
Journey to The New World

Planet Earth went through great change. Continents moved around and completely reshaped Earth’s layout. Animals mutated, becoming incredibly powerful blood-thirsty creatures, and attacked cities in waves. The cities that failed to defends themselves were destroyed and branded as “restricted zones”. The cities that survived the waves of mutated animals were the ones that were able to harness the same foreign power that mutated the animals, giving birth to abilities. The cities that survived the calamity, eventually learned why everything happened...but the select few that survived in the restricted area didn’t. Finn Ragon, a 16-year old boy clueless to what happened to Planet Earth, is curious to know how and why everything happened.

Franco_Stella · Fantasy
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10 Chs

One Week

"Joseph as leader?", everyone started asking. Although everyone thought great things of Joseph, they had never imagined him sitting in the leaders chair.

Finn went on to elaborate, "Yes, that's right. Although Joseph isn't originally from Rogan Village, I think he's considered a very important part of our family, just as important as anyone else. Joseph, in my opinion, is a very wise person with the qualities of a leader. Additionally, I think he was able to learn many of my fathers qualities since they had an amicable relationship. Joseph has my vote."

"He also has my vote", said Aldren. "And mine too!!", said Mia. Agreement could be heard all around. Finn's mother gave her word supporting Joseph and Goran gave a nod of approval as he made eye contact with Finn. Finally, Lenox also gave his word as the Village Champion supporting Joseph as Village Leader.

Since everyone had approved with this decision, Finn felt comfortable to leave the Village. Finn thought this was a good structure that would help the Village in the future when they would have to fight the mutated animals. But Finn's thought didn't end there, "This is a good start, but not enough. If the beasts were to attack, we'd be finished. I have to travel east as fast I can".

"Now that everything has been settled, I'll be leaving", said Finn as he planned to get prepared for his journey.

But before he could leave, Joseph asked "Finn, why do you want to head out into the wilderness? What do you plan on doing?"

"Well..." Finn said as he turned around to look at Joseph. "I want to discover the world. Who knows what happened after the beasts attacked Earth for the first time, I want to find out" Finn said. Although Finn knew more than he let on, he didn't lie to Joseph. He truly did want to know about everything that happened to the world and he was determined to find out.

"I don't support this decision, but fine. I can't stop you from doing anything. Just try to stay safe" answered Joseph as he looked towards Finn's mother to check on what she thought of his decision. But as he looked at her he saw something he didn't anticipate, a big supportive smile.

Finn's mother knew a little about what was going though Finn's mind. Regis hadn't told her everything, but he warned her of some things, which is why she accepted her sons wish to go on a Journey. She knew it was dangerous, but she knew Finn was determined, after all he was his fathers son.

Eventually, everyone left the fighting ring and headed home.

. . . .

Finn returned to his house along with Goran, Mia and Alfred. They were going to plan and prepare for their trip.

Once they were inside of Finn's room, Alfred was the first to speak up. "If we really are going to go through with this, not that I agree with the decision, let's do things right. Let's prepare to make sure we don't die."

"That's the spirit Alfred!" said Mia. She then asked, "Finn, should I prepare bandages, medicine, blankets, and that kind of stuff? I can go get these things in the Village hall later."

"Yes, please do." answered Finn. "And Goran, can you handle the weapons? Help prep everyone's gear and also sharpen this?" Finn asked with a grin in his face as he pointed to his pirate sword.

"Will do boss. By the way, you give the weapon a name yet?" Goran returned a question as he pointed to the sheathed sword Finn used to defeat Lenox. The reason Goran asked was because he had read stories with Finn when they were younger of weapons that were notorious enough to deserve names. "Nah, not yet, she hasn't earned it yet. Let's see if she can survive this journey, then I'll think about it." Finn said as he tossed the sword over to Goran.

"Alright then, we've got weapons and medicine covered. What about you Alfred, what are you going to do. Oh and also what weapon are you gonna use?" asked Finn

"Hmm...I think I'll use a bow and arrow to keep my distance from the fighting. haha" said Alfred with a guilty look. Although he agreed on going to the journey, he wasn't in a hurry to get killed, so he figured a bow and arrow was a good choice to keep a safe distance during battle.

"Coward" said Goran jokingly. They all laughed. Then Alfred continued speaking, "As for what I'll be doing to prepare, I'll be thinking of plans and strategies we can use for running away if we encounter any beasts."

"Good then. I guess I'll play around with the compass to see how it works and prepare some other things. We'll leave in one week. Get everything done, but also make sure to say goodbye to everyone and make amends, who knows when we'll come back...or if we'll come back." said Finn with a serious expression. Goran and Aldren thought the same thing. "If we'll come back".

Noticing there was such a tense mood, Mia stepped in. "Okay guys, let's cheer up and get everything done. At least I'm going on this journey to have a good time, not to get myself killed. Hope that's alright with the three of you." Mia said with a cute smile hoping to cheer them up. Hearing Mia, the three of them also laughed and felt relieved.

The three boys thought the same thing as they smiled. They thought it should be them protecting her. They wouldn't let anything happen to her. But they were happy that she was there to cheer them up. They would need her help to get through the upcoming future.

"Let's get to work. See you guys in a week at the front gate. Be ready", said Finn.

"Soon Dad, soon I'll discover what this world has to offer", he thought as he looked at his compass.