

In a average size japanesse house we look into the room to see.... That it was completely dark with the exception of the small ray of light that was beaming through the gap between the curtains shining on the bed where if you look close enough you could see the subtle rise and fall of a young handsome man with pitch black hair sleeping soundly. The young man looked quite comfortable he was smiling slightly signifying that he was having a good dream. Any sane person that looked at him would've allowed the young man to continue sleeping but, alas.


The sound of someone busting through his door abruptly woke him up from his pleasant dream. Opening his eyes and sitting up quickly the young man was about to jump out the bed and beat the hell out of the person who just damn near broke his door down.


Only to hear the sounds of his curtain opening loudly which caused a ripple effect having the sun shine in his room, but you see the sun shining in his room wasn't really the problem… it was the fact that the young man had only opened his eyes a second or two before tragedy struck.



It was like a flashbang had went off in the young mans eyes, he had fallen on the floor covering his eyes like they were being seared. Was he overreacting? Maybe, but it was completely justified in his head! Who the hell barges in someone's room like they're the goddamn FBI and damn near blind someone like tha-.

He stopped his thoughts abruptly. He knew exactly who this person was after all there was nobody other than 'HIM' who could freely get in and out of his house seeing as he is parentless. The young man slowly made gaps between his fingers to get his eyes used to the light, and when the did he saw another young man who looked slightly younger than maybe by a year or so looking at him and holding his hand over his to try to attempt to stop his laughter from spilling out.


The other young broke out in a fit of laughter havimg to sit down on a chair that was near a desk to keep himself from falling on the floor, the other young man who had fallen on the floor deadpanned at his friend before standing up and yawning, he was shown to be a tall young man standing at 6'0, he had pitch black hair that seemed to absorb the light that comes from the sun after yawning he opened his eyes to show that they were blood red with two overlapping circles surrounding the pupil, he was currently wearing a white T-shirt and boxers that had a red background with black stripes.

He looked over to the his friend who had been the one to cause him immense pain, seeing that he was still laughing historically his right eyebrow twiched in annoyance. Walking over to his friend he held up his fist to the height of his neck, his height casting a shadow over his friend who's laughter had dyed down seeing as it looked like it was… getting darker? He looked up only to be horrified seeing his friend getting ready to hit him, he tried to plead but it fell on deff ears. Cutting back to outside the it was quite… until.



We cut back into the house but this time downstairs where the kitchen is located, we see two young men, one is cooking while the other is at the table sulking with a giant bump on his head.

"You didn't have to hit me so hard Yu-senpai"

"I wouldn't HAVE to hit you at all if you would have continue to let me sleep yuji"

The one called Yu-senpai or his real name Yuichiro Uchiha was currently cooking responded to the his friend also known as Yuji Itadori who was currently sitting at the table with a huge bump on his head. Yuji Itadori was a young man of the average height of 5'8 he had pink hair with an undercut and brown eyes.

"If I hadn't you would've been late for school...… again."

Yuji muttered that last part before sighing, he knew his best friend and brother was a genius at everything so much so that he could graduate any time he wants despite being a first year like him, the reason he didn't? Yuji had once asked him that but the response he got surprised him.

"If I graduated who would stop you from doing the stupid things you do"

Yuji didn't want to admit it but he was happy and grateful that his best friend and brother in all but blood stayed with him, they had been in each other's lives since he was 6 and Yu was 7 or it was more like Yuji would always follow Yu around in whatever he did, yuji chuckled at the memories before he was interrupted by Yu.

"Couldn't you have just woken me up like any other normal person would?"

Yuji looked at Yu with a sweatdrop.

"You sleep like a rock, waking you up the 'normal' way wouldn't work on something like you"

"Oi! What the hell do you mean something? And if anything you're just like me."

"No no, you're a freak even by my standars."

Yuji responded with a deadpan and it was true they both had abnormal bodies but Yuichiro's body was even more abnormal than Yuji's. Yu sighed there was really no reason to be irritated by that statement as it is true, neither he nor Yuji knew why they were like this. Maybe Yuji's grandad knew why Yuji is the way he is but him? He had no biological relatives ever since he could remember he was always alone not having even a shred of memories of his parents or any relatives at all. Until, He was found and raised by am old man who took him from the hospital after he learned that his daughter and grandson had passed.

The old man had taken me in and raised me as if I was his own, he was also a dojo owner where he had met Yuji, the old man had taught him lots of martial arts and sword arts but sadly he passed away a 2 years ago leaving him with everything the old man owned so he was quite well of since the old man had some money saved and a sword or more specifically a chokuto.

A/N: Think of Sasuke's Sword in Boruto

He didn't know why but his grandfather carried that sword with him every where and since it was one of the last things the old man gave him before his passing he did to. He sighed once again before putting the food he was cooking before into two bentos one for him and another for Yuji wrapping up there bentos in a cloth he walked torwards his door passing Yuji on the way as he was still sitting in his own head he called out.

"C'mon lets go Yuji"

"Huh? Oh, coming"

As Yu was walking he picked us his Chokuto that was in the same carrier as the umbrellas before stopping and sitting to put on his shoe's, he heard the sound of foot steps stop walk right pass him and stopped, Yu looked up to see Yuji waiting by the door with a smirk. He let out his own smirk before standing up walked torwards the door while Yuji was bowing slightly with his head down and his right forearm in front of his chest like a butler would his master, Yu silently chuckled at his idiotic best friend and brother before he nodded to Yuji and opened the door wlaking out. As they where walking torwards the school Yuichiro only had one thought

'Today's gonna be a good day.'

A/N: Man a 1.3k chapter for the first chapter is that impressive or not considering im currently writing this on an Ipad? Any way give me feedback on ways I could improve.

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