
Journeys Beyond the Crown

At a renowned international university, Prince Adrian of Coslevia attempts to live a regular life, leaving behind his royal obligations. Incognito, he befriends roommates Lucas and Elara, who share a complex dance of unspoken attraction. The story unfolds as they navigate college challenges, from participating in cultural fests, embarking on a European backpacking trip, to confronting academic pressures. Their adventures amplify Lucas and Elara's budding feelings, while Adrian continually teases the pair, adding a lighthearted layer to their journey. The plot takes a dramatic turn during a trip to Coslevia, where Adrian's true identity is unveiled. This revelation tests the trio's trust and friendship. Later, as they transition into the professional world, Lucas and Elara's bond deepens, and they initiate a joint venture. Adrian, always supportive, invests in their dream, highlighting the strength of their friendship. "Journeys Beyond the Crown" is a tale of growth, identity, and the intertwining paths of three friends. Set against the backdrop of college and early adulthood, the narrative delves into the challenges of hiding one's true self, the struggles of unspoken love, and the beauty of genuine companionship.

Josh4000 · Realistic
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6 Chs

Happy Birthday!

Three weeks had flown by, filled with late-night study sessions, shared meals, and an ever-deepening bond between the trio. But as the days neared Adrian's birthday, a certain restlessness seemed to cling to him.

One evening, as Lucas was engrossed in a game on his console and Elara was sketching, Adrian entered the room with a suitcase, breaking the news. "I've decided to go home to Coslevia for my birthday week."

Elara looked up, surprise evident in her eyes. "Really? You didn't mention anything before."

Adrian shrugged, "It was a last-minute decision. Needed some family time."

Lucas, pausing his game, teased, "What, and escape from us for a bit?"

Adrian smirked, "Well, I wouldn't mind the break from your snoring."

Elara, trying to divert from the impending banter, offered, "You can keep your luggage here if you like. We'll watch over it."

With a grateful smile, Adrian replied, "Thanks, Elara. I'd appreciate that."

Before Lucas could add his own offer, Adrian pointed a finger at him, chuckling, "And no, Lucas, I wouldn't trust you with my luggage. Who knows, you might just 'borrow' a few things."

Lucas feigned hurt, "Me? Never!"

Adrian laughed, "Just making sure."

With a quick hug to Elara and a playful punch to Lucas's arm, Adrian left, his spirits seemingly lifted at the prospect of going home. The room felt slightly emptier, a testament to the space he had come to occupy in their lives in such a short time.

The room felt strangely vacant just 24 hours after Adrian's departure. The quiet was palpable, each tick of the clock echoing the absence of Adrian's lively presence. Elara, gazing at the empty space Adrian usually occupied, had a sudden idea.

"Lucas," she began tentatively, "How about a surprise trip to Coslevia for Adrian's birthday?"

Lucas looked at her as if she'd sprouted a second head. "Are you serious? We can't just drop everything and pop over to Coslevia. Besides," he added with a smirk, "It's not like we can just land there and knock on the first door saying, 'Hey, is Adrian here?'"

Elara, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, pointed to the desk. There, amidst the scattered sheets of paper, lay Adrian's school file. "His address should be in there."

Lucas, still skeptical, raised another point, "Okay, let's say we find his house. Who's going to pay for this impromptu trip? And where will we stay?"

Elara waved away his concerns, "That's taken care of. Remember Sarah, my friend who's interning at C3, Coslevia's premier communications company? We had been planning a visit for after the semester. I called her, and being the reliable soul she claims to be," she added with a chuckle, "She said it could still work on very, very, very short notice."

Lucas raised an eyebrow, "So, is arrogance like a Coslevian thing or...?"

Elara laughed, "Oh, come on! It'll be fun. Plus, the look on Adrian's face when he sees us? Priceless!"

Lucas sighed, the idea growing on him. "Alright, alright. Let's surprise Mr. Visible in his own territory."

