
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The world of ben 10

"... Seth, you shouldn't have done that." The fairy said in a low voice as Seth Strength increased greatly.

"why," Seth asked as he felt just strong he was.

"you are now Nigh-Omnipotence, this would mean if you were to do to any world. You will almost no powers and would have to work your way back up from nothing. You can now do almost anything you want." the fairy said helplessly

"..." Seth felt helpless. the second he reaches a new level, this fairy comes out of nowhere to destroy his good mood.

"what's nod is down," Seth said as he grabbed the say. Like a blanket, the sky came down as it wrapped around Seth.

Seth then went on to just go against logic. He went to pick up the sea as if it was a blanket as while as he looked under it.

"like paper," Seth said as he ripped the sea in half, it was paper.

"I have ever superpower there is. I can do almost anything, but what's holding me back." Seth asked after speeding 1 second doing everything there was passable of doing.

Although he could have done it in a blink of an eye, he went for one second.

"you have the mind of a human in the end. No matter who or what you absorb, you will not break through that last part to becoming Omnipotence. it's almost impossible." the fairy said calmly

"... let's go to the world of bed 10, I wanted to go to the world of Jojo, but it is useless now. Alien X should be one level higher than me. And I believe there should be someone else higher than alien X in that world." Seth said calmly

"starting off from the weak, that good... I thought you would be going to marvel or something." She asked in slight confusion.

"im going there next," Seth said calmly.

"Also, can I ask why you think alien x is a level higher than you." the fairy asked

"When the universe was destroyed, he was able to bring it back and even bring things back he didn't know were in the Universe. This went for his enemies and other stuff. My creation ability is not on that level. How do I make things I don't even know are out there? so I will just absorb him." Seth said calmly

"but before I go there, I'm going to bleach. He gets to see all in all passable future, while I only get to see a few. billions." Seth said calmly

"that's because you haven't mastered your time ability, but that is a good idea," Seth said with a noded as Seth went to use his rule breakability to speed his time up as he left

"what memories did you take," Seth asked

"I didn't take anything. With your strength, I don't have to do that anymore if I don't want to." the fairy said calmly.

'im weaker than the MC.' Seth thought calmly as he used his ruler's ability to sacrifice a part of his dimension to break the rule to regain his strength.

Seth calmly snapped his finger, a domain that covered the whole world of bleach was made. And with ease, Seth absorbed ever this so fast before anyone could even know what happened.

"now im all-seeing, and all-knowing," Seth said calmly as he used his ruler breakability to leave and enter the world of ben 10.

As soon as Seth arrived, he broke the rulers and quickly gave himself back his full power.

"they saw me," Seth said softly as giants that looked the night sky appeared, all Surrounding.

'by the looks of it, it's 10 of them." Seth thought as a cold smile appeared on his face. His eyes with golden for a moment as he saw everything that could and will happen in the future.

' a few hundreds of ways I could lose this, but in the end, I will still win after a few hundreds of thousands of years.' Seth thought as his size increased to their size.

(sorry for the short chapter)