
Journey Towards Freedom

This Novel is a just-for-fun experiment! I will not write in a set frequency! This is my very first novel ever! And English isn’t my native language! This is a story of boy who strives to become more. In his first journey he finds himself broken and without anyone left. So he travels trough time and space to finally find something that gives him back a reason to life on. Come join me and follow Logan on his Journey towards full and utter Freedom, from all the restraints that still bind him, even after the end.

Free_Joke · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The day my suffering began

The voice had a deep and commanding tone, that seemed like it couldn´t be disobeyed. As we looked at from where the voice came from, we immediately saw a big black dragon with two heads and four wings.

On top of it stood a tall man with white hair that flowed majestically in the air, but this wasn´t what catched the eye, it were the pair of horns that protruded out of his head and the two wings that folded behind his back. On his white skin flowed many runes and there were a few horns all over his body giving him further protection. Other that was a tail that swayed behind him and dangerously sharp claws.

Beside him on the ground, stood a strange monstrous insect like creature, it had a pair of gigantic tusks on either of his sides and a mouth full of fangs. It looked like mixture of a beetle and a wolf with no eyes. On its back stood an equally black insect like humanoid with two short arms at the front and two long at the side, while on his back was a pair of little wings. On top of that was the fact that was the fact that it had too, a pair of horns on its head.

Just looking at them induced so much fear in my body that I couldn´t even move it! It weren´t just their appearances, but the frightful auras and magic power they freely released. Just looking at them could induce traumas.

That whit one is a demon right, but what the hell is the other thing? What do they want from us? What do they mean with guild or lost country? Wait…more importantly, how do they know that we are here? Didn´t dad tell me that only people from the village know our location? Does this mean that...!?

Before I could finish my line of thoughts. I noticed something our village was surrounded! I could see ten- thousands of humans, monsters, demon´s and other creature´s in the dark. I couldn´t believe my eyes they send an entire army after us. At this point in we managed to get into the village, and I noticed that everyone around me had the same dark, gloomy faces. I could tell that they all had the same thought in their minds. Someone has betrayed us!

"Decide quickly or do you want to see your children suffer as well. I will give you this chance even after all the atrocities you committed, because our king, in his benevolence and grace thinks that they have the potential to grow to be good soldier´s in his army. I Akalar will give you, within my endless benevolence, 3 minutes to reply to our kind request." Said the demon on the two- headed dragon.

Of course, no one listened what this demon had to say, because even if they would let us life, we had to do this as their slaves. I still don´t understand what is going on, but one thing is for sure, if they catch us it will be our end.

At this point my father began to speak, "Adelphia take the other children from the village and flee. We will clear an opening for you through which you can escape! We adult´s will protect you as much as we can as you go further in. Try to escape with them at all cost, do you understand!" The other adults nodded after he finished speaking and looked with determination in their eyes at the nearby army.

All the kids are quite intelligent and somewhat understood what is about to happen. Consequently, the kids began to cry, "Mama, Papa please don´t stay behind. Don´t leave me alone." Cried Leta as she began to hug her parents. It was heartbreaking to see the little girl cry like this and her parents quickly tried to console her. "You won´t be alone honey. Brody, Keith, big brother Logan and big sister Adelphia will remain by your side all the time."

Even if Brody and Keith wanted to remain a strong facade before Leta, they quickly began to tear up too. "Please mom, dad don´t do this. Don´t stay behind while we get the chance to escape!" said Brody in a pleading voice. His parents hugged him and his dad replied, "Don´t worry we will quickly follow behind you after we are done with this bunch of ants. You know that your mom and dad are strong right? This will be nothing than a piece of cake for us!" Brody, of course, knew that it was a lie, but nodded despite this.

"I don´t know if I will be strong enough to escape from here I´m scared!" cried Keith out in a scared voice. "Everything will be all right, you´re strong, have trust in your abilities. Besides this you are not alone, Adelphia is very strong do you remember? She will protect you." responded his mother as she wiped away his tears.

Adelphia and I were the oldest, so we had to hold back our tears, but despite this you could still see a few at the corner of our eyes. Our parents saw this and quickly gave us a tight and long hug. "Always remember you are not alone. Friends and comrades will always cover up the strength you lack. And never forget that, when you really wish to achieve something you will always find the power to do it!" advised my father as he struggled to remain a strong in front of us

"Please protect each other and the kids ok. I know that you´re strong despite your age but you should know that there could always be someone above you. We love you never forged this!" Were the last few sentences my mother gave to us.

