
journey to multiverse a tensura fanfic

I write this fanfic for my satisfaction.. [ fanifc which will include world from anime , dongua and novel ] English is my third language and this is my first book. I might make some grammer mistake. so please try to overlook them. Mc is a manas [ from tensura ] this fanfic will include many world. from 1.anime = naruto , mushoku tensei , arifureta, tensura , misfit of demon king , eminence in shadow , boruto , one piece , bleach , genshin impact and honkai imapct 2. dongua = doupo , great ruler , soul land , perfect world , against the god , renegade immortal 3.novels = supreme harem god system, sacred ruin , divine emperor of death , im a heavenly destined villain. suggest on which order should I take. if I got a good response. I will not drop this fanfic. 1st world [ tensura ] 2nd world [ will select form comment section ]

Aditya_Sharma_6664 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

chapter 3 [talk with tsundere dragon]

Satarou pov

Just as satarou got near infinity prison

<a prison made up of infinite numbers like structure which can isolate one from outside world if traped in it.>

Satarou got this info from karna.

He also old him about true dragon

< true dragon are highest tier spirit. There are kin to natural phenomena who got will on their own. Their existence is ultimate. It means they are strongest in tensura verse >.

As satarou approach. He saw a Gleaming like black steel, flexible and durable, like the scales of a fish…. A dragon. A majestic one.

A loud voice echoes 'Oi! You can hear me, can't you? Responding would be good

Satarou instinctly replied shut up baldy.

Suddenly satarou starts sweating.

Ho, Hoho! To deign us a baldy, aren't You a brave one!!! It has been long since I have last had company so I may have started poorly, but this one seems to be searching for death!).

Karna take over and replied I'm just a reborn so I'm confused. Satarou became calm.

The satarou learn from veldora how he got sealed by chosen hero 300 years ago.

So you are a unique monster. Veldora said.

Karna already told satarou what a unique monster is.

Veldora also told about various inferior tribes which reproduce. Goblins and orcs, along with lizardmen–to name a few. These are special among the monsters, and are commonly referred to as demi-humans.

Among demi-humans, there also those who have befriended humanity. Elves, hobbits, and dwarfs–those belonging to the fair magical races.

Next, about the Majin.

Although these have been born from magical energy, they are generally beasts and magical beasts who have evolved beyond themselves.

Strong majin include the giants, the vampires, and the devils are the high class majin with the longest life span.

After talking about various stuff. Veldora starts telling about his past.

He had been sealed away for three hundred years. And so, he has been plagued by boredom..

300 years in loneliness. Anyone would be bored to death.

He got sealed by a chosen hero who was a summoner

When you say summoning, do you mean calling something out with magic?)

(As you say. It is a three day ritual involving thirty people. The success rate is low, but success is typically met with a powerful weapon.) Told by veldora to rimuru.

They are used as weapon and a mark is place on their soul for their loyalty.

Okay! So, with me… no, can we be friends?)

Ouch… that's still pretty embarrassing.

I must be bright red right now…

(Wha, what did you say? For the feared Storm Dragon Veldora to become f-f-friends with someone of s-s-slime's social standing?!)

(Ah… well, if you hate it that much…)

(Stupid! You! Nobody said anything about hating!)

(Eh, then? Umm… what will you do?)

(… let's see… well, if you insist… I can consider…)

Somehow, it seems he is timidly stealing glances my way.

Had this been done by a cute girl, I'd be very happy… but when it's done by an evil looking dragon…

Well, it is interesting.

(I insist! Decide! If you hate, the deals off. No second chances!!!)

(Cho…! Then I have no choice! I'll become your friend! Show me your gratitude!)


This dragon isn't very obedient.

I also aren't, so we're a good fit.

(Then, I'll be in your care!)

(Ay! … oh, and let me grant you a name. You also give me one!)

(Huh? Why? So suddenly?)

