
Journeys Beyond the Crown

At a renowned international university, Prince Adrian of Coslevia attempts to live a regular life, leaving behind his royal obligations. Incognito, he befriends roommates Lucas and Elara, who share a complex dance of unspoken attraction. The story unfolds as they navigate college challenges, from participating in cultural fests, embarking on a European backpacking trip, to confronting academic pressures. Their adventures amplify Lucas and Elara's budding feelings, while Adrian continually teases the pair, adding a lighthearted layer to their journey. The plot takes a dramatic turn during a trip to Coslevia, where Adrian's true identity is unveiled. This revelation tests the trio's trust and friendship. Later, as they transition into the professional world, Lucas and Elara's bond deepens, and they initiate a joint venture. Adrian, always supportive, invests in their dream, highlighting the strength of their friendship. "Journeys Beyond the Crown" is a tale of growth, identity, and the intertwining paths of three friends. Set against the backdrop of college and early adulthood, the narrative delves into the challenges of hiding one's true self, the struggles of unspoken love, and the beauty of genuine companionship.

Josh4000 · Realistic
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6 Chs

The College Escape

The sun's rays bathed the International University of Arts and Sciences, its energy almost tangible. Freshmen scrambled around, their faces a mix of excitement and anxiety. Amidst this chaos, a confident stride belonged to Adrian. He was of average height but with a build that was clearly athletic. His ebony hair was meticulously styled, catching the sun's gleam and mirroring his radiant confidence. His eyes were a piercing shade of blue, twinkling with mischief. Adrian was inconspicuously trying to be… conspicuous.

He bumped into Lucas, who stood tall and slightly lanky, with tousled chestnut hair that spoke of a recent hurried attempt to tame it. The way his hazel eyes scanned the room assignment map hinted at his methodical nature, contrasting with the restless tapping of his sneaker-clad foot. "Easy there, Mr. Invisible," Lucas remarked.

Adrian smirked, "Oh, believe me, I'm trying to be as visible as possible."

Before Lucas could ask, Elara, with her signature chaotic energy, interrupted. Her petite frame was like a firecracker, full of unrestrained energy. Cascading waves of fiery red hair trailed behind her, and her emerald eyes sparkled with impatience. "Lucas! Don't tell me you got us lost already!"

Lucas motioned to Adrian. "Apparently, I've found us a new friend. Meet Adrian. Or as he likes to be known, Mr. Visible."

Adrian chuckled at Lucas's introduction. "Mr. Visible? I might just put that on my business cards."

Elara, tilting her head in curiosity, said, "Business cards? What kind of freshman carries business cards?"

Adrian, with a mischievous glint, replied, "The kind who likes to be prepared. You never know when opportunity, or perhaps …misfortune, might strike."

Lucas's face reddened. "Excuse me? We just met, and you're already throwing shade?"

Elara, sensing tension, quickly stepped in. "Alright, let's all just breathe. First day jitters, right? No need for hostilities."

Adrian, smirking, said with a sacarstic expression, "Apologies. I'm staying in the west wing, room 307. Let me help you find yours."

Lucas, still a bit peeved, replied curtly, "That's our room. Looks like we're stuck with each other."

Elara groaned internally. "Well, isn't this going to be a fun year?" she muttered under her breath.

As they walked to their shared room, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Lucas, leading the way, grumbled about the university's inefficient room assignment. Adrian, never one to back down, made sarcastic remarks about Lucas's navigational skills. Elara, feeling caught in the crossfire, tried to play peacekeeper.

Upon reaching their room, the scene of disarray further fueled the friction. Lucas immediately jumped to conclusions. "Did you do this, Adrian? Trying to claim the room for yourself?"

Adrian scoffed, "Why would I do that? Besides, looks like someone was in a hurry. Maybe searching for your sense of humor?"

Elara, sensing the situation escalating, intervened, "Okay, enough! This isn't helping. We need to figure out what happened here and work together if we're going to share this space."

Lucas and Adrian, both glaring at each other, reluctantly agreed.

While cleaning up, Elara immediately took charge, sensing the tension in the room. "Lucas, can you handle the left side? Adrian, the right should be yours. I'll tackle the center and the closet."

Lucas shot a quick, disgruntled look at Adrian. "Sure, just keep him on his side."

Adrian rolled his eyes but said nothing, focusing intently on picking up the scattered belongings.

