
Journey towards the Gods

Yang Xiaotian does not spend thousands of years trying to comprehend Dao. He does not wait for a sudden flash of opportunity to understand something. He does not waste time thinking about some mysterious "step" or some "minor dao or major dao or grand dao" nonsense. Instead, he finds inspiration in the embrace of nature and of course, in the embrace of beautiful women! Also, he uses his brain to comprehend the "mystery of heaven and earth" and he also understands that cultivation is an endless journey without any destination. He is a smart protagonist who does not act like a blackhole in front of women! He is a man of action! This is smut with hours of backstory, it contains hentai themes like MILF, Oyakodon, Futanari and so on. Reader discretion is advised regarding this filthy webnovel!

HarutoraRyu · Eastern
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35 Chs

Chapter 25

While Mu Meiér is licking clean his semen from her hand, Yang Xiaotian has still been standing steadily to his own surprise and taking a large mouthful of breath in. He suddenly recalled the information on dual cultivation and the mystical ability of sexual interaction between man and woman from the good book.

At this time his eyes are closed, as he let his Chí flow through his body unimpeded and refine any part it wants. Currently, his lower part is automatically being refined and even though his penis has gone soft after ejaculation just as the good book said it would, it is still not completely down because of the constant refining through Chí.

Mu Meiér has already finished licking all the semen clean, she looked at Yang Xiaotian's softened penis and felt greatly disappointed because now she wants more of his semen. It is not only the taste but her whole body felt electrified when licking and ingesting the semen. Little did she know that all of it because the semen has a tiny bit of Chí mixed in it and this Chí has already started refining her body.

She then looked at Yang Xiaotian, with a mischievous smile on her face, she pushed him gently towards the wall. With his back on the wall, Yang Xiaotian extended his hands and grabbed Mu Meiér's buttocks. Mu Meiér let out a light moan and then lightly bit down on Yang Xiaotian's chest.

"You sucked on my nipples so much that they are tingling now! It is my turn to suck on yours!" Me Meiér said with a mischievous giggle. She began sucking and licking Yang Xiaotian's nipples and chest, causing him to let out a light moan.

"Unghhh... ahhh..." his moans caused Rouér, who is still peeping from outside, to feel very aroused. She began feeling quite tingly in her lower body.

Yang Xiaotian ejaculated just a few minutes ago and now he is being stimulated again. He feels like he is going to fall but yet again, he sensed his Chí being automatically stimulated and flowing through his body like sea waves. He immediately felt refreshed and his penis began to harden bit by bit again.

Mu Meiér kept licking and sucking his nipples and even using her fingers to lightly pinch his nipples to stimulate him. Very soon she felt a little poke and realized in shock that Yang Xiaotian's penis is hardening again. She felt delighted at the prospect of ingesting more of his semen. She slowly began going downwards while sucking and licking and finally arrived in front of his penis.

She giggled and said: "This cute thing is so amazing! It has become hard again so soon!"

She began caressing the penis again and gasped a few seconds later: "Ahh...it is a bit bigger than before!'

She started slowly stroking it, causing Yang Xiaotian to moan a bit again. He placed his hands on Mu Meiér's head and looked down at her and said: "Meiér.. it feels very good.."

Mu Meiér looked up at him and smiled. This smile looked extremely seductive as Mu Meiér's eyes look somewhat misty and alluring at this moment and her pink lips are glistening from all the saliva. This scene caused a shock to go through Yang Xiaotian's body and his penis got even harder.

Mu Meiér felt shocked feeling the hardening sensation in her hand. She looked at the penis and gulped. She looked up again and said with a very shy look: "Can I use my mouth?"

Yang Xiaotian felt shocked, he read about this in the good book! It is called fellatio. He said: "You.. you sure you want to perform fellatio?"

"Huh what is that? I want to suck your co.. penis, it..it is called bl..blow job.. I...I want to b..b..b..blow you!" Mu Meiér said very shyly. Then without waiting for a response, she began sucking.

