
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

3 year

seth appear before naruto while time was frozen, with a few hand signs, charka appeared at his fingers tips as he took out the 25% of yin type half of the nine tail into naruto.

'i want to see if he could somehow become much stronger than me. Is this just me shooting myself in the foot, or is this new power waiting for me.' seth thought as his EMS went slightly redder, like that of the nine tails.

seth then disappeared. He also called back all of his clones he made. after which he made new ones, a total of 5 clones.

One would tail the new charka he has gotten to have better control and not waste any of it.

Another one would come up with a better attack, Jutsu.

Another would try and comprehend the yin and yang release from the nine tail.

(yin release spiritual energy to control imagination creating form out of nothingness.

yang release uses physical energy to control vitality, granting life to forms that have none.)

Two would travel around the world trying to find Orochimaru.

The last would train all the skills he got, from the EMS to Lightning Release Chakra Mode. These were all power skills that he should get the handoff.

As for the real body, seth wants to make three jutsu, one which would allow him to send his soul to where the sage of six paths is. If he could steal that guy power, he wouldn't need naruto anymore.

Another which should allow him to send his soul into another body, but unlike the mind transfer Jutsu, he wouldn't want to control the body, but be more like a Parasite. Slowly watching the owner of the body end when the time comes would allow him to take over the body or just destroy the soul of that body.

The last would be jutsu that would be something that would go with his eyes.

seth stayed training like this for three whole years and only stopped when he heard the news that the Akatsuki captured Gaara.

"so naruto Shippuden has started. It sucks that even though I have more of Asura's chakra, I still haven't unlocked my rinnegan." seth thought as he called back all his clones, after which he disappeared as he appeared outside Orochimaru hideout.

'i should also get my hands on that Uzumaki, I don't want to rush things, but maybe if I kill naruto, he would get it faster.' seth thought as he walked into the hideout killing everyone in his path.

"it's you, Seth Uchiha. what are you doing here!" Orochimaru said with slight fear.

"what do you think? All of these years, you were hiding while making it so hard for me to find you," seth said with a warm smile.

"don't get..." just as Orochimaru was speaking, seth appeared behind him.

"you were saying," seth asked, making Orochimaru jump forward.

"damn, if I did, the whole world would know of your ability," Orochimaru said with gritted teeth.

"Kotoamatsukami," seth said with a smile

"lord Seth is there anything this one can do," Orochimaru asked.

"haha, work for the Akatsuki. Help them bring back the ten tails. Speed up my plans." seth said as he disappeared.

'now all I need to do is wait. Naruto has somehow mastered the slug, slime, and snake sage mode. All call BS, but it would be useful to me, so I will let him continue.' seth thought as he appeared behind a red-haired girl.

"Karin," seth said evilly as he went on steal everything. Karin has an incredible amount of charka is much so, and she was also born with unique eyes.

By closing her eyes and opening her mind's eye, Karin can find and track chakra over a vast distance, as well as perceive any unusual chakra activity within a radius of several dozen kilometers.

Also, by focusing on a particular chakra, she can perceive her target's location and movements in great detail. This ability also gives her the capability to perceive fluctuations in a person's chakra made when they are lying or if someone, including herself, is under a genjutsu.

'i wonder, if I steal everything from every tail beast would I be able to get everything right away? I should try it. First, I would need to challenge all of the Akatsuki. this should be fun.' seth thought as he started making his way towards the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.

First, he would absorb it then go after the other tail beast. If his strength does increase, then he would just go challenge the soul of the six paths.