
Journey To Hades

What if you Wake up one day and find out all your life was a Dream!!!!!

Davi_d64 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter One

01- The beginning

It all started 5000 B.C when gods and demons still walk the face of the earth and magic still exists.

there was a great war between two great empire


those two empire was the strongest known to mankind.

but, there was I in the hottest part of the battle fighting along side with Aetolos the ruler of Patras fighting with pride and strength swords keep slashing against each other spears flying all over the air it was indeed a great war, but Laconia fought stronger than we could ever imagine, there aim was to capture Aetolos the ruler of Patras

Laconia knows the weakness of Patras was to capture there king, they tried all they could but no one was good enough to capture him, but there came abbadon the ruler of Laconia with one of Greece most deadliest weapon the The Dybbuk box this box was capable of taking anyone souls even a god. every eyes who saw the box was deeply afraid, Aetolos was about flee then immediately abbadon stretch forth the box towards him and retrieved his soul to the box, but before Aetolos was sucked into the box he said to me with a loud voice search between realms of bardo you shall find my soul then his voice fades away. That was when my mission started Journey to Hades( underworld).

every who weakness the scenery quickly submit to abbadon, but I ran and hide in the mountain for 4 days until until there was no signs of the armies of Laconia.

But the most craziest thing about my mission was that I don't have the map to Hades but all I know that I do hear the elders of Patras do say's beyond the river of Euphrate lay's Hades and I don't still know the location of Euphrate, then I remember the golden compass my father gave to me before he left to meet his ancestors, he said to me that the compass will be my guide and also a way that I could communicate with his soul so from that day I tied the compass on my neck like a necklace.

so I brought out the compass 🧭 and held it with both my hands and tried to communicate with my father soul but I couldn't reach him so I losed all hope and sat beside a peach tree, soon I slept off then I got a vision I saw seven tall trees which indicates the seven hills of Gordon, and I saw my father's compass also in my dream indicating East which points directly to Gordon and I have heard tale's of some creatures name gnomes which resides in Gordon making it not safe for a mere mortal to pass through, then I realized that this mission wasn't going to be easy for me. but I had no choice but to continue in the journey. so I kept going east until I arrived at a place when I saw two tall trees which indicates that I have arrived at the first hills of Gordon, so I entered with both my eyes and ears vigilant from a attack but all I could see was tall trees with long branches so I kept walking and to my biggest surprise I saw a sign board


I was surprise to a see a village in the hills of Gordon.