
chapter 34

Yuji was walking around the city as many curse spirits hid from him out of fear for their lives not wanting to be eliminated do quickly.

A figure then immerged from the shadows as a person wearing a mask appeared infront of yuji.

Yuji did not reconise her as one of the acient sorcerer's from the past so he concluded she must be a new awakened sorcerer.

The others had scattered throughout the different colonies to collect points and search for the three contestants with a hundred points.

The figure had short brown hair as they had a sword strapped to their back as they had on a black trench coat.

A giant wind slash then rushed rushed at yuji as he easily avoided it but was suprised as the slash cut over a dozen buildings in half.

"This doesn't seem to be a curse technique but a special property of their curse energy."said yuji as he entered a stance.

The wind around them started to pick up speed as the dozens of borders flew at yuji along with a few cars and some buildings.

Yuki vanished appearing behind the person as he sent a kick towards their head.

Yuji's kick was blocked by a katana wind swirling wind patterns going down the blade.

A giant bullet of pressurized wind then rushed at yuji who created a giant lighting of arrow countering the attack.

A explosion accured blowing yuji and this mysterious sorcerer back s few meters.

"You are quite strong for a belly awakened sorcerer.Are you one of the people with a hundred points?"asked yuji.

The person did not answer sending several giant tornadoes at yuji.A giant wave of fire then was then released at the tornadoes destroying them as the fire rushed at the person.

The person raised their sword as they sliced the the fire in half.Yuji was suprised although that fire was not that strong the person was still able to cut it in half.

A giant wind dragon rushed at yuji as it ripped through the air.Yuji punched the dragon as it instantly disapated.

Yuji realized that it was coming increasingly hard to breath as the oxygen was being ducked from the area around him.

The person then appeared infront of yuji sending a slash towards yuji's neck.Yuji grabbed the blade as he took off the persons mask revealing the face of a girl.

"Ozawa is that you."said yuji as the girl kicked him away grabbing the mask putting it back on.