(To etch into our souls that we are equals. As humans call it, Family Name type of thing.

The one I grant you will bestow upon you "Diving Protection". You still lack a name, so you shall become a named monster now!)

Mu mu.

So, I have to come up with a Family Name (one for common use), huh?

I'm not really good at this stuff…

(Since you are called the Storm Dragon, how about simply "Tempest"?)

That's no good, right?

Since it sound good, I simply took Storm and changed it into Tempest…

(It's decided! What a wonderful name!)

He liked it!?

(From now on, I am Veldora Tempest. And you…

Shall be called "Rimuru," Rimuru Tempest shall be thine name!!!)

And that name was etched into my soul

From what I can see and feel, I don't feel any different.

But somewhere deep in my soul, I felt something change.

That would be something to mention to Veldora, wouldn't it?

And so, I have become friends (or would it be more appropriate to call this soul-mates?) with him.

(Oh, and before I go, I wanted to ask. Is there nothing you can do about that seal?)

(Not with my power. If it were a unique skill like that of a hero, then it could perhaps be possible…)

(You do not possess any unique skills?)

(I do. But from the moment the seal was placed, I could no longer use any. I barely managed retaining my telepathy…).

Karna suggested to devour the whole infinity prison so he can Analyse the infinity prison in stomach.

And so, I explained to Veldora the [Predator] ability and how I thought to use it.

This would be impossible, however, without the [Great Sage] ability correction.

(Kuahahahaha! Interesting!!! Of course I'll try it. To you, I'll entrust my everything!)

(Should you be trusting me so easily?)

(Of course! Rather than waiting for you to come back here, tearing [Endless Prison] asunder and leaving together inside of you sound so much more amusing!)

I see.

Not alone. Together.

Isn't it fine?

With [ karna ] [Great Sage] and [Predator], I'll continue analysis and seek to free Veldora from his imprisonment.

And in this stomach there is no fear of scattering and disappearing.

I think we can do this.

(Alright. I'll eat you now, try to break out of [Endless Prison], okay?)

(Kukuku! Leave it to me! Don't wait, I'll pause it for you!!!)


I made my decision.

I touch Veldora, and begin Predation.

In a second, the giant Veldora disappeared from my view.

That was too quick.

He was speaking up until a second ago.

Having disappeared so suddenly… makes me lonely.

*Others pov

Here the presence of veldora vanish and the world came into panic.

In various organization who was monitoring veldora. Everyone discuss about the disappearance of veldora.

<author Note - veldora fun time is destruction and choas for human cites . Not even demon lord are spared from his activities>.

Belmont kindom decide to send a party for Investigation.

*Rimuru pov

20 days has passed since disappearance of veldora and great sage got active.

The grass I've collected there is mostly the Hipokte kind.

As expected.

With this, my stock of restorative medicine has increased.

And, the glowing rocks are apparently called "Demon Ore".

Harder than steel, yet sufficiently flexible, they are a high grade material.

I had hoped it was some super rare metal… but, well, it's not like I know whether Orichalcum, Hihiirokane, or other legendary ore even exists in this world.

Then i went to a lake and observed my body floating and sinking with [Magic Perception].

Just like a jellyfish…

Hmm… if I were to make my "face" oscillate, could I create a water current?

After I reached out to the magic energy in my face, I tried making it oscillate.

With a *pyoon pyoon… pyooooooon*, I felt small ripples being formed. And, I began moving through the water. A great success!!!

Bemused, I played around in the water.

What a nice change of pace!

<<Skill [Water Current Control] has been acquired>>

For a second I thought it was [Great Sage], but seems to be the "Voice of the World"…

To have gained a skill while playing.

In the end I was able to control depth, direction, and speed.

And if I have to, I can just accelerate with [Hydraulic Propulsion].

Then, I tried to imagine imagine the water rotating.

And rather than the size of the opening, I tried to thin the shape of the water.

