'll show you your dorm."

Before I could say anything in return, one of Yaga's dolls latched onto Gojo's arm, "Where do you think you're going? We need to have a talk about your tardiness, Gojo" Yaga Insisted with an underlying tone of anger.

Letting out a nervous chuckle, "I don't think that's very necessary, and someone needs to show Hector here where to go." But Yaga was having none of it, and the hoard of dolls were sicced back onto Gojo.

While Yaga and his team were jumping Gojo, a single cutesy cursed corpse stood next to me holding out an identification card. Well the term cute was dependent on how you look at it, the dolls unnerving wide smile was sure to freak a good few people out

With Gojo in a headlock, Yaga shouted over, "Take your ID, Cathy will show you to the dorms. When you're there, pick a room, there's plenty of empty ones." Swapping the headlock for a rear naked choke he continues, "Make sure you introduce yourself to your fellow classmates as well."

Giving Yaga a thumbs up, he takes his ID card and leaves the two teachers to continue whatever the hell they're doing.

As soon as he exited Yaga's building, Hector lit up a fresh fag, and took a well deserved draw of accomplishment. Joining up was easy enough, Principal Yaga seems like a decent guy as well, if a bit weird.

But is there any sorcerer who doesn't have quirks in their personalities?

Following behind the waddling cursed corpse, he eventually arrived at another Japanese mansion style building. After Cathy pointed a stubby arm at the place, the doll left and Hector was left to his own devices.

As he closed in on the dorms, he saw the group of three students he nearly blew up the other day conversing in the courtyard out front.

Guess it was time for him to meet his new classmates.

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