
journey to multiverse a tensura fanfic

I write this fanfic for my satisfaction.. [ fanifc which will include world from anime , dongua and novel ] English is my third language and this is my first book. I might make some grammer mistake. so please try to overlook them. Mc is a manas [ from tensura ] this fanfic will include many world. from 1.anime = naruto , mushoku tensei , arifureta, tensura , misfit of demon king , eminence in shadow , boruto , one piece , bleach , genshin impact and honkai imapct 2. dongua = doupo , great ruler , soul land , perfect world , against the god , renegade immortal 3.novels = supreme harem god system, sacred ruin , divine emperor of death , im a heavenly destined villain. suggest on which order should I take. if I got a good response. I will not drop this fanfic. 1st world [ tensura ] 2nd world [ will select form comment section ]

Aditya_Sharma_6664 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

ch15 [world reaction and holy knights meeting] < Slight r18 >

The revival of "Storm Dragon Veldora" was confirmed.

This information was quickly passed onto the countries under the influence of the Western Saint's Church.

The kings of each country, once again tried to rack their brains for countermeasures against "Storm Dragon Veldora".

.....However, there was a country that had a more pressing issue.

The more pressing matter was octagram.

And emergence of new superpower which is

Unification of milim , Frey and carrion. This forces install fear to many nation.

At Lubelius

"My brother died last night," Luis said,

Hinata was shocked, knowing Lois's strength was often compared to that of a demon lord.

Lois then explained, "The intruder who slipped from your radar ran into Roy when he returned from Walpurgis and killed him.

"Luminus Valentine, the true demon lord, had Louis and Roy as her close confidants. Louis ruled the external world as its Holy Emperor, while Roy operated from the shadows as a demon lord. Luminus governed everything as a god.

Louis and Roy were elder noblemen, serving Luminus since ancient times. Their powers were monumental, and Hinata was fully aware of that, having fought them both once.

She had no doubts: Whoever last night's intruder was, they must have been unbelievably powerful.

They made their way to Luminus's chambers in the palace.

Hinata then explained Roy's death, which angered Luminus. "Such a foolish child.

""I apologize," Hinata said. "I let the intruder go.

""So be it," Luminus replied. "You were merely following my orders. It was my fault.

""No, my lady. Roy would be happy to—""Shut up," Luminus commanded.

"Yes, my lady," Louis responded.

Luminus then explained what happened during Walpurgis and how Rimuru killed Clayman.

"Rimuru has become stronger," Hinata thought aloud.

Hinata then recounted her battle with Rimuru, and how Karna suddenly teleported there, leading to their fierce battle.

"I couldn't defeat him," Hinata admitted. "I thought we were strong enough to deal with Veldora, but he defeated me with minimal effort.

""He is an anomaly. At Walpurgis, he showed minimal fighting skill and basic magic. He knows how to fight without revealing his true strength.

""Even Guy and Dagruel were impressed with how quickly he finished the battle. He also rejected Guy's invitation to join the demon council, saying he serves Rimuru.

He is definitely stronger than me.

""But it's hard to believe that such a strong person works for Rimuru."Hinata continued

Later luminas warns hinata to not make an enemy with tempest.

At tempest

Rimuru and karna recieved a warn welcome.

Karna and rimuru then heard report from Diablo about his work in falmuth.

< same like canon >

He present three option to falmuth kindgom.

At falmuth

Diablo's eyes glinted with a sinister light. "You have three options.

"The room fell silent, everyone waiting with bated breath.

"Option one," Diablo began, "is to submit to Rimuru sama's rule. You will become a vassal state under the Jura Tempest Federation. In return, you will receive protection and prosperity, but you will follow our laws and policies.

"King Edmaris and minster swallowed hard, listening intently.

"Option two," Diablo continued, "is to pay reparations for your transgressions. This will be a significant sum and abdication of your king .

"Option three," Diablo said, his tone darkening, "is to refuse both offers. Should you choose this path, the full might of Rimuru-sama's forces will be unleashed upon Falmuth. Your kingdom will be reduced to ruins, and your people will suffer the consequences.

the weight of the decision heavy on his shoulders. "We... we need time to consider," he stammered.

