
Journey to Obscure

Hello guys, I got bored reading those reincarnation and transmigration novels, so I decided to write something new for myself and for others. Hope you like it. The first volume will is all about how Rudra(MC)got his skills. You can consider the first volume as prologue ( Biggest ever.) for the upcoming volume 2. You can directly start reading volume 2 if you are a fan of academy arc but you will miss out on the details of character of mc. Volume 2 My first day at the academy. I saw a commoner beating up a noble. A girls next to me handed me some popcorn without even looking at me. I ignored her and went straight for my class, but another group of students blocked my way. They were staring at a silhouette of a girl sleeping peacefully on one of the towers of academy building. With all my will power I ignored them. I somehow made my to the class, I went straight into a corner seat and sat down. Curiously I looked around the class to get a better view of the students who will be my classmates. Guess what, I found the same commoner and noble sitting in the same class as me. The girl who slept on one of the towers of academy was somehow present on the first bench still asleep. The popcorn girl was sitting in another corner with a bored look. I sighed and looked around to find a normal student, but my luck is worse than I thought. Every single one of my classmates had a screw loose in their head. "I wanna quit." English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

ether7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

Training 02

(Neon's POV)

Sigh... It's really hard to convince my sister. I didn't tell her embarrassing stuff like saving the world and blah blah blah, I just told her that I was going on 3 month trip with my distant friend. I know that's pretty lame excuse, maybe she realised that I was lying but didn't say anything.

Same day afternoon

" I will be going then."

" Take care of yourself." Aisha said in concerned tone.

" I will." I replied in confident tone to tell her that I will be fine but looking at her expression I don't think she believe me.

A boy starting his lonesome journey to become strong and protect his family. The sun rays falling on him added more to his handsomeness. The boy took in a deep breathe and started to walk, thinking of the amazing journey he will be going on. Yup, that's me.

" Make sure to find a girlfriend for yourself." Aisha said teasingly.

' Damn, I almost tripped.'

" I will be sure to get back at you for this." I replied in angry tone and started running in random direction.

' She just had to say that aloud, now everyone's looking at me. So embarrassing.'

" Hey! that's the wrong way you idiot." Aisha

I ran at full speed seeing the situation getting worse. I just need to find a secluded place anywhere, I will be teleported after a few minutes anyway.

[ Time remaining till training starts : 03 minutes ]

[ Please be prepared ]

Just 3 minutes, let's calm down a bit. Everything will be fine... everything will be fine... everything will be fine...

I might not look like it, but I am really nervous. Don't know why though?

[ Time remaining till training starts 00 second ]

" Haa.. I don't want to experience that again "

[ Beginning teleportation ]

Inside Training Grounds prepared by Terra:

" Bargh..... Bargh..."

' Not again, shit.'

" Bargh..."

' This is the last time, I will be staying here for 3 months straight so I don't need to worry.'

" If you're done then should we start?" (Terra)

Huff.... Huff.....

" I am ready."

" You are Physically too weak compared with others so I will be giving you intense physical training schedule. Be prepared."(Terra)

" Ok, but Miss Terra can you please check my body."

" What do you mean?" Terra asked confusingly

" There seems to be something wrong with my body, no matter what I do my body just doesn't get any muscle." I said frustratingly.

" Don't worry it will probably be fixed when you form your mana core." Terra said nonchalantly.

'I don't think she is taking my question seriously or am I being paranoid.'

" This will be your training schedule."

[ Training schedule:

Running = 10 Km.

Swimming = 10 Km

Push-ups = 100

Pull-ups. = 100

Weight lifting = 1000 ( 10kg)

Box jumps = 50

Lat pull-down = 100 ]

[ Time limit : 08 hours ]

" Don't you think this is too much." I said pleadingly.

" No, You have 08 hours to complete your training. I am being more lenient toward you or I would have increased it to 500." Terra said irritatingly.

' I guess Complaining won't do me any good.'

" I you have nothing else to ask then I will get going." Terra said in flat tone

" What about others?"

" Because of Time zone difference, I will be teaching individually to each one of you."Terra said flatly.

" Do we have to stay here all the time or will we be able to rest at home everyday. "

" No, I will send you home at night time and call back at morning. Falling ill because of sleep deprivation is the last thing I want for you." Terra said sarcastically while smiling.

I pondered for a bit and asked my last question.

" You said that penalty for failing in trial will result in death but I didn't hear about anyone dying in news."

"....." (Terra)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ether7creators' thoughts