Her mother told her what to do during fellatio. Her mother had her perform it on a banana to get herself used to the feeling. She began using her lips and tongue as her mother taught, however, she is not too good at it but still, the stimulation is too much for Yang Xiaotian. He tightly grabbed her head with both hands and almost thrust forward but at this moment he felt even more stimulation from Mu Meiér's tongue and he sensed his Chí has been activated again automatically and again started flowing all over his body.

Yang Xiaotian felt the refreshed sensation within him and closed his eyes, letting Mu Meiér do as she pleases while he tried to merge his Chí with his soul power. And with great surprise, he managed to do so. At the same time, he began summoning Deva energy to stimulate his soul and produce more soul power. The state he is in now is quite unique, he is feeling extreme physical and mental pleasure while his soul and body are being nurtured.

Something appeared within his mind at this moment. Once he heard a story from Xu Xian about a beautiful blue planet, there is a beautiful white moon close to it, its sun is yellow and there were many other worlds of different colors around it. But gradually, all those worlds around it began dying and went dim, only the blue planet remained colorful as well as the yellow sun and white moon.

Now he knows that it is a star system. In his mind, a colorful star system appeared, he named it the Rainbow Star System. Each planet here has been colored with one of the colors of the rainbow. A yellow sun in the middle and blue, orange, red, green, indigo, violet colored worlds surrounding it in a very harmonious way. Each of these planets has one or more white moons around them.

Suddenly, this star system began to form within him. The creation process continued on and on, it is a very long and slow process. After who knows how long within his mind, only just a bit of the sun and the planets formed. At this time, he suddenly felt great pleasure and outside his mind, in the real world, he ejaculated inside Mu Meiér's mouth while moaning slightly loudly.

"Mmmpppfff... mmmmppfff..." Mu Meiér tried her best to keep her mouth closed and hold in as much semen as she can.

"Whoooaaa.. he suddenly became bigger and suddenly shot so much cum..." she thought with a shocked expression. Again, her whole body felt great shock when she swallowed Yang Xiaotian's semen.

Yang Xiaotian opened his eyes and saw Mu Meiér gulping down his semen, he stuttered: "You.. you.. that's semen... you..."

"Mmmm... so tasty.. so sweet..." Mu Meiér licked her lips and said: "Your cum tastes so good! It is sweet and delicious! And you shot so much of it! Thanks so much, husband!"

Rouér has sensed every bit of what happened inside. She felt extremely jealous of Mu Meiér: "Damn little girl! You are going overboard! Just wait, after you fall asleep, I will play with the pervy brat until morning! Hmph!"

Yang Xiaotian became dumbfounded, he suddenly recalled that it is written in the good book that if a man's semen is infused with Chí it becomes sweeter and delicious to females. Because male Chí is mixed with Yang essence which females lack a great deal, they find this kind of semen very delicious. He realized what happened and felt very happy knowing that he has managed to satisfy Mu Meiér to a great degree.

"My wife, you have served your husband very diligently. Now, let your husband serve you!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sly smile and without waiting for a response, picked up Mu Meiér in a princess carry.

"Ahh..." Mu Meiér gasped in shock but then giggled: "Naughty husband, are you planning to bully your little wife?"

"I will give you a lot of pleasure!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

He placed Mu Meiér on the bed gently. Then slowly took off her underwear. Her beautiful lower part lay bare before him.

"Hu..husband.. didn't you say we won't do that..." Mu Meiér said very nervously.

"We won't have intercourse, I will pleasure you with my mouth just as you pleasured me with yours!" Yang Xiaotian said with smile.

"I want that too!" Rouér screamed in her heart while hearing from outside.

"So you won't stick your cock inside my pussy?" Mu Meiér has let go of a lot of reservations now, after all, there is no need for such politeness during sex between the two of them anymore.

"Darling, where did you learn these words? Does my Meiér read naughty books?" Yang Xiaotian said with a teasing smile while caressing Mu Meiér's clitoris slowly with the thumb of his right hand.

"Mmmm... I.. I.. read those books but mom also taught me sex... and said those words too..." Mu Meiér said while her legs twitched a bit in pleasure.

Yang Xiaotian chuckled and then began licking and kissing her thighs and then leg. Then he slowly moved his mouth towards her vagina. He decided not to use his fingers to stimulate her ero-spot because it might tear her hymen and cause bleeding.