This all happened in falmuth.

The general idea was that if the country fell into civil war as a consequence of their own foolish actions

It provides much better optics. Youm could score the throne with public assent despite not being noble as the champion who saved the people and stopped the war, while the situation would not make the monster kingdom of Tempest look monstrous. If they simply invaded Farmus, no matter how justified, the western council and the church would intervene and it would undermine Rimuru's goal of working with humanity.

The other report was from benimaru and geld. The workforce from jistav was inportant for construction of beast kindgom and the information about ruins.

After everything had settled, Karna returned to his building to find Testarossa already waiting for him.

Karna had already made arrangements with Testarossa. Now they are living together as couples.

She had even asked for his permission to decorate their home. He was genuinely pleased that she was willing to take on a role more akin to a wife than just that of his subordinate.

The hall of the newly constructed palace was filled with an air of anticipation. The elegant marble columns and intricate decorations added to the majestic atmosphere.

As karna entered, his eyes took in the beauty of the place, but they soon testa welcoming him.

"Karna sama ," Testarossa greeted him with a graceful bow, her voice smooth and warm. "Welcome. We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.

"Karna smiled, feeling a sense of ease in her presence. "Thank you, Testarossa. The place looks incredible.

"Testarossa straightened, her crimson eyes sparkling with pride and admiration. "I am glad it meets your expectations, karna-sama.

"She stepped forward, her movements fluid and elegant. "May I show you around?

As they reached the end of the tour, Testarossa paused, her expression softening.

"Karna-sama, I hope you feel at home here. This place, like all of us, exists to support and protect you.

"Karna looked at her, touched by her words. "I do, Testarossa. Thank you for everything. Your efforts mean a lot to me.

"Testarossa bowed again, her eyes shining with sincerity. "It is my greatest pleasure, karna-sama. Welcome home."

Now drop sama. And come kiss me. Karna said in such simple words testarossa took some time to react.

She smiled forward and come to kiss him.

This worked wonders as testarossa to kiss me first, her hands wrapped around my neck, while her tongue dived deep into my mouth. My hand move towards her big butt twisting it in various shape.we kept kissing for a minute before which we broke the kiss,

"look like you were lonely"

I said to her to which testa smiled, placing a peck on my lips as she placed her head on my chest.

"Of course, any day without you is lonely to me"

her lips met mine,

<Slight r18>

I didn't hold back anymore as I took her up and threw her to the bed used magic to remove her dress , mine was soon lost as I climbed over testa and kissed her lips quivered under my kiss.

Soon my hands moved through her body, harassing her with my hands, that clawed and stroked her soft flesh, making her body tremble under my touch, I sat on my knees and opened her thin legs wide, and the sight of her pretty lower lips lit up the fire in me.

I did some foreplay using my fingers and life energy to make her wet.

"You are beautiful, testa"


The moment she kissed me, I suddenly plunged my length inside of her, filling her depths to the brim, making her cry out in pleasure and writhe under my weight, testa lightly nibbled on my lower lip, before locking our lips again, and this time, she used her tongue to make me respond to her.

I kept a slow pace for a while, letting the pleasure fill her, and as soon as testa failed to control her pleasurable moans, I let loose, I locked both of her hands on top of her head and pressed her more under the weight of my hard thrusts, her supple breasts squeezed against my hard chest, and I buried my face in her neck, listening closely to the voices that leaked from her mouth.

The grunts and moans resounded in the room for a good hour and a half, and testa bathed in the pleasure she missed It was mind-numbing, and after the first round, she had found herself burning in a desire that made her body ache, and so, she was the one who initiated their second round, which led to a third and a fourth before she finally succumbed to the tiredness.

She now got various hickey on her beautiful fair body, and even though I had not come out unscathed from today's battle, there were scratches on my back, and some bite marks on my shoulders, evidence of how passionate our love-making was.

"I love you," I muttered into her ear as we fell asleep holding each other.

R18 ends.

Morning come

The feeling of waking up with the love of your life naked in your arms in the morning is entirely something else.

Soon I urge rimuru to conduct a meeting

The purpose was future Governance of jura forest and tempest. As now the whole jura forest comes under rimuru.

