
journey to omnipotence omnipotence

Follow the Journey of a man to Omnipotence through everything cruel inhuman and darkness.

Anonymous_0075 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Lonesome Death

It was a dark night.In the corner of a dumpster a 16year boy was shivering from cold. The boy's hair colour was dark and there were no emotion in his eye's .This boy's name is Alex.Lets just say Alex is a poor boy a very poor boy and a unfortunate one at that. He doesn't know who or where are his mother and father.He has been a beggar since he was 5years old.He would give all the money he earned by begging to let's just say his superior and in exchange he would give Alex some food if you could call it food that is. He would just get a bit of bread for breakfast and for dinner he stole food from dumpsters. Even at that he would sometime's get beaten up by beggar's twice his age.This world was cruel for weak and poor as for powerful and influential people this world was heaven.Alex knew that very well.He was now lying in the corner .But if someone takes a closer look he/she would be able to notice that his legs were broken and his bone could be seen through his skin and flesh.He didn't eat for three days straight.As for how he got like this let's see


three day's before

In front of a school there was a dumpster there Alex was searching for food as always. But suddenly he saw a group of his age walking out of the school .A girl from the group noticed Alex and he also noticed her but he didn't care and began searching the dumpster again.But suddenly he heard a sound of a girl from behind .


He saw and see's the same girl from the group he noticed a few minutes ago but he just ignore's her .but the girl still asked

-Hey don't ignore me.

Alex thought that if he doesn't hear her she will burn his ears by talking.Alex say's with a emotionless face as cold as ice.


The girl was surprised by alex's face.His face was dirty and his look's was avarege with a dirty smell from the dumpster that would give someone the urge to vomit but the girl was not surprised by his look's but his eye's those eyes were emotionless .The girl thought he must have been thorough some trauma to get that kind of eyes .She felt pity for Alex and gave him some money.Alex was first a bit surprised but didn't change his emotionless face he thought that this girl was kind enough to give him money or she was scheming something naturally Alex considered the first option.He was just a bit surprised by this girl's kindness as he knew there were not many people in this world who were as kind as her.

And without much thinking he recived the money happily as he was not stupid enough to not receive this.Suddenly a few voice of males and females came from the back.

-Alicia! where are you?

Naturally alicia was the girl Alex was with

Alicia POV

-Hey!guy's.I am here!!

-Oh there you were.Do you know how worried we were.

A girl from the group said as she hugged Alicia tightly.Alex thought they were good friend's by their behaviour.Suddenly a handsome boy from behind the group said

-What were you doing in this filthy place with

this beggar?

as if the group noticed the existence of Alex they saw him and immediately said harsh words of him.

-Yeah what were you doing in this filthy place?

asked the group as they covered their noses from Alex's hideous smell as they moved backward's.The handsome guy from before spoke loudly


He said as he and the boy's from the group cracked their knuckle's looking at Alex. The girl that hugged Alicia said with a soft tone.

-Alicia tell us did he really did such thing you don't need to be afraid tell us honestly

while hugging Alicia more tightly.As the boy's were going to punch alex alicia broke out of the hug and said loudly.

STOP!!! Thomas he didn't do anything to me.

the handsome boy name thomas and the other boys suddenly stopped their fists.Alicia said angrily thomas and you all don't have to worry about me I can take care of myself.Thomas said suddenly

O..Okay Alicia we won't hurt him let's go to a five star hotel that my father owns

Alicia said angrily no I won't.

As she was leaving the alley the group followed behind her hurriedly.Thomas looked at Alex angrily as he loved Alicia since he first saw her Alicia was a top beauty in the school comparable to celebraties.The group also knew he loved Alicia and Thomas's dad was a renowned politician that's why no boy's ever comes close to her except for Thomas's underlings .Thomas also ran behind the group before giving Alex a last look filled with rage.Alex also knew he f*cked up.So he made a plan that he would leave this area tonight with the money he secretly saved for all the years.


That night

Alex was searching something in a dumpster in a alley way.He then took out a box from the dumpster as he opened the box he saw me lots of money.This were his money he secretly saved from the previously mentioned superior he had.He checked the box carefully before closing it making sure all the money is there.As he was about to turn and leave this area for good.


he felt a metal like thing hit his head from behind as he falls in the ground he crawled forward and looked behind.He saw three figure's he recognised one of the figures it was Thomas and with him were two bulky bodyguards one with a metal bat which Alex was hit with in the head.Thomas squatted in front of Alex and said

- How dare you f*cling beggar because of a beggar like you she got angry with me f*cking son of a b*tch.

Suddenly on of the bulky bodyguards behind Thomas said

-Hey boss what should we do with him?

Thomas said angrily

-Hmph how dare a beggar like him even walk up to Alicia break his legs

he said as he leaves the alleyway.The bodyguards look's at Alex and the man with the metal bat comes in front of leylin and strikes one of his knees with full power as cracking noise came from his knees it was very painful he wanted to scream his lungs out but the other bodyguard was blocking his mouth with a cloth then the man with the metal bat sirikes both of his legs continuesly Alex felt so much pain he wanted to cut off his own legs to escape from this pain seeing both of his legs broken the bodyguards stood and then leaved the alley. From the pain and blood loss From his injuries he fainted.The next morning he woke up from the sunray's suddenly he felt an immense pain thirst and hunger he wanted to scream but he couldn't as he was dehydrated he couldn't even talk a bit. Suddenly he saw some beggar's coming his way he wanted to talk to them and wanted the to take him to a hospital the beggar's came in front of him and looked at him as he thought he was saved one of the beggar's pushed his hand towards Alex but the beggar took the box near Alex and checked the things inside it they were overjoyed by seeing money inside it then without batting even a eye at Alex they leaved the alleyway singing.Alex was dumpfounded he never thought the would leave the box full of cash with him he was not that foolish but taking his all of his years of painstaking money and not even bat an eye to him but before he could think anything anymore he fainted again.He again opened his eyes this time even more hunger and thirst attacked him his bones could be seen through his skin his injuries getting worse he looked at the sky it was night time it was cold very very cold with cold his body becomes numb he thought

Alex POV

-Alas!I am leaving this cursed world.

As if the world didn't want him to die peacefully a bunch of dogs suddenly came in front of him one of the dog bites him in the legs as if causing a chain reaction other dogs also started biting him a gory scene reavles itself a boy being eaten by a bunch of dogs the dogs first bites a chunk of his flesh and then his internal organs as the dogs feasts off Alex's body he died not even his bones remained.He died a gory death he died a lonesome Death