He very gently began licking her clitoris, he is doing it exactly the way it is written in the good book. As he kept licking her clitoris, he is also gently rubbing his thumbs on the outer part of her vagina, creating the most potent stimulation. Then he began licking the outer part of the vagina while rubbing the clitoris with his thumb.

Mu Meiér is extremely stimulated, pleasure is written all over her face as she began moaning a bit louder: "Ahhhnnhhh... oonnhhh.. aannnhhhh..."

She has tightly grabbed onto Yang Xiaotian's head with both of her hands and has begun to move her waist on her own. She kept moaning and began to become a bit louder.

"Meiér, don't be so loud, people will hear us!" Yang Xiaotian suddenly said.

Mu Meiér closed her mouth with one of her hands while the other hand is still tightly grabbing on to Yang Xiaotian's head. Pretty soon she could no longer control herself and suddenly thrust her waist forward, her body slightly hanging above the bed, she ejaculated!

Yang Xiaotian felt a bit shocked! Because it is written in the good book that women may ejaculate during sex while they are heavily stimulated but it is quite rare. On top of that, the color of the liquid would be white and it would be sweet, the good book says that women can have two ejaculations, one just before orgasm and one right after, it is like having two orgasms at once. The first one releases white and sweet liquid, while the second one releases an odorless and colorless one. So Yang Xiaotian decided to continue with the stimulation, he wants to give Mu Meiér the best orgasm ever.

Mu Meiér could not take it anymore and let out a whimpered moan and she experienced a very pleasurable orgasm and she ejaculated again. She became completely exhausted from pleasure. She began breathing heavily as she completely fell into an exhausted sleepy state.

Yang Xiaotian can't also believe he managed to pull off this rare feat. He recalled that the good book said that if a woman swallows Chí infused semen, they would have a very high chance of ejaculating during sex. He feels really grateful that he has been cultivating Chí. He secretly prayed to and thanked Xu Xian and that mysterious old beggar.

However, now he has a very big problem as he has a full erection now. The act has stimulated his Chí too much and the constant flow of Chí all over his body aroused his sexual appetite to a higher limit. He knows that using his hand will not relieve him and might even harm him. He looked at Mu Meiér but she is already completely exhausted and has fallen asleep. He looked at her developed breasts and thought whether or not he should rub between her breasts to relieve himself. But a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Open the door! I will suck you off!" Rouér senr a mental message to Yang Xiaotian through her soul power.

Yang Xiaotian became startled: "It's.. it's... Rouér... she. .she..she.. was outside all along and heard everything?"

"Just open up ok! I am not angry with you! Just open the door and let me in! Darling, don't make me wait outside." Rouér's voice appeared in Yang Xiaotian's mind again.

He quickly opened the door and let Rouér in. He is still naked so as he opened the door, he also hid behind in case he is not seen from outside, he completely did it out of panic. Rouér went into the room and quickly closed the door. She looked at Yang Xiaotian's penis and chuckled.

"It really looks cute!" she gently held it with her right hand and then locked her lips with Yang Xiaotian's. She has been observing all of this and has learned quite a bit.

They kissed deeply, although Yang Xiaotian is startled, he is very happy that Rouér is here and wants to make love with him. In fact, he has been looking forward to the day when he and Rouér would be together, he just did not think that it would come this fast. They licked and sucked each other's lips and tongue passionately. They led each other towards the bed and Rouér made Yang Xiaotian sit on the bed.

"Wait, Meiér is on the bed maybe we should..." Yang Xiaotian protested.

"It's fine! I put her to sleep with my soul power! Just look at her!" Rouér said.

Yang Xiaotian looked at Mu Meiér's deeply asleep face and said: "You... how did you become so strong in soul cultivation? You even peeked at us using soul power without me even knowing!"

"Hehe.. didn't I say that I am a genius?" Rouér proudly smiled and then began lowering herself but was stopped by Yang Xiaotian.

"Wait, take off your clothes! Your husband is completely naked yet you are fully clothed! That is not right wife!" Yang Xiaotian said with a sly smile.

