
Journey to The New World

Planet Earth went through great change. Continents moved around and completely reshaped Earth’s layout. Animals mutated, becoming incredibly powerful blood-thirsty creatures, and attacked cities in waves. The cities that failed to defends themselves were destroyed and branded as “restricted zones”. The cities that survived the waves of mutated animals were the ones that were able to harness the same foreign power that mutated the animals, giving birth to abilities. The cities that survived the calamity, eventually learned why everything happened...but the select few that survived in the restricted area didn’t. Finn Ragon, a 16-year old boy clueless to what happened to Planet Earth, is curious to know how and why everything happened.

Franco_Stella · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Finn's Father, Regis

After leaving Goran's house, Finn headed to the Village hall to see his father. Since his father was the leader of the Village, he would spend most of his time in the Village hall, where he would work on organizing and resolving logistical issues for the Village.

The Village hall was in the center of the Village and was the largest, most majestic-looking building out of all. Once Finn arrived at the entrance of the hall, he walked straight in, since there were no doors. Inside the hall, there were three similar large tables lined up in columns next to each other. And then on the opposite side of the room there was a big chair, the Leaders chair. Finn, not seeing his father using the Leaders chair, figured he was in the infirmary, so he went to the left side of the room and went down a hallway, which led to the small room.

Upon entering the infirmary he looked towards the bed. In the bed, was his father sitting upright, reading a book. Finn's father, despite battling old age, had a strong physique and a very intimidating presence.

"What'cha reading?" said Finn. Startled, Regis looked up and spoke.

"Hey Kiddo, didn't see you come in. I was just reading this history book. Apparently, long ago there were a bunch of huge cities where one could travel to with all sorts of technology. There probably even used to be a city right here!", Regis remarked like an excited child. "Oh, what a shame that the world had to come to this."

"haha. Yeah, dad it should have been great", answered Finn at sea.

Finn always found it strange how his father talked of the World. Regis was currently 79 years old, quite old, yet energetic nonetheless. His father should have at least been a teenager when disaster struck earth. But Finn didn't worry too much about it since he wasn't even certain of the exact time frame between events. Plus, Regis had always been a curious and talkative person, so it wasn't surprising to see him running his mouth.

"Kiddo" said Regis suddenly, as he looked at Finn, "You know I won't be around forever. In a couple years you'll have to takeover protecting the Village." Regis went on to let out a big sigh, "Unfortunately, strength is an important factor in this world, it's essential to survive. Doesn't matter which world you're in, it's a necessity. Train your body and your mind kiddo, even if it's just exercising it will come in handy."

"Yeah, I hear you. I'm gonna start training and getting stronger. If I don't Goran's gonna make me look like a wimp." said Finn laughing. Although Finn was happy and actually inclined to start toughening up, he didn't understand his fathers hurry. Ragon Village had always been protected mystically from the animals. Inside of Ragon Village, strength wasn't really necessary.

But however confused, it's not like Finn was naive. If his father advised him, he knew he should probably listen.

After staying for a couple more hours, Finn decided to go back home since Regis would be sleeping in the Village hall's infirmary that night.

. . . .

The next couple of days, Finn switched up his daily routine. Instead of just talking the entire day with his friends, they decided to start training together during the day. Then at night, Finn visited Regis in the infirmary. Eventually, once his father was feeling good again, he returned home. With the whole family together, Finn and his parents had dinner together for the first time in a couple of days. Before starting to eat, Finn and his parents had a tradition of wishing good fortune and remembering the lives of those who had died. Although Ragon Village was protected by the mystical force, some people would still go outside in order to battle and see if the beasts truly were powerful.

Finn and his parents remembered those that died, including Finn's older brother, Kylo. Kylo had died 7 years ago trying to kill one of the wild beasts, it was a dark memory for all of them. Especially for Finn, since he admired his older brother a lot.

They wished together, "May the fallen rest. And may the living spread the tales of those that have fallen and gift their wisdom to those worthy of receiving it. Rest well, for you will be missed, until the day I am forgotten."

After a moment of silence, everyone chatted away. Finn told his parents about what he was currently doing with his friends. Per Regis's advice, Finn had started sparring with his group of friends in order to grow stronger. The group of friends had no technique at all and didn't know what they were doing, but they had fun. And most importantly, it was slowly making them stronger, which was something Finn knew he had to do.

Regis let out a big laugh as he heard the stories of Finn's attempts using a sword. "Oh Kiddo, I'll have to teach you sometime. How are your friends doing?"

"Well, Goran refuses to use a weapon and only uses his body, but he still beats us. Now that I think of it, he's definitely the strongest since he's been training non-stop for years now. I should probably start training much more vigorously or I'll fall behind, huh."

"Well said Kiddo, what about the others?" remarked Regis. "Well, Mia is very flexible, so she usually dodges most attacks. On the other hand, she doesn't have much power behind her attacks. I can usually win, but she puts up a good fight. Now Aldren...well Aldren is not very strong at all. He doesn't have much strength, flexibility, or technique, but he's surprisingly smart when fighting. Uses the surroundings to his advantage and all of that."

"Ho ho, sounds like a strong team. Kiddo, you have to keep training. Even if this is basic, it's valuable experience. And most importantly, remember to always lead the group in the right direction. Strength is always a necessity, but it's not the only necessity"

Again, Finn was confused with the seriousness of his father because of the context they were in. At the moment everything was so peaceful. "Just what's going to happen, Dad?" thought Flinn to himself.

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