
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

10 tail last form

Just as seth was about to jump towards ten tail, he suddenly realized that he was cut in half by the stomach.

'i should have known killing an mc would not be that easy.' seth said as he quickly stopped the bleeding as he rushed towards his lower body to reattach his lower body.

"Seth!!" Naruto yelled as he threw another one of his Rasengan shurikens.

'he gave that clone most of his chakra to get me to believe that it was the real body. On top of that, the nine-tail made it so it would not just disappear after taking damage. That attack was supposed to be the killing blow, but I jumped at the last second, which made it, so my lower part was cut off... this most have been the sage of six paths... no its Shikamaru father who came up with this. that guy is smart as hell, able to see right straight through me, about how I let my guard down every few seconds after doing something like this..' seth thought as he took his lower body into the Kamui dimension.

After which he entered it.

'sorry, Shikamaru, dad, I would have gotten him when he was off guard, but he suddenly moved. I panicked.' naruto said as he fell to one knee.

"don't worry, naruto, you got us good time to take down madara. You rest while everyone takes it down." Shikamaru's dad said softly as everyone started working together.

Suddenly the ground under the ten tails fell in as the ten tail was brought down within.

"he will take 1 minute to heal. Do you think you can take me, Madara, down," Madara asked as he slammed his hands towards. He activated his Susanoo as it grows another head and four hands.

"show me if you are better than those zombies," Madara said as everyone looked up in horror.

"don't let up." the Tsuchikage yelled as he flew into the sky and tried to pick up the large asteroid.

"Onoki." madara said softly as he watched everyone try their best to hold it up.

"don't look down on us." the Tsunade yelled as she appeared before madara.

"what if I do," Madara asked as his Susanoo appeared, blocking the attack.

That wasn't all. Every ninja started making hand seals before long. The nine tail was trapped in the hole.

"they think this would hold me down," Madara said calmly as he moved a finger. With ease, the ten tail broke out of the trape throwing everyone who was about to attack flying backward.

Soon the ten tail jumped out of the hole.

"hashirama?" Madara said in confusion as he sensed Hashirama heading this way.

"I should have sealed them," seth said as he came out of the Kamui dimension.

"I should have sealed them after stealing there, ability," seth said calmly as he looked at everyone with a smile.

"just 1 minute and he is healed," they said in fear.

"let's see... kabuto..., go kill him," seth said calmly as he made a clone to go after Naruto. At the same time, madara went after kabuto, who could be the one bring them back to life.

"let's see how powerful a tail beast boom is from this guy," seth said as the ten tail opened up its mouth, getting ready for a tail beast boom.

When it was about to lunch the tail beast boom, the ground under the foot of the tail beast went under send the tail beast boom flying up into the sky.

'troublesome.' seth thought as he had the ten tail jump out of the hole. While he was in mid-air, he looked up, seeing Obito, who was a zombie trying to kill him.

"trash," seth said as he used the black ball to kill him.

"it's like it's me VS everyone," seth said calmly as he looked towards his clone that was fighting Jiraiya. I meant playing with Jiraiya.

'i don't want any more surprises, so kill him.' seth sent his voice into the clone, which suddenly stops moving. In a blink of an eye, Jiraiya was killed.

"now, Kakashi should die," seth said as the tail of the ten tail, which now looked like hand, flew towards Kakashi.

Kakashi was slammed into a pancake as he died on the spot.

'and like liked Kakashi, to think I killed him twice.' seth said as he made a chair and waited for the ten tails to reach his next form.

(seth is not lazy. It's just that standing too much is bad... I think)

Seth let the ten tail go on a rampage killing all in its way.

Suddenly a red barrier was made around the ten tail. This was the barrier created by all the four hokages.

"I killed you guy, and you come back? All of you are troublesome," seth said with a frown as the ten tail started going through its next form.

Slowly it started getting more muscles as if it was getting ready to box someone.

'It's time.' seth said as he stomped his foot on the head of the ten tail. Its mouth started opening wide as a large red thing came out, like a flower, it started opening.

Soon where its head was, it looked like an open flower.

"let's hurry things up, to think kabuto would kill himself," seth said as Madara appeared by his side.

"It can't be helped. It seems it was Itachi doing," seth said as both he and madara jumped off the ten tail that was slowly turning into a tree.

seth made two clones to watch each side of the ten tail while he and Madara would get the other sides.

'look for black. We are about to finish things here. I don't want him to come out of anywhere.' seth said to the clone that was fighting those few people trying to protect naruto.

The clone quickly disappeared from there as it went to look for black Zetsu.

'Should I show myself.' seth, who was sitting on top of the highest mountain, thought to himself, seeing as everything was almost over.

It would have been stupid if he sent his real body. Just look at all of the surprises, not to mention that the sage of six paths could have something hidden for him. Seth planned to let his clone do all the work.

'that clone has 50% of chakra. With how many clones he made, he has around 20-10% of my chakra, but that is enough for him to do everything, but that barrier should be destroyed.' seth thought as a large iron with white wings appeared behind him.

"go help him, destroy that barrier," seth said calmly as the iron wing flew off with a sonic boom

'when I had that thing, I was thinking of something with high speed and could absorb chakra. So that barrier wouldn't last long against it, but it needs time to destroy it.' seth thought as he pointed towards there as a tail beast boom was being made, and sent flying towards it.

'after a moment, I will appear by naruto side to kill him, but I should also kill their brain.' seth thought as he made another tail beast boom there the place where Shikamaru's dad was at.

That's the place where they were coming up with plans and stuff. So it was only right to destroy it.