
chapter 22

Megumi stood infront of then man who was his father who had supposedly killed by satouru gojo but thus knowledge was not known by him.

Toji said nothing as he appeared infront of megumi about to deliver a kick to his face.Megumi used rabbit escape to blind toji but toji cut through a large portion of the rabbits about to stab megumi.

A giant version of nue appeared behind megumu as a bolt if lighting rushed at toji.Toji jumped over it as toji put away his soul spitting katana and grabbed playful cloud.

Despite his lack of an arm megumi and the others watched as toji used playful cloud with ease as he struck it down at megumi.

Megumi summoned max elephant as his trunk blocked playful cloud as toji was then blasted by a jet of water.

Toji landed a few meters away as he disappeared appearing behind megumi as he used the sharpened tip of playful to try a pier megumi in the chest.

Megumi's toad then grabbed his face as he yanked him away from toji causing megumi to avoid being stabbed by playful cloud.

Megumi then summoned his great twin hounds as they rushed at toji trying to restrain him.Toji kicked both dogs away as he rushed towards megumi's.

Great serpent then immerged from the ground as it spat water from it mouth due to it's fusion with max elephant.

Toji disappeared as the stream of water approached him as appeared over the head of great serpent about to cut it in half.

Toji was suddenly blinded by dozens of frogs startedflying infront of him and striking their tongues at him as the rain of toads seemed endless.

This was the result of the fusion of nue the toad and megumi's rabbit escape.This caused great serpent to resubmerd under the ground as toji jumped away from the swarm of frogs.

Megumi then shot max elephants water from his own finger tips due to an idea he had been given Yuki as a condensed stream of water rushed at toji.

Toji evaded this as he appeared behind megumi as he was about to stab him with playful cloud."Fushiguro watch out!"shouted maki but it was too late.

Megumi was then stabbed in the abdomin by playful cloud as toji then used it to strike him in his back breaking a few of his ribs.

Toji then kicked him in the vack of the head as he flew into some nearby rubble."He is too strong should I try and summon mahoraga."said megumi to himself.

Megumi clasped his hands together but then he remembered yuji words.

Megumi stop seeing mahoraga as a problem solver that mentality holds you back from your true potential and finding new combinations its what all ten shadows user did they saw mahoraga as this unbeatable God causing none of them to be able to tame it along as you see mahoraga as a pillar you can never reach your full potential.

"Yuji if only it were that simple it's not like I van constantly regenerate my shikigami like you can."Saud megumi as he got up.

"But that's no excuse cause now I will not lose no matter what!"shouted megumi.Mwgumi's body then burst into golden light as toji and the others who witnessed it saw a figure appear behind his back.

A star shaped birth mark appeared on megumi's neck as a stand manifested behind him.

Yuji stopped as he felt it megumi had done it he had awakened a stand and due to their connection he knew exactly which one the stand crazy diamond.

Megumi disappeared as crazy diamond sent a punch towards toji who was suprised as he did not reconize the thing behind megumi as a ten shadows shikigami toji flew back as he landed in a pile of rubble.

Hmm I guess you had potential afterall said toji as he disappeared appearing behind megumi happy that his son was as strong as he hoped he'd be.

"I can't just March back into your life after missing so much but you will always be my blessing."said toji as he left both playful cloud and the soul splitting katana with megumi and vanished into thin air.