Yes! The idea was "Cutting water!"


The water blade cut the boulder!!!

Honestly, even I was surprised at its power.

A week's worth of practice (lol), had finally bore fruit!

<<Skill [Water Blade] has been acquired>

<<The skills [Hydraulic Propulsion], [Water Current Control], and [Water Blade] have evolved into Extra Skill [Water Manipulation]>>

What do you know!

It really bore fruit.

Later rimuru fought and got many skill by eating monster and gain their skills.

Black serpent [Heat Detection, Noxious Breath]

Centipede monster [Paralysis Breath]

Big spider [Sticky Thread, Steel Thread]

Vampire Bat [Vampirism, Ultrasound Waves]

Carapace Lizard [Body Armor]

The black serpent's [Noxious Breath], for example, I can't use at all.

Soon rimaru heard a voice and trio of adventure open a giant door.

Rimuru slip and got outside of giant door.

Outside rimuru venture to many places and soon he saw a bunch of goblins.

Guga. O strong one… Does You, have any business, up ahead?」

Huh, goblins can talk.

I wonder if they can use any of [Magic Perception]…

… and did they just call me "strong one"?

First surround me armed with weapons, and then politely ask a question… what a bunch.

I was amused.

In any case, it doesn't look like they will attack right away.

Will my words reach them? I guess I just have to try.

And so, I tried conversing with goblins.

, what do you need from me? I don't have any particular reason to be going this way, either.」

Since they have politely asked questions, I guess I'll politely answer.

And maybe it was too much, but to make sure they continued fearing me, I said that rather forcefully.

「So it like that. On this path, stand our village. We felt strong monster, so came as precaution.」

「A strong monster's presence? One that I have not detected..?」

「Guga, gugaga, you joke! Even clothed in that form, we will not be fooled!」

It seems like they've completely got the wrong idea. (Warning! The one who's mistaken is Rimuru!)

Karna said you are not controlling ur aura.

Rimuru then changed his view and starts sweeting. A large amount of demonic aura is leaking from rimuru . That's why they are so afraid of me . Rimuru thought.

After talking to the goblins for a while, it seems like I'll be imposing on their village.

That is, it seems like I'm staying over.

Though they look shabby, it seems they have a big heart.

We discussed many things.

That, the god they worshiped had recently disappeared.

That, along with his disappearance, various monsters begun moving.

That, the number of powerful adventurers had increased.

And so on.

Even so, they guided me to the best looking building.

The roof was made of rotting straw, and so was full of holes; the walls were just piled plywood…

By my world's standards, even slum housing is preferable! That's how bad it was.

「We apologize for making you wait, honored guest.」

A goblin said while entering the structure.

The goblin leader who had been showing me around until now then moved to attend to this one.

「Ah… don't mind it. I hadn't been waiting that long」

I tried to respond with the best business-like smile I could foster.

Of course, the best slime-smile possible.

They say that a single smile can turn negotiation in one's favor. Got to say, even I am susceptible to that skill.

Not that I know what we are negotiating about..

「We humbly apologize for the inability to provide better accommodations. I currently have the pleasure of serving as this village's chief.」

Having said that, the goblins placed before me a tea-like drink.

Which I have to admit, was rather surprising.

I sip the tea. (To the onlookers, it probably looked like I toppled the cup over.)

It had no taste. Which was obvious, considering I had no taste buds.

Whether that was good thing or not–I don't know… after checking the ingredients, I confirmed that it was not poisonous.

Moreover, I could feel their sincere attempt at hospitality from this cup.

「So, for what reason have you gone out of your way to invite me here?」

I went straight to the point.

"Let's become friends with a fellow monster!" … it probably wasn't that kind of benevolent reason.

Although the chief tensed and began to tremble, he seemed to have steeled himself and proceeded to ask.

So you want my protection and in return u will became my subordinate.

「Very well! I shall accept that request!」

I accepted with an exaggerated bow.

