
Journey To Greatness

Just a norm MC trying to aim for greatness. MC feels useless, repeating the same long cycle of work,study,sleep. When will this come to an end, if it does then what does the MC have in store for him?. Come along to explore the MC's grand yet norm life story.

LoneFam · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


*beep* *beep* *beep*

The phone alarm was going off on top of a corner drawer of the bed. The person on the bed was reaching out to the phone to grab the phone.


Jola had turned off the alarm from the phone, he rubbed his eyes real hard because of his usual puffy eyes after waking up. Some people have bed hair, some people have weird taste in their mouth after waking up but for Jola, his eye puff up. He took a glance at the time on the phone, which showed "8:00 Am Friday 10th December". He stretched his hand out to grab his glasses, after wearing the glasses he wore his slippers on the bed side and walked into his washroom.

*10 minutes later*

The pittar-patter from the shower came to a halt, and a thin silhouette walked out with a towel around his neck. His skin looked tremendously dry because he never use skin care products after a hot shower. He wore his usual colored royal blue shirt and black dress pants, which is the usual dress code for his job place.

"Alright, i have another few minutes, to eat my breakfast and then get going"

Jola walked down towards the first floor of the house which he and her mum were renting from a family friend. Jola's Mum could be seen making an omelette in the kitchen as her bed hair could be spotted from a mile away.

"Ohh, Son!. You've woken up!. Today's your one year anniversary for working in your current company"

Jola's Mum spoke as she had finished making the egg and had presented it on the dinning table with a slice of toasted bread. Jola had a very un-interested face expression, he wasn't at all amused by his mums comment.

"True, not that they care but yea. Thanks for reminding me"

Jola munched on his breakfast and began his routine which he has been doing for the past 1 year.

*30 Minutes Later*

-Arriving At The Office-

Jola with his nike bag over his shoulder walked towards his desk, he put down his bag and opened his laptop and started doing his work. Today was going as planned, eat breakfast, get to work 1 minute before appointed time. Greet everyone, and get back to work without saying more then a few words. This was a tactic which jola called "Conservation Of Energy" he took alot of pride in this, because it took alot of dedication to not speak. However none knew about this, everyone only thought that Jola was an unsocial workaholic, which was quite the opposite.

*8 Hours Later*

"Alright, now back we go, to home"

Jola exhaled depressingly, as he packed up his bag yet again and greeted everyone goodbye and continued walking back home.Just like another normal day for jola, that what jola was thinking as he went home.

"I'll get home in another 10 minutes, Mum. So get something ready for me to eat, i forgot to eat."

"yea, Sorry. I promise to eat tomorrow with everyone at work. Sorry"

Jola was talking to his mum as usually, he's been doing this for a year but still felt like this was the only interesting thing he did all day long. He loved his mother and that was something he was aware off, even this job, he was doing it to make his mother worry less about him. Jola's big brother is in Australia while Jola and his mum is within in a very small country in the middle east known as Lorean. Not a lot of people know about this country, its almost not on the map itself. But almost a hundred thousand people lived here.

Jola continued his walk back home, every day he uses the same road, the same way of crossing the door, the same greetings to the house guards along the way. The same dog who barks at him, and even the same tree he goes under while praying that no bird shits on him.

"Another day,Another safe"

Today marked the 365th day where he had not been pooped on by a bird from this tree, if his mother was proud of his son for staying at one job for a whole year, then Jola was proud that he didn't get shit on by the birds for a whole year.He crossed the tree as usual however, he heard a crow a very loud caw from the tree. It was a very grim and loud caw from a crow, when he looked up. It was as if the crow was ordering him to stop.

For the first time in 365 days, this was an unusual event. Jola didn't know how to feel about his, but regardless of the fact, he stood still as if curious of what was to come. The large but grim crow flew down and landed while hopping in front of Jola. It was missing a right eye and its left eye was red. It was a scene straight out of a movie. Jola only nodded at the crow and has already envisioned that this crow was a MC in his crow life who everyone respects.When suddely his line of thought was cut off from what came next out of the crow's mouth.

"boiiii, you have been choosen!!"

"CHOOSEN!!!. I hereby, declare you as the sole heir of the crow lord, Who lurks in the shadows and pray on the weak. Becomes strong in the shadows, to overturn the strong and corrupt."

Jola's jam was absolutly gone at this point. His 5 brain was using up all the energy he had conserved the whole day within seconds. He controlled his energy conservation and settled down his emotions before muttering.

"Crow-nim, I understand this situation however what i don't understand is that "Why Me?" "

The one eyed crow was talking to Jola with his neck all stretched out and along with a grim vibe it gave off a very precious vibe.

"There is no doubting my lord, for his successor has been choosen and i am solely a transmitter, I'll proceed to transfer the knowledge to you and soon you'll understand everything"

The crow flapped it's wing and flew towards Jola's head, this sudden movement made jola stumble back and he landed on his ass, this made it easier for the crow to tackle his head with swiftness. Jola's mind went blank for a few seconds, the next thing he knew was that he woke up within his bed with a dressing across his forehead. and his mother was sat next to his bed with dark circles around her beautiful eyes. Without moving he tried to remember what happened and his memory told him that, he was attacked by that creepy speaking crow and he fainted and he was actually found by a grocery store keeper who took his fainted self back to home.

"....For starters, i'm glad i didn't get kidnapped or left on the street"

"Next, i need to analyse what is the crow said in the end, what knowledge? i didn't gain anything, has the recurring routine made me turn into a insane person."

Jola's was linking up his hypothesis's and facts while trying to figure out the truth if the crow was real or fake. He was sure the crow was real due to the fact he was injured but the question still unanswered that where's the knowledge the crow hinted at. It was then, Jola saw a shadow rise up from the corner of the room, it was an entity talked about in horror books. Something which should only exist in fictional books, Jola's eyes were well focused on this figure of the bed monster which rose up from nothingness, the figure creeped closer as it bowed in front of Jola's bed.

"Young Master, Lord has seen me to act as your butler and assistance for your future endeavors. Please rest assured, your mother cannot hear or see me. However i'll advise young master to take a rest and continue to seek answer tomorrow morning. Call upon me whenever, you're ready. I go by the name chiboo."

Chiboo after explaining went back into the floor and vanished. Jola was no longer confused, he decided to go to sleep and tackle this situation after waking up. Also because he had failed his Energy Saving tactics and had to charge up.
