
Chapter 3

I saw him sitting on a broad wooden swing in the balcony staring at a huge mango tree outside. I went closer to him .I was trembling at that moment to talk to him, "What are you looking at?" I asked with a soft voice. He glanced at me and said, "Oh, Hi there! Please have a seat" with a slight smile on his face. I sat down on the swing next to him. "I was just looking at that woodpecker on that tree over there. Can you see that?" he asked me pointing at the tree. "Yeah, he seems very dedicated with his work though", said I. He laughed and nodded. The surrounding was filled with peace. The only sound that could be heard was the swaying leaves of the trees and chirping of birds.

"I know it's odd, but what is your name?" I felt awkward asking.

He smiled and said "Ok, Hi, I am Rayan" with a handshake.

I smiled too giving my hand and said "Ok, Hi Rayan, my name is Jasmine". I felt his palm that was warm and soft. But I was cold and shivering. That handshake gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"I already know that", was his answer.

I was amazed "But, How? Today is the day we meet for the first time".

"You might have not met me, but you have encountered me before." He looked at me smiling "Many times, Jasmine."

I was totally confused.

"Don't worry. Wait for the right time, I will tell you everything"

"Okay" said I.

"So, what did you like the most here?"

"Everything here is really good, but I liked that little library in the hall the most. It is so adorable."

"So you like to read"

"Oh, I love reading. I have been reading since primary school. I always wanted a small library in my house."

"So, did you read any of the books here?"

"No, I didn't."

He got up from the swing and took my hand and said, "Come with me". His gesture indicating me that he owns me.

I blushed and said "Yeah, sure."

He took me to the library and asked me to pick any book I want.

While I was exploring the books he was standing there with his hands folded and staring at me with compassion and said, "This is all yours, Jasmine."

"That is so sweet of you Rayan" said I.

We spent quality time in the library talking and reading. That was when I realized how well he knows me and here I am with this mystery man. But, that was a beautiful time I had with him. There was a sense of bond between us that I was unaware of.

"It's evening now. Come, let's go for tea. Mom and Dad must be waiting" he said.

I followed him.