
chapter 21

Megumi,naobito,maki and nanami were inside of dagons domain.Nanami clasped his hands ad he made a hand seal."Domain expansion critical stacker"said nanami as he expanded his domain.

Nanami's domain started to clash with Dagons but dagons domain was not as refined as nanami's so his domain started to collapse.

But because Dagon had more curse energy he was able to keep repairing his domain making it stronger leaving the domain clash equal.

Nanami activated his domain's ability as it made any attack he does is unmissable no matter how far away you are from him and the more attacks he makes the stronger the next attack will be and the weaker the opponents becomes constantly losing curse energy and he can also get so strong to the point he can start making your internal organs collapse upon command.

Nanami slashed his blade down beside him as a slash appeared on Dagons chest as blood dripped from the wound.

Naobito then appeared infront of Dagon placing his hand on him as Dagon turned in a frame.Noabito attacked this frame as Dagon flew a few meters away.

Maki then hit Dagon with her weapon but he blocked it but the great serpent then attacked Dagon as it chomped off dagons left arm.

Dagon then got angry as dozens of fish like shikigami rushed towards maki,negumi and the others.Nanamu started cutting up a few of them but a large chunk of his arm was bitten of by one.

Dagon then sent dozens if water slashes at naobito who used projection sorcery to avoid it but a fish shiligami appeared infront of him biting off his arm.

Nanami appeared infront of Dagon slashing towards him and sending him flying.Nue then appeared out of nowhere as a giant bolt of lightning rushed towards Dagon.

Dagon dogged it as maki attacked him using the weapon he had received from megu.i but a giant shikigami came from the ocean and attacked her.

Nanami cut the shikigami in half but Dagon jumped infront of Nanami kicking him to the ground.Naobito then grabbed Dagon turning him into a frame as he maki hit Dagon with her weapon knocking him to the ground.

But Dagon released another wave of water as a giant slash took naobito's other arm as Dagon appeared infront of him and broke his beck killing him.

Dagon then turned maki about to attack her but was hit by max elephants water jet piercing his chest.

Lighting then struck Dagon as it combined with the water causing a giant electrical shock. Electricuting Dagon as he let out a scream as he screamed out in pain.

Dagons domain then collapsed as nanami's took over as nanami appeared infront of dagong taking of both of his arms.

A fusion between megumi's toad and great serpent hydra then released a giant stream of poison at Dagon.Dagon coughed up blood as he fell to the ground.

"Itadori told me you are a curse womb as much as I disagree I'll take you alive I can't hate you too much since you took out that old man."said megumi as one of hydra's heads consumed Dagon.

A man then appeared infront of megumi as he sent a slash towards megumi's neck.