
Joy of Life

A family inclined to kindness and charity would grace the descendants. Thanks to one small act of kindness, by providence she comes across a grateful friend; Fortunate that her mother, has done an unperceived good deed…. Men should rescue the distressed and aid the poor… Who would have guessed that kindness in this world ultimately would be the road that one must choose, that proverbial fork in the road? Clouds of rain float on eastern winds as new vines start to blossom. Though drums of war roar too loudly and their brilliance has been lost, a green grass carpet greets the sun by the break of morning. Let us wait for the yellow leaves, a few gourds are harvested.

Mao Ni · History
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746 Chs

Fan Xian Jumps off the Cliff

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On a grassy mound to the edge of the cliff, a crashing noise was heard.

Fan Xian glided through the air, as if harnessing the essence of the atmosphere itself. Upon the ground below, Lang Tao stood firm like an obelisk of stone, as if channeling the very power of the earth. In the space of a few seconds, their zhenqi met with a collision that brought utter ruin to the unkempt grass that paved their battleground.

Lang Tao groaned, before twirling around to penetrate his knife deep into Xiao En’s chest.

Lang Tao’s mission comprised of two objectives; the slaying of Fan Xian and the slaying of Xiao En. If he was unable to overcome Fan Xian in mortal combat, then he would have to resort to the killing of Xiao En first; this was repeated to him many times by his master, Ku He.