
The guy who wants to kill all non-sorcerers

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Okkotsu-kun said something unsettling. No one took him seriously, but his premonition was spot on.

He came riding a giant pelican.

"He's a Buddhist, yet he arrives on a pelican. Is this supposed to be a provocation?"

Pelicans have a habit of resting with their beaks tucked into their chest feathers. This behavior inspired a legend that a pelican would pierce its own chest to feed its young with its blood. Due to this self-sacrifice, the pelican is considered a symbol of Christ who gave his life on the cross.

Several people were regurgitated from the pelican's beak.

"Nice to meet you, Okkotsu-kun. I'm Suguru Geto. And we meet again, 'alien.'"

"I've come to continue on from where we left off," Geto began his speech.

"You possess wonderful power. Great power should be used for a great purpose. Don't you find it strange that sorcerers protect ordinary people from curse spirits?"

He was particularly addressing Okkotsu-kun and me. Before I realized it, he had gradually closed the distance between us, and now he had his arm around Okkotsu-kun's shoulder. Is this the way a con artist works?

"It's a paradox that the strong must adapt to the weak. It's truly lamentable!"

I couldn't let the con artist keep up the pace.

"Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more."


"That's from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 12, Verse 48."

"Oh, you're talking about noblesse oblige?"

Geto released Okkotsu-kun and turned his attention to me. It seemed he wasn't expecting a rebuttal, and his expression changed.

"Do you know how curse spirits are born?"

His voice dropped a tone as he spoke.

"Cursed spirits are formed from the cursed energy that leaks from humans and accumulates like sediment. Curse spirits don't emerge from sorcerers who can control their cursed energy. So, the solution is simple. Kill all non-sorcerers. Some non-sorcerers, spurred by the threat, might evolve into sorcerers. Though I don't expect much from these 'monkeys.'"

"You bastard..."

What Geto said was advocating for a supremacist ideology.

Maki, realizing how dangerous he was, readied herself for battle.

"Thats right, monkeys like you are not needed in my world."

"'Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.'"

I stepped in between them as they glared at each other.

"Another sermon?"

"That's from the Gospel of John, Chapter 8, Verse 7."

I couldn't agree with his ideology. However, I understood he was serious. So, I had to speak sincerely as well. I would use every word at my disposal.

"Have you ever heard of 'sparks'?"

There's something called 'phases.'

Christianity, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Japanese mythology, Norse mythology, Celtic mythology... All these religions and mythologies speak of otherworldly realms and supernatural beings like gods, angels, and demons. These realms are referred to as 'phases.'

Magic interacts with these layered phases, which causes friction between them. This friction generates 'sparks.'

Magic is a marvelous technique that deceives the principle of equivalent exchange, achieving tenfold results with a single expenditure.

But this raises a question.

Are we truly surpassing the principle of equivalent exchange?

Could it be that the balancing of accounts is happening out of sight?

Indeed, it was happening. And the result was 'sparks.'

'Sparks' interfere with people's destinies.

They influence human encounters, farewells, life, death, even the outcome of a coin toss. All fates, whether fortunate or unfortunate, are affected by 'sparks' and 'phases.'

"Hah. If what you're saying is true, then knowing this and still using 'magic' makes you no better than a demon, not just a monkey."

Geto showed disgust at the truth about 'sparks' that I had revealed.

Which is why I had to confront him with it.

"Back to the earlier quote: 'Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.'"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Who said that only magic produces sparks?"

Come to think of it, it's strange. Jujutsu also performs phenomena that defy the laws of physics, seemingly deceiving the principle of equivalent exchange. Moreover, from what I've seen, Jujutsu is based on Japanese mythology and Buddhism.

Thus, it's natural to think that Jujutsu also interacts with 'phases.'

"Jujutsu also produces 'sparks.'"

So, here's the question.

Are the sinners the sorcerers? Or the non-sorcerers?

"You called me a demon. Then you yourself are also a demon."

Geto couldn't hide his agitation at this. He widened his eyes and stepped back.

"Who do you think you are, criticizing Geto-sama! You're younger than us!"

Irritated by her leader's reaction, a girl in a uniform tried to intervene.

"Be silent, we're having an important conversation."


It was Geto who restrained the girl.

An inconvenient truth is something those who believe themselves to be righteous least want to face.

Therefore, how they react when confronted with it reveals their true nature and character.

I don't consider myself righteous. I'm not behaving recklessly, treating the world like my private playground without regard for others. But I do live selfishly, without considering good or evil.

"The reason I use magic despite knowing about 'sparks,' Mr. Geto, is the same as modern humans who can't give up the products of civilization despite knowing about environmental pollution."

Those who live in developed countries unconsciously, indirectly harm developing countries through their lifestyle.

The wealthy, just by being wealthy, create the poor.

If that is considered a sin, then no one can escape sin.

The contradiction of elitism and communism is that while they label the actions of others as sinful, they turn a blind eye to their own sins.

They flee from inconvenient realities and blindly believe in convenient ideals.

In the end, they condemn those who expose these uncomfortable truths and deceive people with pleasant fantasies.

Human-created governance is not flawless. There's no such thing as perfection.

This is the meaning behind quoting that earlier verse.

Regardless of the true intent of the Son of God, one interpretation is that 'humans cannot judge other humans.'

"So, why do you only seek to save sorcerers? Why not save all of humanity if you can?"

His ideals are divine, but his means are limited, making his methods merely human.

When he tries to align his ideals with his means, his ideals become twisted. This is a complete reversal of priorities.

Even the 'happy world' created by a demon god is flawed, so what legitimacy can there be in such a distorted world?

"Can you do it?"

"Even if I could, I wouldn't."

"So, you tell others they 'can't' do what you yourself can?"

"That's right."

Geto held his breath, not expecting my answer to be an affirmation.

"That's 'arrogance.' "

"Then you are 'ignorant of your limitations.' "

His lack of power to match his ideals and his personal biases have twisted his philosophy. His lack of self-awareness makes him both laughable and dangerous.

"Such grand ideals are beyond your reach. Speak again when you become a god."

I state it clearly.

Having said all i wanted to say, Geto falls silent.

"Hahaha, you came here so confidently only to get out-argued by a middle schooler!"

"Satoru, huh."

Gojo, who had been listening in, is now doubled over with laughter.

"You see now, Suguru? She lives in a different world from us, with different values."

Gojo's unspoken message was to give up.

"Yeah, it seems so."

Geto, as if a weight had been lifted, smiles back at Gojo.

Gojo, thinking they've reached an understanding, smiles back as well. But unfortunately, Geto's smile was a sign of his resolve.

Ironically, Geto then referred to me as follows:

"Precisely because of that, she is worthy of being 'the marked one...' You said my ideals were beyond my reach. Then I will prove it. I will show how a world of only sorcerers is more peaceful and far superior to a world where all of humanity survives."

He hasn't given up. He intends to prove his ideals by making them a reality, or perhaps he's already too far gone to turn back.

"On December 24th, at sunset, we will commence the Hyakki Yagyo!!" (The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons)

And with that, Geto declared war.