Rouér showed a very seductive smile as she began undressing. She very slowly removed her stealth suit and very slowly placed it on a chair. Then she very seductively moved her waist and hip to emphasize her perky butt. She very slowly began undressing, although she is not wearing any underwear and only wearing a very simple dress, she took quite a bit of time undressing while giving a very seductive look at Yang Xiaotian, trying to make him very impatient.

Yang Xiaotian kept looking at her while his lower part continued burning with erection. But his gaze is filled with appreciation, fascination, adoration and love. This is not what Rouér was looking for but his gaze made her even happier. She is already nearly 26 years old, at her age, many women are already considered expired. However, since she is a cultivator, it is no problem for her but females who cultivate until her age are usually much more beautiful than her, especially those prodigies. So she has a bit of fear that Yang Xiaotian would gradually look for younger girls but his gaze filled with love and adoration has completely removed all doubt from her.

After undressing, she slowly moved towards Yang Xiaotian. She walked in a slow rhythm, making her breasts jump a little bit with every step she took. Yang Xiaotian's breathing became heavier, he can feel his penis becoming a bit harder and his body feeling somewhat lighter and his Chí being stimulated again. At this moment Rouér has finally arrived before him, her breasts are almost on his face. He gently touched her beautiful and perfectly shaped big breasts and kissed them gently.

He looked up at Rouér's face and said: " Rouér, you are so beautiful, so wonderful, I feel so inferior but I sill love you, I want you to be mine and mine alone. I want you to love me just the way I love you. Rouér, you won't leave me, right? You won't forget me right?"

Rouér's heart shuddered hearing this. She looked at Yang Xiaotian with great love and adoration and then gently hugged his face into her breasts. She said: "How can that be? Rouér loves Xiaotian very much. My Xiaotian is the best husband in the world. Rouér is already your wife, everything of me is yours already. So... just make love to me, make me yours in body and soul completely. Husband, let's make love. The night is ours!"

Rouér completely let go of her weight on Yang Xiaotian, causing them both to fall on the bed just beside Mu Meiér. Rouér is on top of Yang Xiaotian and hugging his head. Yang Xiaotian gently grabbed onto her perky butt and began massaging them.

"Mmm..." Rouér let out a pleased sound and then gently kissed Yang Xiaotian's forehead.

Yang Xiaotian began moving his waist, letting his erect penis rub between Rouér's thighs.

"Mmhhnnnhhh..." Rouér let out a light moan and began kissing Yang Xiaotian.

After kissing for a few seconds while Yang Xiaotian is still rubbing his erect penis between her thighs, Rouér let out another light moan.

"Husband, it is not good to let your hard cock stay like this for long. Let me suck you off." Rouér said and suddenly turned. Her lower part arrived right in front of Yang Xiaotian's face while her face arrived right in front of Yang Xiaotian's erect penis.

"What a cute cock! Such nice shape! It is not ugly and grotesque at all. Darling, if it later becomes ugly and grotesque, we sisters will not make love with you anymore!" Rouér said and giggled.

Her words caused Yang Xiaotian to feel a bit afraid. He is still only a bit more than 11 and he has a lot to grow despite being overly mature for his age. His penis is also not too big, it will get bigger and naturally, it has a good enough chance to look ugly at the very least. He feels a headache coming.

"Ok, don't think too much! We sisters will work overtime to keep your cock in shape. It will grow according to the shape of our mouths and pussy! So don't go around fucking with those loose whores!" Rouér said and then began gently licking Yang Xiaotian's penis.

She began with the tip and then slowly licked all around his penis with her tongue and lips. Yang Xiaotian let out a moan and then directly placed his face into Rouér's vagina. He began licking and stimulating her clitoris and vagina, his tongue moving fast and slow in rhythm.

"Mmmm..." Rouér let out a pleased sound and took in Yang Xiaotian's penis into her mouth and began sucking faster.

She saw how Mu Meiér took Yang Xiaotian's penis deeper into her mouth, almost deep into her throat. Rouér began doing that too. Of course, since Yang Xiaotian's penis is not that big even when fully erect, it doesn't go too deep. And Rouér likes this feeling, the sensation is very pleasing in her mouth. She continued sucking faster and faster. At the same time, Yang Xiaotian kept pleasuring her vagina and clitoris. They both began moving their waists a little bit too.

