
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

breaking the seal

"Zeref." a voice entered Zeref mind, zeref who was sitting on top of a thrown slowly opened his eyes as he looked towards where the voice was coming from.

"zeref." the voice sounded as Zeref frowned as he couldn't find the voice. Slowly the view before Zeref changed as a large Mountain was before him.

"This is where I'm sealed." the voice sounded again as a little girl appeared before zeref.

"This is the key. The gods have killed my will. Sadly you most live by your self, I'm sorry." the sounded as it slowly disappeared.

"teacher?" Zeref asked as he appeared back on his throne.

"teachers, they got to you... Mavis is the key. What does that mean." Zeref said softly as he got up.

"for death and for my teacher, I will find out how to break that seal." Zeref said softly as his eyes for a second looked like that of the Sharingan.

(he is in genjutsu)

Within another space of its own, a man with a black beard looked at Ankhseram, who was on one knee before him.

"father, I came to ask you to bring the god of seals and god of plants back to life. They both died in battle at the hands of strange beings." Ankhseram said with his head lowered.

"you may leave," he spoke in a booming voice as Ankhseram quickly left.

"Why do you fear him? just look at him. You have more power," seth said softly

"get out of my head. You don't know his power. if he so wished all 18 gods would be killed within a few seconds." Ankhseram said coldly.

"you don't know of your need found power, go back to the human world, and try it. No attack would injure you. No energy attack would injure you as well. What could he do to use?" seth asked as he wrapped his hands around his neck.

"you have power at your fingertips, just go down and try it. You will notice that you are a god. No, you surpassed all gods." seth said as Ankhseram heart was starting to shake. With gritted teeth, he went down to the human realm as he looked for a random wizard.

"just use the seal on your hand. You will know of what great down you hold." seth slowly as Ankhseram did as he asked

He had the wizard attack him and was in shock that the attack healed him. he also realizes that his eyes were sharp, seeing the wizard move in greater detail.

"you see your strength, go ahead and try all of your power, from clones and even more," seth said as his body turned to gas, slowly circling Ankhseram.

Ankhseram couldn't help what try and make a clone, and to his shock, he made 500 clones.

"you see that wizard who attacked you? Why is he still alive? A human attacked a god. Don't you think he should be punished." seth asked

Ankhseram nodded in agreement as he was about to kill him, but seth stopped him.

"put your hands around his neck and absorb him; everything in this world belong to you and you alone. Why most you share if, take it back. Take everything he has." seth said softly as Ankhseram body started moving on its own, put his hand around the human. He quickly took everything from him.

"these memories, this power, they are his," Ankhseram said in shock.

"no, it's yours. The same as that throne, it belongs to you. why don't you take it all for yourself?" seth asked

"i-i can't. He is my father." Ankhseram said as he fell to one knee at the same time; all the clones he made disappeared as information from them started entering Ankhseram mind.

"you are a god Ankhseram, the only one. No one else should even dare to be equal with you. But he looks down at you. Did you see the way he looked at you? Like how one would look at an ant? How could you let such a trash walk all over you?" seth asked

"you are right, so much power," Ankhseram said as the image of the way his father looked at him appeared before him.

"you are the god of life and death, but your father wouldn't even let you control it. He only lets you overwatch it? Why is it that everyone else is actually a real god but you?" seth asked

"yes, he dares," Ankhseram said as his body started turning into seth.

"them go get it, it belongs to you, go and still his powers. Take everything all for yourself, don't just stop at your father, go to my real body, absorb it. Become even stronger. You are a god. After all, anything you want should be able to take." seth said as Ankhseram slowly started floating up.

"go and eat my body, take it all for your self. It's alright to be selfish. Your father has been like that for the longest right, why can't you do it this one time." seth asked

"yes, I should be selfless. he has been like that for as long as I could remember." Ankhseram said as he flew towards where seth was sealed.

"take everything for yourself, completely forget about others. You should be standing above everyone, you the god of life and death, yet you only curse people. Why is that?" seth asked

"it's because I have to power over that. He took it from me. I should take it back. yes, I'm Ankhseram, who dares go against me!!!!" Ankhseram roared as he was slowly being controlled by seth.

"he has the balls. You must show him who the boss is. Show him who is the god. After all, you are Ankhseram." seth said with an evil smile.

Ankhseram quickly landed by the mountain seth was sealed inñ quickly, placing his hand on it. He started to try and break it.

'it's time.' seth, who was sealed, thought as he worked along with Ankhseram to break the seal.

After a whole 5 minutes of working together, the seal was finally broken.

As soon as it did, the world seemed to shake as seth magical power was let loose.

"haha, 300 hundred years," seth said as he looked at Ankhseram, who was shaking in fear.

seth calmly raised his palm towards Ankhseram, as a force suddenly pulled him towards seth.

"where did my power go," Ankhseram asked in horror.

"you see, after I foray got my hands on the karma seal, I made a few changes to it. Unlike the other, it can give my power to someone and take it with just a thought. It also looks deep into the heart, looking for the best way to control someone." seth said as he absorbed him, slowly black and white wings along with dragon wings grow on his back.

"and here I was waiting for another 100 years before breaking out of that seal," seth said as he threw the bones to the ground.

"now Infinite Tsukuyomi," seth yelled as the divine tree, which was almost the mountain's size, started moving.

"I almost forgot the moon," seth said with a shake of his head as he made a clone to fly into space.

"Susanoo." the clone said as a huge Susanoo was made as it pulled the moon slowly until it was at the perfect spot.

seth then flew high up as he looked straight at the moon.

"now Infinite Tsukuyomi," seth said as the moon turned red. Slowly the Rinne Sharingan appeared on the main, followed by a bright light that covered everything within this world.

'bring back good memories." seth thought as he watched the divine tree start wrapping around everyone who was in Infinite Tsukuyomi, slowly taking there the force.

"I will not stand for this." a man with a black beard said as he appeared before seth, he seemed not to be affected by the Infinite Tsukuyomi at all.

"look at me and tell me if I care what you stand for," seth said with a smile as he looked his straight in the eyes.

"Kotoamatsukami," seth said as soon as the man looked in his eyes.

"my lord." the man said with a bow.

"like why would I fight you without knowing a thing about you," seth said as he went on absorbing him until he was a skeleton.

'he has high knowledge of creating life, also he could create things from nothing just like the sage. But he is on a higher level than him, I would have token a while to kill this guy with his level of strength, and there was a 20% chance I would lose.' seth thought with a sigh as he went onto opening a large space hole to each world.

Which was Celestial Spirit World, Celestial Spirit World is the dimension where the Celestial Spirits reside. And Edolas a universe parallel to Earth Land.