Everyone quickly began to prepare themselves and I unsheathed the sword I grabbed as we leaved the house. I got this sword on my eight- birthday from my father. My mother, at first, was against it, but after an argument she held with my father behind closed doors I was allowed to keep it. Apparently, it was an artifact that they got some time back from who knows where. As far as my father explained it directly attaches to my soul and will grow with me… it still has a somewhat rusty appearance.

I looked a last time at the faces from the other village people and noticed that their gazes brimmed with determination. I felt touched from the fact that they would put their lives on the line for our escape. After this last look they nodded at us and ran at the army with a smile on their face and determination in their eyes.

"I assume the negotiations have failed… so be it! Kill them all and if you can let the children live they could be good forces of power for us!"

At the words from the white skinned demon the entire army began to rush towards us. We were surrounded so it was naturally difficult for us to defend. Adelphia grabbed Keith and Brody on their hands and gave me a look. I quickly grabbed Leta´s and gave my sister a nod. This was our signal as we rushed forward and at the opening that the others created for us. They were very strong without doubt, because they could do this within a few seconds, but I noticed something.

I noticed that besides the other two creatures with already very frightful auras another five stepped forward that seemed no less powerful than them. Wait, the others must have felt them before they send us away right? Does that mean that they wanted to protect us despite this? We chose to ignore them for the time being and quickly rushed in the woods, but as I looked back for the second- time I noticed that they began to fight with the others.

I saw many fearsome attacks mostly launched at my father who deflected them with ease. As he began to fight a powerful aura and magic power erupted from him. I couldn´t believe my eyes, because I didn´t know that there could even be someone as powerful as him. Just three of these people together were strong enough to fight against him.

We speedily ran trough the forest, accompanied by a few other village people and were attacked several times from many different creature´s. There were orcs, demons, goblins and even humans and several other races I wouldn´t expect to voluntarily attack us. I couldn´t see any traces of magic or other things that would indicate that they did this because they forced to do this. On the contrary they looked at us with greed and…lust in their eyes!?

As we went further into the forest more and more people had to leave our side, because they got occupied by other powerful individuals. Lastly just the children and Alistair, the old servant that helped my mother get birth to me, remained. As this happened, we all of the sudden got ambushed.

At least twenty people from different races and fearsome auras surrounded us and it was clear as the day that this trap was set up in advance. Tough I didn´t understood how they knew that we would go this way. Leta tightly hugged my arm and I prepared to fight at any moment. As if couldn´t get worse something terrible and unexpected occurred. All of a sudden Alistair, the butler, attacked my sister!

He stabbed my sister with a dagger in the side and she slumped to the ground. None of us expected this and because of it got my sister injured. "Alistair what are you…!" I exclaimed but this was the point where everything suddenly began to make sense.

The one who showed our hideout to these people. The one who directed us in this ambush. It was all him! He observed how my confused and enraged look changed into an even angrier look that seemed to have realized something.

"Oh, master Logan, it seems you put everything together! I would have expected nothing less from my analytic young master."

"Don´t call me your master you piece of shit! You betrayed us!"

I blurted out words that no nine- year- old should even know, but I was just that angry at him. I looked at my sister to see if she could fight, but apparently was the blade poisoned and she couldn´t even stand up. But I wouldn´t give up and raised my rusty sword!

"Hey kid do you really think you can fight against all of us?!"

"If I have to I´m even prepared to kill all of you!"

I replied to one of these assholes that ambushed us and gripped my sword tighter. I have never killed before but for the ones I have to protect I would definitely do it!

"There is no need for you guys to do this. I as a loyal servant have to teach my master proper manners."

"Loyal servant my ass! You betrayed us! Stop joking!"

I thrummed with rage and gripped my sword tighter for the fight that was about to happen. Alistair pulled out a pair of knives and charged at me. This old butler was surprisingly fast for his age and I had a tough time to fight against him. At first, I could still keep up with him but after some time it became apparent who would finally step out as the winner. Alistair had far more experience than me and had a much stronger body. I could see that he didn´t even got all out and after some time I was out of breath.

"Young master it looks like you´re out of breath what a shame. It began to even make a bit of fun!" The old douchebag began to prepare his last attack to finally knock me out. But was intercepted by a fireball that exploded by his side. It was he fireball from Keith which held a staff I his hand and whose strong point stood at magic. Sadly, it wasn´t enough to really give the old man some major- injuries and just seemed to annoy him.

After Keith´s shot stepped Brody at my side with a hammer that should definitely be to big for him to handle. As I looked at him my injuries got healed by a warm smooth energy. This energy came from Leta that held a little scepter in her hands and was pretty proficient in healing.