The next day, the drive to the airport was invigorating, the Aston Martin DBX proving to be just as 'practical' as Adrian had claimed. Lucas, his eyes practically glued to the dashboard, voiced his desire to drive. "Come on, Elara, just a few miles?"

Elara grinned, maneuvering the car with ease, "Remember, you weren't given custody. Besides, I'm not risking a scratch on Adrian's precious."

As they neared the airport, Elara suddenly asked, "Did you take a photo of Adrian's address?"

Lucas, patting his pockets, found his phone and showed her the snapshot. "Of course. I'm not entirely forgetful."

When their flight touched down in Coslevia, Sarah was there waiting for them, her enthusiasm apparent in the wave she gave from across the terminal. The sight of her had Elara breaking into a run, and within moments, the two girls were caught in a shrieking embrace, their excitement filling the air.

Lucas, watching the spectacle with amusement, muttered under his breath, "And now, we're visible."

After their joyful reunion, Sarah turned to Lucas, extending a nod as a greeting. "Lucas, good to finally meet you."

He replied with a slight smile, "Likewise."

Sarah then ushered them towards a waiting taxi, "Come on, my place isn't far from here."

As the taxi wound its way through the unfamiliar streets of Coslevia, Lucas and Elara were captivated by the city's unique blend of modernity and tradition, eagerly anticipating the adventures the next few days held in store.

After they'd settled in, Lucas, curious about the apartment setup, inquired of Elara, "Does Sarah always have two rooms? Seems a bit much for one person."

Elara, who had been rummaging through her suitcase, looked up, "Oh, she shares this place with a roommate. But, conveniently for us, her roommate's in Europe for a month."

As the evening went on, Sarah, eager to be part of the birthday surprise, questioned, "Do you guys know where you're heading tomorrow for the birthday celebration? Mind if I tag along?"

Elara hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the ask. She knew that this was meant to be their special surprise for Adrian, but looking at Sarah's hopeful face, she found herself nodding in agreement. "Of course you can come. The more, the merrier."

Sarah's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Perfect! Let me call a taxi for us tomorrow. But tonight," she added with a sly grin, "is reserved for some serious catching up."

The night came alive with the sounds of the two girls' laughter emanating from their room. In contrast, Lucas sat in his room, alone, their muffled conversations only adding to his feeling of being an outsider. Seeking a distraction, he pulled out his phone and dived into a game, immersing himself in the digital world while the real one carried on outside his door.

The morning sun streamed through the windows, warming the room as the three of them sat around the small dining table, planning their day. As Sarah scrolled through her phone, she looked up with a twinkle in her eye. "You know, today's also the birthday of one of our princes."

Elara, slightly puzzled, responded, "Really? That's quite a coincidence. Our friend's birthday is today as well."

Sarah paused, her brow furrowed in concentration, then suddenly her eyes widened in realization. "Prince Adrian!" she exclaimed.

Lucas chuckled, "Coincidentally, Mr. Visible is also named Adrian."

The room went silent for a moment, the weight of the realization settling in. Elara voiced the thought that was slowly forming in all their minds, "Could it be? Could they be the same person?"

Sarah, a look of disbelief in her eyes, said, "Give me the address, let me put it in the ride-sharing app and see where it takes us."

Lucas handed over his phone, displaying the snapshot of Adrian's address. Sarah read it out loud, her voice quivering with shock. "CrestWell Palace? Are you telling me you're friends with the prince?"

Elara's mind raced as she quickly pulled up her phone to do a search. Typing in 'children of King Ser', she found a picture of a familiar face, someone who looked uncannily like Adrian. Heart pounding, she then typed 'Prince Adrian Coslevia' and there, staring back at her from her phone screen, was Adrian, dressed in royal attire.

Lucas leaned over, glancing at the screen. His usual playful demeanor was replaced by one of shock. "I... I didn't see this coming."