
Jujutsu Kaisen: 8th Sin

The destiny promised to a small Sorcerer Family hundreds of years ago has come true. The Hope of Tsuganaga family was born, bringing the strength, glory and respect to the desperate clan. The One who will bring forth the Hell was destined to dominate the Sorcerer World the moment he was born. Will he be the blessing of a world... or an Anti-Christ of his own story? Only time will tell.

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My name is Tsuganaga Kosuke.

I was born on 13th of February, 2001 AD. The son of the main branch of the Tsuganaga family tree, the prodigy, and not too long ago - recognized as the destined child my family was promised for three centuries.

Since birth I was different from my cousins and peers, I was much smarter than an average child and could comprehend things I shouldn't have been able to. But my annoying life as a 'Savant of Tsuganagas' started the moment I admitted to seeing the weird creatures - one could even call monsters - since I could remember.

I was being tutored and trained since the age of 3, none of it was too hard but considering the age it all started it still felt wrong. I didn't like my circumstances, I didn't like being forced to do something, but I understood why it was all happening.

I was being educated about the Curses and everything revolving around them. Sorcerers, Cursed Energy, Cursed Technique. Of course not everything was explained, since I was a child, but overall I was aware of the surface of the above-mentioned topics.

They couldn't have been sure that I was that child in the prediction of legendary Sorcerer Eri Ishii, that was passed down to the generations of Tsuganagas by Eiji Tsuganaga, despite his parents being against it. But they still treated me as such. As time showed, their hopes weren't let down by the Fate.

At the age of five I awakened my Innate Technique. 'Awakened' is actually a wrong word to use here, I should say I sensed it at the age of five. Once becoming aware of my Innate Technique, all of the knowledge necessary to use it was flooding my mind. I shared this discovery and knowledge with my father, the head of Tsuganaga family - Isamu.

Saying he rejoiced is an understatement. He was happier than I've ever seen him. The Fated child who will bring glory to this Family was his direct son, the best case scenario was taking place in front of him.

My physical trainings intensified, which were now accompanied by Cursed Energy trainings. My cousins and all of people associated with Tsuganaga name were involved in my development, after all my strength determined their influence.

All this time, since Eiji Tsuganaga appeared in front of the leaders of Sorcerer World with 'The Promised Fate' of Eri Ishii, this Family was taken under the wing of one of the most influential Clans - Gojo Family. Gojos protected Tsuganagas from other powerful clans and made sure to keep them somewhat free - to not intervene with the foreseen Fate of a legendary Oracle.

Two years have passed since my 'Awakening', I'm a not-so-ordinary seven year old child, ready to enter the world of Sorcerers the moment I'll turn 15. It's worth mentioning that Gojo family became pretty intensely involved in my life for two years already. They took us as their protégé to make me indebted to them in the first place. Having a support and debt to pay from one of the strongest people of the future is not something to scoff at and they took this opportunity when it appeared. Unlike Zenins, who antagonized us, they were much smarter with their move.

They even went as far as not being against the marriage between two families. The leader of Gojo family didn't oppose to the fact that one of his daughters wanted to marry my grandfather and welcomed my grandfather with open hands when he asked for the marriage approval. So yeah, one can say I'm something of a Gojo myself.

But I didn't expect them to make this move this early. In front of me was standing a tall teen, around 19 years of age. He had a white, almost shining hair and bandages on his eyes. His clothes were resembling that of a student of Jujutsu academy. He had a radiant and excited smile on his face as he approached me.

I was sitting in the middle of meditation room of Tsuganaga household, no ordinary human could enter here, but calling the man nearing me ordinary is probably the last thing someone will do.

"Hello there. So is it you who's all that fuss about? Hmm?"

I didn't hear the cracking sound of a wooden floor we're on when he made a step. He quickly appeared in front of me, squatted down to be on my eye level and awaited for my response.

I wanted to show him that I disliked when people disrupted my meditation and Cursed Energy training, so I plainly ignored him. Though, it didn't seem like it bothered him too much since that carefree smile was still on that picture perfect face.

"Oi, ignoring your cousins is very rude, you know."

Finally giving in to the temptation of wanting to take a look at the man, I opened my eyes and looked at him with an annoyed expression.

'It truly is him, one of the strongest sorcerers in the world. The man I have more things in common with than I probably should. Gojo Satoru.'

He childishly waived at me

"Kosuke-kun~, how's it going. You probably know who I am, so let's skip formali-"

"Who the hell are you?" I asked with the deadpan face interrupting him and making the situation awkward.

Of course I knew who the hell he was, I wanted to play with his nerves a bit, in which I absolutely succeeded.


The smile froze on the face of a blindfolded man, he didn't expect this kind of turn of events.

The annoyance was visible on half-covered expression, but he didn't let the situation slip out of his flow so he quickly regained composure and introduced himself

"Haha, well that's awkward. I'm Satoru Gojo, strongest sorcerer in the world and your pretty distinct relative, my little Kosuke, so you should've already heard about me. I'm awesome, aren't I?"

Satoru stood up, posed proudly and pointed finger at himself, almost like he awaited me to be in awe and go crazy with fanboying him.

'Not even in your wildest dreams'

My stoic unimpressed face remained still, I looked at him like he was a complete idiot wasting my time, but still, I stood up from my lotus pose and slightly bowed to show respect towards the representative of the main Gojo branch.

"Pleasure to meet you, Gojo-san. I'm Kosuke Tsuganaga, the -"

Now it was Gojo's turn to interrupt me. He gestured to stop as he stopped me without any respect to the formality that the Great Clans value and cherish so much. With the same old smile and playfulness he put his hand on my shoulder and spoke up

"I know who you are, Kosuke. In fact, it's hard to find a person who doesn't. You're that famous child from Eri's prediction, but most importantly..." his smile became wider, next sentence was pronounced slowly with the voice full of excitement and anticipation

"...You're the one who awakened Seven Deadly Sins"