
Judgment day: Book 1

In the year 2026, Mana finally reached earth and all types of creatures appeared and started wreaking havoc around the world and even animal evolved into terrifying beast that loved to killed and evolved. When the Famous mana came in contact with earth the planed got 50× bigger.

21_K · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Start of the apocalypse

As Clark and his girlfriend trekked along the winding trails of the rugged mountainside, the air was crisp with the promise of adventure. The sun cast its golden rays through the canopy of towering trees, dappling the forest floor with patches of light. Birds chirped melodiously, and a gentle breeze whispered through the leaves, carrying the scent of pine and earth.

Hand in hand, they navigated the narrow path, their laughter mingling with the sounds of nature. Suddenly, without warning, the ground beneath them began to tremble. At first, it was just a faint vibration, like the distant rumble of thunder on the horizon. But then, with growing intensity, the earth shook violently, sending shockwaves through the terrain.

In the chaos, Clark's girlfriend lost her footing, her hand slipping from his grasp as she tumbled to the ground. With a cry of alarm, Clark reached out desperately, but it was too late. He watched in horror as she fell, a look of terror on her face.

Driven by instinct, Clark leaped after her, his heart pounding in his chest as he crashed to the ground beside her. Pain shot through his body as he felt a sharp branch pierce his chest, the searing agony stealing his breath away.

Gasping for air, he clutched his girlfriend's hand, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of fear and disbelief. Blood pooled around them, staining the forest floor crimson as they lay entwined in a cruel embrace.

For long moments, they remained there, the world spinning around them as the aftershocks of the earthquake continued to reverberate through the earth. And then, with a final shuddering breath, they slipped into unconsciousness, their fate hanging in the balance amidst the chaos of the natural world.

[You have survived level 1 earthquake]

[You have unlocked the Judgment Day system]

[You have gained 5 survival points]

[Choose a ability to conquer the world with ☆Auto Regeneration/ ☆Passive Super strength]

[Choose an ability before 5 seconds or it will automatically pick one]

As Clark regained consciousness, his head throbbed with pain, and his vision swam hazily. Groaning, he blinked away the disorientation, struggling to make sense of his surroundings. His gaze fell upon his girlfriend's motionless form, and dread gripped his heart like a vice.

With a surge of panic, he crawled toward her, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch her cold, lifeless face. Horror washed over him as he saw that her features were contorted in agony, her once vibrant eyes now dull and empty, her face smashed in by a cruel twist of fate.

Tears welled in Clark's eyes as he recoiled in horror, the weight of grief crashing down upon him like a tidal wave. But amidst the overwhelming despair, a fierce determination took hold. With trembling hands, he forced himself to stand, his body protesting with every movement.

Ignoring the pain that seared through him, he reached down and grasped the branch that protruded from his chest, his fingers closing around it with grim resolve. With a sharp intake of breath, he yanked it free, biting back a cry of agony as blood gushed from the wound.

But then, something miraculous happened. As Clark watched in stunned disbelief, the gaping wound in his chest began to close before his eyes, the torn flesh knitting itself back together as if by some unseen force. Awe and disbelief warred within him as he realized that he was healing, his body repairing itself with an unnatural swiftness that defied all logic.

With trembling hands, he reached out to touch the wound, half expecting it to reopen at any moment. But to his astonishment, the skin was smooth and unblemished, as if the injury had never occurred.

As he looked down at his girlfriend's lifeless form, a sob wrenched itself from his thr like a vice. But even as tears weight of grief crushing him camed down his cheeks, a flickerof hope ignited within him. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was still a chance to make things right, to find a way to survive in this harsh and unforgiving world. With a heavy heart, he gathered his strength and set off into the unknown, his path illuminated by the faint glimmer of possibility amidst the darkness of despair.