These are the weapons they received from their parents on their eight- birthday and were pretty similar to mine…just more rustier. They had these weapons the entire time with them in small storage pouches and pulled them out at this crucial juncture. We looked at each other and prepared to attack my former butler. That was when my sister called from behind us.

"No kids please try to escape from here! Just leave me behind I´m strong enough and will quickly come after you!"

"Hahaha she is strong enough and will quickly come after you that´s a good joke. As if you could fight against even one of us and if these children could escape at the first place!"

"Even if I hate to admit it the idiot from the sidelines is right. We can´t escape and of course we can´t defeat all of them. But we don´t want surrender so lightly. We have to fight, because our pride doesn´t allow us to admit defeat without a one! I´m sorry big sister" These were my words and the thoughts of the other three.

"Hah master do you really think just because you get a bit of help from your little friends you will be able to defeat me?!"

"We don´t know unless we try right?!"

After these words we charged forward, while Brody and I stood as the vanguard and fought the old man in melee combat. Were Keith and Leta behind us and supported us with their magic. We are a pretty good team to be honest. After all these years fighting against monsters in the forest and sometimes even the adults in the village, we got a rehearsed team.

Brody and I quickly switched on who was attacking to not letting him focus on just one of us. Whenever it got critical would Keith help us by firing at him to give us some time and if we got injured Leta healed us. With this tactic we slowly wore down our opponent and you could see that after some time he had more and more of a difficulty dealing with us.

In order to not embarrass himself even more, he began to use magic power and counter attacked! This old man definitely didn´t fight like a someone of his age should and normally he would have pushed us back. Fortunately, this didn´t happen, because as you remember the longer I fight the stronger I get as long as the opponent is on equal terms with me. Normally this wouldn´t be the case, but with the help from the others we were together on equal strength with him and after some time it seemed like we could defeat him.

But at that point he activated some kind of technique, his daggers began to shine and he struck them towards me while Adelphia was still on the ground paralyzed from the strong poison. It was clear that I wouldn´t be able to block in time and I prepared myself for the incoming impact. The time around me began to freeze as something intercepted the advancing dagger!

It was fear and Alistair began to tremble, but he wasn´t the only one! An indomitable dark aura washed over and stunned all of us! It was just too powerful even stronger than my father´s! My blood froze and I stopped, rooted into the ground. As I began to turn towards the aura a deep cold voice reached our ears.

"What do you think you are doing?! Alistair, do you want to kill my future pawns? It seems like you are about to waste the opportunity I gave you. Not just that you are weak enough to let a few children corner yourself so far, that you had to use magic power!"

The emotionless voice sent shivers down our spines and we could feel the overwhelming killing intent. We slowly turned towards the direction from where the voice came from and Alistair tried quickly to retort back.

"No No I´m terribly sorry my lord! I didn´t mean to offend you! I just couldn´t control myself and…"

"Silence!" the voice stopped him before he could explain further.

"I don´t need your excuses! Normally I would kill you slowly, but you were actually helpful in finding those rebels by betraying them. Consider it your luck, next time I won´t be so gracious."

"Yes, thank you for your benevolence my lord!"

The voice grunted and turned towards us so that we finally fully see him and what I saw shocked me to the core. I honestly don´t know what it is it doesn´t look like a demon ore monster, but it has some similarities with them. On his head it has in total seven horns and it had black skin with a few white glowing markings on his upper torso and head. In his eyes was just whiteness and no pupils. The mouth was somewhat clued together with a few straps of his skin and you could only see the same nothingness in at as in its eyes. There were some strange red flowing markings on his limbs and a strange dark liquid that was all over his body and acted at the same time as some kind of tail and wings.

It was so horrendous that you can´t describe it in words and even if you took a picture of it and looked at it, I doubt that you would fully see what I saw right now. It slowly neared us and as it was in close proximity to me it said. If I had to describe it I would say that it was something from the depth of the void itself!

"I thought it would be a good idea to receive my future pawns personally. I think this is the least I can do for you little ones, don´t you think so boy?"

As it asked this question it leaned down to me with its face just a few inches from mine and its indifferent eyes staring right into my own. I seriously didn´t know what I should do I wanted to respond something but before I could do this everything turned black.

As I woke up, I wanted to move but quickly noticed that I couldn´t! It seems like I got tied and a blindfold was around my eyes until I heard a familiar deep voice.

"Oh, it seems one of our little guests is finally awake! Good we just were about to get started let me remove this stupid thing."