And so, I became the master of goblins, and their guardian.

On night

The Fang Wolf family.

The rulers of the eastern plains.

Each is a C rank monster, and could easily devour a negligent adventurer.

However, they were mostly feared as a pack.

Author Note < monster are divided into various class based on their magical energy.

Rank F to rank S.

Rank S - demon lord

Special S - true dragon .

This ranking will became unapplicable in later chapter >

With a loud growl their pack approaches the village from afar. I just stood in front of the temporary fence made but this time I released aura for a second and conveniently made use of the domain manipulation unique skills to divert it to front projecting over their path..

I raised my left hand with a stop sign and said: "Back off? Or get killed."

The alpha wolf stood infront of me 20 metree s away.Growled at me saying " How dare you stand in my way. Using trickery to stop us.

LThe alpha cruelly smiled and jumped at me and when he was just at 1 m away from my hand 1 muttered gluttony silently. The black smoke instantly dissoves and absorb the wolf and he was dead superfast.

With the newly acquired thought communication activating I changed to storm fang wolves mode and said:" surrender yourself to myself or leave village"

They instantly prostated and now I have a bunch of fanpups you know what I mean.

I asked him to meet next morning with elders of both tribes and went my way to the temporary adjusted tent.

Next morning

On the suggestion of karna

rimaru said

'I will be naming and evolving you all since you are my subordinates, but I will only do it for some of you as of now. I then proceed to name goblin leader as rigurdo and his son as rigurdo and gobta gobichi gobitsu etc. and then for females Haruna, Haritha, Harunisa etc.

I stopped at 100 goblins. These people will evolve.

Rest of the goblins, karna controlled the energy flowing outward .

to only increase their magicule count and

facilitate racial evolution.

I rested and next day I named the wolves as ranga and they evolved with their leader not much I can do.

I then asked them to pair and taught them how to do it. Created patrol guards as goblin

riders. Food gathering teams of goblins and hunting teams. Given village leader position

to rigurdo.

On the 3rd day I gathered them again and gave them rules to follow.

First consulting with karna

1) No attacking humans unless they started harming your first. If you plan to eliminate one causing harm you need to do it cleanly like not even his soul should be able to leave,

If you are that capable. And no physical evidence whatsoever.

2) No infighting between subordinates I named or the ones residing in our Village.Solve

your conflict with words.

3)Do not look down on other races however weaker they are.

Some were not convinced so I let karna took Over my body.

And he said

'I know most of you know I take this form since humanoid shape has advantages.

I am a slime! I turned to a slime for the surprise of wolves.

'see how a slime could control a village of monsters. You just evolved and other weaker races could also just do that.

I plan to name and evolve monsters that have some role in the story I read and others. mainly as military strength.i don't want to evolve every one.

On fourth day I went and created some shelter using material manipulation and it was fine.i also did that for a bunch of others.

And I came to know that even with the help of karna . It is Essential that they should became self reliance. So

We called Gobta and Ranga and 3 other wolves to set journey to Dwargon to recruit skilled craftsmen.

They were all teary eyed when I left the village for whatsoeverever reasons.

During the journey we talked about gelmund guy, Maou's army and elfs. Rested somewhere and kept the journey again.

I stopped them at the edge of the village.

Asked to rest again. During this time I asked if ranga knows shadow motion and somehow he was able to but took some time to actually do it. I also motivated gobta with some impossible tasks and training to facilitate him summoning motion.

Ranga came to my shadow and gobta has his own.

Me changed to goblina form and with gobta went towards the line.

It only took some time and there are people to disturb us..

< Note some may think that I am following original story without any chances but the real story will star when Mc will gain shizu body and unique skill degenerate.

< skip ch4 and reach ch5 when our Mc starts our journey >

Degenerate skill is extremly Essential for rest of the story and yes Mc will have body like rimuru >.

With some additional skills. Which are quite op.