
Books arranged

While she reached home, her father dropped her and headed back to his business. Earlier she was tense about the behavior of Vars only but now she had one more problem. Her father asked her "he won't pay for her expanses so she has to know how to manage it"

Then she was sitting in a daze for a long time seeking the solution to her problems.

She sought out a way that she will ask her senior whom she met today in the bus and ask her to lend her last year books to herself.

But she wasn't sure she would give her the books or not.

With that thought it was already evening so she went to kitchen and asked her mum "Should I prepare for dinner mom?"

Her mom replied while doing something with her sewing machine "Yeah dear"

She started her business in the kitchen while her mum cleaned everything in the hall and headed in the kitchen to her.

She was pouring water for the soup when her mother entered and asked her "What about books?... they are so costly... we told you to leave it and stay at home now without books how will you study and wasted the admission fee we paid also"

She said "she will try to get some solution till then she will go to school without books."

This conversation increased her worries and she tend to think her parents won't let her attend school anymore if she couldn't borrow the books.

That night she couldn't sleep of worries so she woke up late in the morning and after she got up she directly left for school after tiding herself.

In the way, when she met her senior Niss and Poaa she asked Niss "Di! may I borrow your last year books, I will definitely return you when I will pass my exams"

Niss saw her in bewilderment and said "Okay but I can't give you all the books because I need them this year too"

Tony felt at ease and then she asked her for physics book and Niss aggreed to give it to her.

So then it was decided that Niss will bring it tomorrow morning.

When they reached school tony got scolded for not wearing the uniform to which she excused herself of being New admission!

The sports teacher asked her "Yesterday you came?"

She nodded in a Yes!

Then he asked "then how you are new to school"

Tony understood the deeper meaning of his words so she nodded and said "from tomorrow I will be wearing my Uniform Sir".

Then only he let her go

After entering class she saw Miss Rek was already there seeking attendance.

She sat at her seat and said Hi to Surb and then she turned back and looked at entire class as if searching some one. When she found Dolly she waved at her with a polite smile.

Dolly smiled back at her. Looking at these gestures Vars face darkened and she pinched Dolly and said something after which Dolly lowered her eyes and didn't looked again over Tony.

The extra chapter as yesterday's apology


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