
Judgment day: Book 1

In the year 2026, Mana finally reached earth and all types of creatures appeared and started wreaking havoc around the world and even animal evolved into terrifying beast that loved to killed and evolved. When the Famous mana came in contact with earth the planed got 50× bigger.

21_K · Fantasy
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4 Chs

First fight

As Clark sprinted through the dense forest, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his heart pounded in his chest like a drumbeat of terror. Each step felt like an eternity as he fled from the nightmarish creature that pursued him relentlessly through the shadows.

But just as he felt his strength waning, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. In the distance, the twinkling lights of a city beckoned like a beacon of salvation, drawing him forward with renewed determination. With every ounce of energy he could muster, he pushed himself onward, his muscles burning with exertion as he raced toward the promise of safety.

As he burst from the trees into the open expanse of the city streets, a wave of relief washed over him, his lungs gasping for air as he stumbled forward. But his respite was short-lived, for even as he caught his breath, he knew that the creature was still hot on his heels, its unearthly cries echoing through the night.

With a desperate glance over his shoulder, he saw the towering figure barreling toward him, its twisted form illuminated by the flickering streetlights. Panic surged through him as he realized that he had nowhere left to run, trapped between the looming buildings of the city and the relentless pursuit of the monster.

But then, like a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, he spotted it: a small store nestled amidst the row of buildings, its windows adorned with a dazzling array of weapons and tools. With a surge of adrenaline, Clark dashed inside, his eyes scanning the shelves for something, anything, that could help him fend off his pursuer.

And there, amidst the gleaming arsenal of blades and firearms, he saw it: a cutlass, its was blade a 35 inch blade with no edge glinting wickedly in the dim light. Without hesitation, he snatched it up, the weight of the weapon comforting in his hands as he turned to face the approaching threat.

With a thunderous crash, theure burst through the door, its guttural screams reverberating rough the cramped confines of the store. Clark's heart hammered in his chest as he squared his shoulders, his grip tightening on the hilt of the cutlass as he prepared to face his fears head-on.

Clark choped what seem to be a demon straight from hell right at its neck but it bearly enter the demon neck and it kicked Clark in its stomach causing him to drop to the ground holding his stomach.

Clark stood up angry and kicked off the demon leg and step in his chest and draw out the cutlass and choped it in its face over and over still it stop moving.

Clark suddenly fell unconscious.