
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

MC ability

Wish he made:

steal-can absorb everything from anyone he touches. Later on, it evolves to be a domain that could absorb everything within

Ruler- all abilities that it the MC would do the opposite. Later on, he fuses it. As for it, no ability it's unknown.

Rulebreaker- by sacrificing something that belongs to the owner, Mc can break a rule

High comprehend talent- it speaks for itself.

other abilities:

all seeing- everything that has happened, could happen, and would happen.

Creation- create anything and everything from nothing.

Destruction- destroy anything and everything

reality wrapping- Not only that he can break the laws of physics, he can control the very rules of logic and reason to perform feats that are not only impossible, but also inconceivable. he are so powerful, he may appear to be practically nigh omnipotent.

Biological Manipulation- manipulate all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up. 

Omni-Psionics- possess all existing psychic/psionic/mental powers.

Superpower Manipulation- can create, manipulate, remove, change, etc, the supernatural energies/properties in all beings that give them their powers, including themselves, thus allowing every variation of superpowers and manipulative abilities.