Yang Xiaotian has been erect for quite some time and he is the one to ejaculate first. He released quite a bit of semen. Rouér almost choked because as soon as Yang Xiaotian ejaculated, she felt a jolt of energy in her mouth but she controlled herself and kept her mouth closed as much as she can to keep the semen inside her mouth as she began swallowing the semen. She realized where the jolt came from and realized that the semen is laced with traces of Chí. Just like Mu Meiér, she also found the semen very delicious and very greedily continued swallowing and continued making slurping sounds.

At the time of ejaculation, Yang Xiaotian also tightly grabbed onto Rouér's buttocks and almost put his entire tongue into her vagina. This also caused Rouér to feel very good and her lower body also twitched a bit. Yang Xiaotian began fiercely stimulating her vagina right after his own ejaculation. Rouér is already working hard to keep her mouth shut to swallow the semen and this stimulation on top of it made her feel a new sensation. And soon enough, she also ejaculated. Originally, she wanted to finish swallowing and praise Yang Xiaotian a bit to make him feel better but now she also ejaculated and was unable to say anything.

However, Yang Xiaotian continued, he wants to make Rouér have the best orgasm, even better than Mu Meiér. So he continued licking and sucking. Soon enough, she ejaculated again, she experienced a complete orgasm, causing her to feel a bit weak. However, she just swallowed quite a lot of semen mixed with Chí, so she doesn't feel exhausted, unlike Mu Meiér, who has experienced the refinement of Chí for the first time and still going through it now and became completely exhausted after her orgasm.

Soon enough, Rouér finished swallowing his semen while Yang Xiaotian finished licking clean and swallowing all the liquid Rouér ejaculated. He is surprised to find out that Rouér also ejaculated Chí infused liquid. It means that this kind of sexual activity is indeed magical as the good book said and the dual cultivation will be even better for him and Rouér and the benefit will also be great.

They began panting a bit as they got up from their posture. Yang Xiaotian pulled Rouér closed to him and kissed her deeply. Then he began licking and sucking her ears, then her face, chin, neck and then arrived at her chest.

"I did not get to enjoy your breasts. It is time for my meal!" Yang Xiaotian said with a greedy expression as he began licking and sucking Rouér's nipples as well as fondling her breasts.

"You pervy brat..mmm..." Rouér said with pleasure-filled expression.

While performing on her breasts, Yang Xiaotian also began rubbing his penis with her clitoris. He is not erect or hard at all now but the sensation is still quite nice for Rouér. After a minute or two, she experienced a minor orgasm to her own surprise. However, both of them are aware of the changes in their bodies so none of them are surprised about this. They are both enjoying this feeling of their Chí refining their bodies as it wishes.

A few minutes later Rouér said: "Husband, let's take rest for two hours and then.. then let's do that..."

"Not tonight darling. We have both released a lot tonight. It won't be too good for our body if we overdo it!" Yang Xiaotian said and then kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Ok I will listen to you. But we must keep up this practice, you know that one of these days you will have to serve us three sisters together on bed!" Rouér said with mischievous smile.

"By the gods... are you trying to kill me?" Yang Xiaotian felt a bit scared. This is already very taxing and if he has to satisfy three of them together, it will be worse than death!

"Don't worry, we will do it bit by bit. You will be very strong by then, you might even exhaust the three of us and then go look for a 4th woman!" Rouér said.

"Wife, don't say that. You three are my everything. I don't need any more woman." Yang Xiaotian said in a assuring voice and kissed Rouér gently.

"It's ok darling, we won't be opposed to you having more women. We won't be jealous. After all, it means we will have more good sisters!" Rouér giggled.

"No way! No more! I will die!" Yang Xiaotian said with a panicked expression.

Rouér giggled again seeing his expression and said: "Ok, tomorrow you will go satisfy Ming-er properly. I don't want any excuse. I will take Feiér away for the evening for some sight seeing, take your time and do it right. It is not fair to her that me and Meiér gets your love and she doesn't!"