
Journey to The New World

Planet Earth went through great change. Continents moved around and completely reshaped Earth’s layout. Animals mutated, becoming incredibly powerful blood-thirsty creatures, and attacked cities in waves. The cities that failed to defends themselves were destroyed and branded as “restricted zones”. The cities that survived the waves of mutated animals were the ones that were able to harness the same foreign power that mutated the animals, giving birth to abilities. The cities that survived the calamity, eventually learned why everything happened...but the select few that survived in the restricted area didn’t. Finn Ragon, a 16-year old boy clueless to what happened to Planet Earth, is curious to know how and why everything happened.

Franco_Stella · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Family Heirloom

Once Finn put the letter away, he noticed that wasn't the only thing inside the envelope, in fact there were two more things inside.

Finn, with his hand in the envelope, grabbed a compass. As he pulled the compass out of the envelope and looked at it, he flicked the lid open and could see the compass. Surprisingly so, there weren't any navigation devices in Ragon Village, so it was vey fortunate for Finn that his father left this behind.

Attached to the compass was a note that said, "This is a family heirloom, keep it safe, and use it to head East."

Finn flicked the back of the lid closing the compass and grabbed it tightly. "Good, very good. This is just what I need to go on this journey", thought Finn.

Finn moved the compass to his pocket and then moved on to the next and final thing inside the envelope. Inside there was a single piece of paper. The paper had visual representations, instructions. And on the back of the paper Regis had left a short message. "I never taught this to your brother because I was afraid of getting him involved in my past life. Perhaps if I would have shown him this, then he would have been back by now. You probably won't understand the instructions now, but eventually you will. If you choose to learn this it will help a lot, but it may get you involved in something very dangerous."

After reading the message, Finn turned the paper to the front side again and stared at the instructions. From the little that Finn could understand it was a way of channeling energy, but he was still very clueless as to how he could activate the technique. Currently, with his lack of knowledge in the world of abilities, he wouldn't be able to learn this. But, perhaps in the future he could. The only thing that left Finn worried was what learning this could get him involved in.

Regardless, he stored the piece of paper away with his compass, grabbed the envelope and left his parents room. He went over to his room, and hid the letter. Finn didn't know if his mother knew about all of this, so he decided he wouldn't show her the letter or tell her about the details.

By the time his mother came back to the house it was midnight. Finn had fallen asleep a couple of hours earlier since it had been a very mentally taxing day. Not only because of all the new information his father had left him, but also because of the fight he had tomorrow against Lenox that would determine the leader of the Village.

. . . .

The next morning, Finn met up with Aldren to prepare a bit for the fight. Since Aldren was the smartest fighter and strategist he knew, Finn thought he could get some advice.

After Finn arrived at Aldren's house and sat down next to him they started talking. "So, you ready Finn?", asked Aldren.

"Yeah, mentally I'm good, pretty confident in my win. I could use some tips, though."

"Well, he's good with the spear, really good with the spear, which means that if you fight long distance you'll be at a disadvantage. If I were you, I'd get close to him and then use your sword skills. Of course, you have to remember that once you're able to get close to him, he's gonna back away quickly, so once your close enough make your move quickly" said Aldren.

"Alrighty, I think I got a good idea of what I gotta do", answered Finn. After a moment of silence Finn spoke again, "Dude, Aldren, I have something big to tell you, but I want to tell you, Mia, and Goran all at the same time. Let's call them over here. "

About half an hour later, Mia and Goran walked in one after another. They came separately, but arrived at the same time.

"What the hell is it this time? I was still trying to sleep!! Ugh", said Mia, as she sat down wearing her pajamas. Simultaneously, Goran sat down next to Finn without saying anything.

Finn laughed, "Alright, alright, calm down Mia. It'll be worth it, trust me." After Finn said this, the group listened very closely as he told them everything that had gone down and what he had learned in the envelope. He told them about everything. And once he finished talking about the letter, he showed them his compass. He flicked open the lid of his compass for the group to see it.

"Wooow, shiny!" said Mia. Aldren looked at Mia puzzled and thought "Of all the things that Finn just said, that's what caught your attention? Amazing." Goran smiled, as he shared Aldren's same thought.

"So, what do you guys think?" asked Finn.

Aldren answered first, "Sounds really dangerous, doesn't sound like a good idea. Let's not jump to conclusions". Mia spoke afterwards, "It sounds exciting, sure it is dangerous, but if we survive it should be fun. I don't know. Goran?

Mia looked at Goran. "I'm going. I want to go to find more about these abilities. We need to go." Goran said as he gripped his fist tightly and flexed his muscles in excitement. When Goran finished speaking, Finn smiled and then looked at him, "I agree, Goran. We have to go. I refuse to sit back and let the village get destroyed. And I refuse to live my life stuck inside this Village when there is an entire world for me to explore."

"Okay, then!", cheered Mia.

"Guys, guys please calm down. Let's think it over. Guys, guys? Guys." said Aldren with an expression beyond worried. "Can you hear me? Finn? Anybody? Guys please answer me." They ignored him. Aldren sighed and then Mia and Finn laughed at him.

"We're going Aldren, drop it. Just don't worry about it. What's the worst that could happen? We get eaten by beasts?" said Finn as he burst out in laughter. Aldren thought, "I'm doomed" as he looked to the sky, but saw the ceiling.