The silence was palpable, save for the occasional rustle of paper and the zip of unpacked bags. As they worked in their respective zones, Elara tried to initiate conversation, "So, Adrian, tell us about Coslevia. I've heard it's beautiful."

Elara, seizing a brief lull in the tension, looked at Adrian. "By the way, how did I know you're from Coslevia?"

Adrian, genuinely taken aback, tilted his head. "That's what I'm wondering. I didn't mention it."

She smiled, pointing to his unpacked bag. "Your luggage handle. It has the Coslevian flag on it. Not many would recognize it, but I did a summer course in international studies last year."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Very observant. Most people don't notice such details."

Lucas, smirking, chimed in, "Or maybe you're just not as inconspicuous as you think, Mr. Visible."

Adrian sighed but couldn't suppress a grin. "Fair enough."

Elara chuckled, happy to see a glimmer of camaraderie, however fleeting. "See? We're learning about each other already."

Adrian hesitated, looking up from organizing some books. "Coslevia. It is. Rolling hills, serene lakes. It's different from here."

Lucas snorted, "Sounds fictional."

Adrian shot him a sharp look, biting back a retort. Elara jumped in, "Okay, Lucas, tell us about your hometown then."

Lucas, still arranging his desk, shared about his small town, its local festivals, and the tight-knit community. As the conversation flowed, Adrian, despite himself, found commonalities in their stories. Their mutual love for soccer, similar taste in music, and even their shared distaste for early morning classes.

Yet, every time the conversation seemed to warm, a barbed comment from Lucas or a sarcastic retort from Adrian would reset the atmosphere.

As hours passed and the room started looking more orderly, Elara sighed deeply and flopped onto her bed. "Okay, I think it's time for a truce. At least for tonight."

Lucas looked ready to argue but caught the tired look in Elara's eyes. "Fine, but only because I don't want to stress you out further."

Adrian, leaning against his bedpost, added, "I'm all for peace. But let's be clear, this is a ceasefire, not a resolution."

Elara nodded, her voice firm, "That's all I'm asking for. We'll figure it out, day by day. Let's just set some ground rules for now."

"Agreed," Lucas said, "Rule one: No more snide remarks."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, "Only if there's a rule about not making baseless accusations."

Elara interjected, "Both are fair. Can we all agree to at least try?"

Both men nodded, their expressions revealing that while the immediate storm had passed, the underlying currents remained.

She concluded with a tentative smile, "Here's to an eventful year ahead. For better or worse."

The nights that followed were a blend of whispered conversations, muffled laughter, and occasional bursts of frustration. The three roommates, each from different backgrounds and with varying temperaments, were attempting to find common ground in the confined space of their shared dorm room.

One evening, Elara returned with a small whiteboard and colorful markers. "We're making a roommate agreement," she declared, sticking it to the door. "Everyone gets to write one rule per day. But it has to be fair and reasonable."

Lucas, ever the skeptic, peered at the board. "Sounds like a band-aid on a bullet wound."

Adrian chuckled, "That's dark, even for you."

Elara rolled her eyes, "It's a start. Let's be proactive."

Weeks rolled into months, and the board began filling with rules, some serious ("Clean up your mess"), some humorous ("No playing 'Never Gonna Give You Up' before 8 AM"), and some oddly specific ("Elara's almond milk is off-limits").

There were still disagreements, of course. Lucas's love for late-night studying, accompanied by his dim desk lamp, clashed with Adrian's desire for complete darkness. Elara's morning routine of vocal exercises was, at times, less than harmonious for the other two.

However, something shifted. With each dispute, there was a growing understanding that each of them brought their own quirks to the table. Respect was slowly cultivated, and in its wake, friendships blossomed.

One evening, amidst a power outage, the three found themselves sharing stories of their past by the glow of a single flashlight. The room was filled with soft laughter and somber moments of reflection, revealing a depth to each that had previously been hidden.

Elara, in a reflective tone, said, "You know, it's strange. Initially, I thought of you both as mere roommates. But now... I'm not so sure."

Lucas grinned, "What, are we family now?"

Adrian, with a smirk, added, "Seems so. The dysfunctional kind."

The room echoed with laughter, a testament to the bond that had been formed amidst the chaos of university life. And as the year unfolded, the trio discovered that the most unexpected of friendships could be the most rewarding.