The cloth around my eyes was removed and I instantly regrated that I even opened my eyes. Before me were several people tied and in very bad conditions with leashes in their mouth. As I looked around, I could see my parents, my sister and several other village people. Brody and the others still laying by my side, unconsciousness. I still think that it was the best that could happen that day. All of the people before me had tears in their eyes and a apologetic expression.

"Well, I promised, on continuous pleadings from the people before you, that just the first one that wakes up has to watch was is going to happen. And I´m a man who always holds his promises."

I didn´t understand what this thing meant with these words, but I knew that it will definitely be something terrible!

"You have to be quite confused on why all of this is happening. Well, to put it in simple terms I´m more or less some kind of god from this world. A few years ago, I descended on this mortal plane to fight with the other gods and slowly formed my own army to toppled countries." Began the creature to explain.

"And as I conquered this country, Espian, you currently stand on, I was intercepted. As you might guess it were your dear parents and the other people before you that did this, the guild Silvermight. They were the strongest guild of the country and got the protection of the human god. With her help they sealed me in this little country and hided in these woods to form a village. My advance was stopped for the next few years and I swore to myself to kill and torture all of them because of it! And as you see, now I´m here. Normally I would kill you but because you weren´t even born that they I don´t. You know it just wouldn´t be fair…ok your sister was four three years old at that time but don´t fret about the specific details. And as I consider you and your little friends, people with high potential, would it be a waste to simply kill you."

As he finished his little speech he got up and snaped his fingers and immediately several figures appeared from the dark. They removed the other children from the room and removed the cloth from the mouth of my friends and family. As soon as it was removed, they began to apologize to me and told me that I had to close my eyes. I really wanted to avert my eyes from them but I couldn´t, the same was for speaking and I knew it was the work from this thing.

"Before we begin, I want you to know the name of your future King and tormentor. My name is Algan Vongrak this worlds god of destruction, chaos, demon´s and so on, pleased to make your acquaintance little Logan." After these words they began….

What they did…well… just let me say that it is forever ingrained into my soul and I never felt so much rage from the very bottom of my heart. They tortured, raped and tormented them for hours and I had to watch all of it. They did this to my parents, sister and friends. I heard their screams and their begging to stop and I couldn´t do anything to help them. I quickly realized that the only thing I could do is to cry in silence and nothing more!

As they were done, all that was left were a few broken people on the verge of dying. I looked at their eyes and noticed a familiar feeling but this time from the depth of my soul. At first, I didn´t understand it, but then I realized what it was and at the same time they did it too.

The reason why I got along with them so fast after I opened myself up and the reason that I always had this strange familiar feeling was, that a few of them were indeed familiar people I knew longer than I thought.

I didn´t notice it until now because they were completely different from the ones I knew, but all of them were people from my previous life.

In fact, were just 3 from the 19 people in the village, excluding Alistair, people I knew from my first life. My parents, Astraea and Kayne, and my big sister Adelphia. They were the last ones that were still alive after everything that was done with them.

Ironically were my present parents my previous ones and my sister was the first friend I ever had. I knew her from my previous life since I was still a newborn, because our mothers were in the same hopsital room when they were heavily pregnant with us. Hahahaha, it´s funny that she is the first friend I got in both life´s right?

I began to cry even harder as I realized this, and their confused expressions changed into a still confused but more understanding one. A few tears came out of their eyes and they began to smile at me. I looked at my family that were to my luck, currently the closest to me and I could hear their last words in a faint whisper.

"We have finally found you. We have searched for so long and at last we could look you in the eyes again. " spoke my father in a unusual soft tone.

"We are happy to finally see you again Logan. Never forged that we will always love you no matter what you do." Whispered my mother in faint voice.

"I´m happy to have been your big sister and this time I was even older than just 4 days. Thank you for making most of this live a happy one."

These were the last words of my family. After they got tortured for hours while I was watching until they died. Not just them but almost everyone I hold dear in this world!

' They took my family and nearly all my friends from me. Was that what this stupid voice meant when it said under certain circumstances?! Does this circumstances he talked about be the unavoidable death of a person? I can´t except this! I will kill them all! '

As this thoughts flowed trough my mind. I began to understand what this voice meant with the fact that I will regret my decision. I thrummed with rage and just wanted to rip everything apart!

So, I somehow cancelled the magic that still binded me with unexplained newfound strenght and charged at the one who is the reason for my suffer. As I rushed towards him, my sight turned red, and the last thing I could see were seven figures trying to protect him.

Jo sorry that it took so long for this new chapter to be published, but at least I made it longer so don´t fret about the little things right?

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