
Juha's tales

There are no Arab tales from the Arabian islands. I decided to go ahead and offer you what the Arabs excel at By judgment and stories I hope you like it If you really like it, please let us know to publish more and more For support: https://www.patreon.com/Abedo

DaoistLwZCoj · History
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It is a fictional character from the folklore of many ancient cultures, and has been attributed to many characters who lived in different eras and societies.

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A miniature copy of Nasr al-Din Juha from the seventeenth century and is currently

Topkapi Palace Museum.

Juha is attributed in Arabic literature to Abu al-Ghusn al-Jin al-Fazari[2], who was a contemporary of the Umayyad dynasty. It is the oldest personalities Juha and attributed to him Arab jokes. In Turkish literature, the stories of Juha from Istanbul were attributed to Sheikh Nasr al-Din Khoja al-Rumi, who lived in Konya, a contemporary of the Mongol rule in Anatolia, and most of the known stories in world literature are attributed to him. It is the character of the poor man who was living the events of his time in a different way and in line with those semi-realistic events; He acted intelligently and sarcastic, his stories and situations that he dealt with in his daily life spread, and his stories passed from one person to another, which led to the creation of many imaginary events around him. or an imaginary person.

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From the tales of Juha


Juha was riding his donkey when some people passed by and someone wanted to joke with him

He said to him: O Juha, I knew your donkey, but I did not know you.

Juha said: This is normal because donkeys know each other.


Give me nine and don't be upset:

He saw in a dream that whoever gave her nine dirhams instead of ten was asking for it from him, but they differed, and when the dispute between them intensified, he woke up from his sleep terrified, and did not see anything. In his hand, he was upset and blamed himself for her greed, but he came back and lay on his bed and came down under the quilt and extended his hand to his imaginary opponent saying: Give me nine and don't be upset!



Juha went with one of his companions to hunt, and they saw a wolf and a greed in its fur.

So they ran after him until he entered a hole, and the man entered his head to find out where he was and catch him.

The wolf cut off his head and Juha remained beside him for more than an hour. He saw that his companion does not come out.

So he took him outside and saw him without a head, and thought to himself: Did he come with his head or not?

So he returned to the country and asked his friend's wife: Today, when your husband went out with me, was his head with him or not?


Date kernel:

His wife saw him eat dates, but he did not dig out the kernels.

She said: What do you do as if you eat dates with their nuclei??!

He said to her: Of course I eat it with its seeds because the seller was weighing it with the kernel, and if he took it out, he would not have sold it for seven pieces, and since I gave him the price of white dirhams. Should I throw something that I bought for dirhams in the alley???!


Pickle-loving donkey (Louvre pickle):

Juha started selling pickles, and bought pickle tools with the pickled donkey (a lover of pickles), so the donkey knew the houses that buy pickles from Juha, and whenever the sheikh called: pickles... pickles.

The donkey was braying in those crowded alleys and covering the voice of Nawak Juha, and he got angry at him.

And one day he came to a crowded place, and the old man began to call: Pickled pickles. The donkey preceded him to bray. Juha put the leash on his shoulder and stared into his eyes.

He said: Look! Do you sell pickles or me?


floor length:

They said to Geha once: You are a scientist, so please solve this question for us??

He said: What is it?

They said: How many space in the world?

And if it was a passing funeral, Juha pointed to the coffin and said: This question will be answered by this dead person, so ask him because he shook the ground and walked

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