
Journey to Glory

Stories are the most important part of every footballer's life. It not only tells them where they come from but also where they are headed. Some people even go on to say that your story is a connection between your past and your future. Micheal Owen: I don't really know if it's true though, but what I do know is that no matter how small or insignificant that story is, it could lead you to the top of the world, to the ends of the Earth, to the back of the alley or in front of the crowd. Thierry Henry: The world of football over the past few decades has met with some amazing talents, people who have helped it grow and people who have made it fall. Ian Wright: No matter who you are or where you come from, always remember that your stories and dreams carry the sacred meaning of your origin and destination. Peter Drury: Now all that's left to ask is.....               What is your story??

Random_Guy123 · Sports
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13 Chs


Ethan was currently in a bind as to what to do, he can't stay on the streets as he would be going for a trail in less than 14 days, staying on the streets would be akin to have a huge disadvantage in terms of fitness and health but yet he already knew that the mayor would already have eyes on his home, it would be really hard to get in touch with his family.

He rounded the corner right before jumping into a dumpster, a second later the same two policemen who were at the hospital walked down the alleyway…

"We shouldn't have to worry about her completing the job right?"

"Heh, if it's her then I'm sure we don't have a single thing to worry about after all she's the leader of the assassins behind the mayor, it's because of them the mayor has kept his position till now"

"Shhh, don't fucking say that out loud do you want to die a horrible death"


'fuck… I've been found out!'

was what Ethan first thought but after he heard what the policemen were saying to each other he calmed down a bit.

I guess they haven't found out I escaped yet. If I can get my things before the mayor finds out then I can get to the tournament without any issues, that should be my main priority right now…

With that in mind Ethan set out to his next destination—his house.


Ethan's window made a weirdly loud noise which made Ethan flinch. He was trying his best not to alert anyone but that went out the window a few seconds after he got in.

(I can't even rely on you to steal from your own house hmph)

Because of the unexpectedness of his arrival Ethan did what any other Ethan (except my buddy hunt) would do in this situation…. He froze like a statue trying to hear if anyone heard him and was coming here.

After a few seconds of waiting he heaved a sigh of relief and proceeded to pack his stuff as quickly as he could. It seems his mom went to the police after he did not return home last night and thankfully his sister went with her.

He packed three clothes, his jersey, his shabby boots and a training canvas and made his way to his mom's room.

He took one last look around the room and after leaving a note where only his mother can find, he left the room taking £200 with him for food and other minor expenses.

"Looks like we're all ready," Ethan said after climbing out his window.

Ethan exited the neighbourhood as quickly as he came, wasting no more than 15 minutes on interval but unfortunately that was enough for the mayor to notice his disappearance and act on it….


Ethan was currently moving through the crowd of people in front of the station, the train looked like it was ready to leave any moment now and the crowd wasn't getting any smaller.

"Ugh", one of the many passersby, hit Ethan on his shoulder causing the bag on his shoulder to fall. He quickly picked it up and, not having time to waste he slung it over his back. He looked up and at the far distance two men were looking at him and one of them was pointing directly at him, it didn't take him long to figure out that the mayor knew of his whereabouts.

A thousand thoughts surged in his mind, looking at his only escape route which was still a bit in the distance was the train station that was about to close, the two men were a bit closer to the train than him and worst of all was the crowd which was never ending.

In the course of a few seconds he had already decided the best course of action from over a thousand actions and at this very moment his best decision was… to make a break for it while using the crowd as cover.

Before Ethan had even thought up what to do his legs were already moving in the direction of the train. The two men, noticing that he had already started running, chased after him together with others within the crowd.

'fuck.. there were more of them, how the hell does the mayor keep making himself seem like a villain from a cliche webnovel'

Ethan thought as he ran down the stairs three steps at a time.

One of the many henchmen appeared behind Ethan swinging his bat horizontally in front of Ethan.

Ethan ducked under him and jumped on the handrail middling the two wide staircases.

Another goon came from the other side of the stairs swinging his bat widely.

He hurriedly pushes his bag in front of his chest right before another swinging bat meets his bag pushing him backwards from the force of collision.

Using the force of collision he slid down the handrail landing unsteadily on the floor before continuing his run towards the train.

He looked to his right where the two guys were pushing their way through newspaper selling carts and other vendors while moving towards him.

He looked towards the train and saw that the doors were already starting to close.

'i can still make it' he thought confidently

With that he increased his speed, the distance between him and the train decreased…

25 metres…

20 metres…

15 metres…

10 metres…

The train was almost closed by now, Ethan knew he wouldn't make it with the way things were going and to make it worse one of the two guys he spotted at the beginning was already upon him probably trying to delay him.

The other one was still a bit far off, maybe a bit slower than his friend. Ethan shook his head to get rid of any distracting thought.

The world in his eyes slowed and as he looked around, a glint of light shines through his evergreen eyes.


The henchman was currently holding on to Ethan's bag, he couldn't think of anything else that would slow down the bastard kid for a few seconds, at least until the train door closes.

As his hands gripped onto the bag his face displayed a menacing grin

'when boss finds out it was me who caught the kid I'm sure boss would be so proud, I might even get a raise or better yet a promotion'

When he thought this an even wider and more horrible grin broke out, this time with his unevenly golden teeth thrown in the mix.

As he laughed he saw the bag coming closer to face, he reacted by covering his face with his hands which were already holding on to the bag but before he could rejoice an elbow connected with his gut making him curl inwards…

'The bag was a fake? how the hell was that a fake?'

Ethan stepped on the henchman's knee which was bent outwards and used the momentum to push himself backwards and through the gap of the train door.

"Hah..hah..hah" Ethan laid on the floor of the train catching his breath while trying to ignore the stares of the crowd of people in the train.



(All hail Ethan Hunt junior)

Please forgive my discrepancies for I am not a native of England...

Sorry for the delay in chapters, I won't be able to make some chapters soon cos I'm writing an exam I'll right as soon as I am available...

Random_Guy123creators' thoughts