I purposed council consisit of all executives.

Gard Mjöllmile has already joined tempest. And everyone recognise how good he acutally is at managing money.

The Cabinet

Prime Minister Rigurd, hold highest authority after rimuru and me.

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

minister is Rogurd.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Tempest representatives to other nations. Its minister is Testarossa.

Ministry of Legislation and Ministry of Justice.

Representatives and the Senate. Its minister is Regurd . Since some members were missing. I will help regurd in it.

Ministry of Defense

Benimaru is the Minister of Defense.

Hakurou is the Chief Instructor.

Ministry of Intelligence

Its Minister is Souei

Ministry of Treasury/Finances

handling the financial affairs of Tempest, including it's trading with foreign merchants and management of the national treasury. Its minister is Gard Mjöllmile.

< Mjöllmile was extremely happy >

Ministry of Infrastructure

Geld Junior.

Ministry of Agriculture

Its minister is Lilina.

Ministry of Science

Its minister is Vesta with Kaijin, Garm, Dord, Myrd, Gabiru, and Kurobe working under him.

We had ramen and tempura udon and hamburgers business with him serving along inns near road to blumund.We need to allocate some part of wealth obtained from jistav by selling collections to account for the initial loss, but I believe it will be a money making business very soon.

These are the main topics let's discuss"

It went for a while and conducting festival was planned as the day when I could meet with the representatives, then came meetings with geld, Adalman and others.

I also discuss about constructing dungeon with ramiris help which will provide significant Imporve in tourist and adventure

In tempest.

That was in the meeting.

I also remind diabolo that certain interested people at church might kill rayheim to accuse us. So even if that happens act prudently infront of the public if we were to be accused and not let anyone escape by thinking not worth your time with submissive attitude capture them for interrogation or you could message me that time.

He was praising me all the way for my sharp mind. I got embarrassed since I know the plot.

<Hinata meeting with holyknights>

Agenda is on discussing resurrection of storm dragon and birth of demonlord.

Serving as head of both crusaders and lubelius office rook elite hinata has been accused of letting slime escaped and birth of storm dragon.

They also discussed falmuths incoming civilwar. Hinata revealed luminous god revelation that Rimuru controls Strom dragon and shouldn't be interfered with.

Hinata met reyheim who explained how Rimuru single handedly wiped out enemy.

'So he did take his revenge and now he is demonlord, all the more powerful than ever.

She saw the manipulated message orb which is just Rimuru inviting hinata for a duel.

Combined with the presence of 7 luminery saints pointing out the message and encouraging to fight veldora and Rimuru at the same time by gifting a sword named dragobuster.

She was pretty sure that they want to eliminate her .

For several days

the Jura Forest remained peaceful.

During this time, I asked Testarossa to teach me about dark magic and how nuclear magic works.

She meticulously explained the principles behind them, delving into extreme detail.

Through her teachings, I gained insights into abyss cores and the negative energy of the abyss.

Nuclear magic is centered around the creation and manipulation of "abyss cores" — dense orbs of dark light capable of interfering with spiritrons.

Under my wife's guidance, I conducted various experiments with abyss cores and black light.

These sessions were instrumental in my mastery of nuclear magic.

I acquired several techniques related to nuclear magic:

Death Streak

Gravity Collapse

Abyss Annihilation

Nuclear Cannon

Nuclear Flame

Furthermore, I learned to enhance my physical combat abilities by infusing nuclear magic into my fists, creating the devastating Nuclear Fist technique.

Additionally, I applied nuclear magic to my sword, imbuing it with the power to disintegrate physical matter in a devastating Nuclear Slash.

We also did various bonding sessions along with my training...

Hinata along with her 5 loyal knights met and join with her little later even though she insisted otherwise.

Leonard and Giard were manipulated by 7 lumineries to believe demonlord Rimuru and hinata are allying together and so, they went ahead of hinata and tried to attack Tempest.

But they forgot about karna and his calculation abilities.

< tempest was already ready for their battle>.

<<Author Note- "Can anyone write a preview for my novel?< p>

Two critics have already given bad reviews, even though they only read Chapter 1.

The second one was annoyed because he doesn't like novels with a system." >>