
Tower of Beasts

The senior looked back at everybody and said "in your spatial rings there's number inside, look at the number and look for the courtyard that matches that number and go there and train for the next two months until".

"The climb for the tower of beast starts after two months , it will be also a test where we will rank you based on how many beasts you kill and according to your ranks we will give you spot, either in outer, inner or core of the sect".

"See you guys in two months".

After he said that Sam slowly started walking towards the house that had the number on his spatial ring.

He did not have to look for long as he found it with qi sense.

Entering his courtyard he felt the qi inside this place become even denser, with bright smile he went inside his room and looked around, and luckily there was some clothes here too.

So he put them on and stepped out to his backyard and started to look around and saw a huge stone.

And a tree, seeing this he calmed himself down and started his training for hours each day until the 2 months is up.

He took out the rather that the senior had given him and started slashing left and right with his dagger dance skill, trying to increase his slashes.

His goal for the next month was to be able to reach 10 max slashes with his full power.

Days after days passed and slowly the numbers of slashes he could do increased from 5 to 12.

Then next month started and it was time for Sam to train his Dagger throw skill in other to remove the weakness it had.

It did take Sam long of training it before he could feel the weakness completely disappear, he had reached the skill Max level and now it did not decrease his throwing speed by 50% instead it would just go at whatever speed Sam sent it at.

Feeling his hard work for two months show Sam stepped outside for the first after he had arrived and be could feel many aurae's around him, each seemed like they were about to breakthrough.

Calmy Sam took the fresh air in and was getting ready to enter the tower of beasts.

He had been patiently waiting for this test as he knew he could level up by a lot in this place.

Sam stood in that place for a while before the senior that had given him the dagger appeared in front of everybody and immediately as if everybody was pulled by something, they all appeared in front of him.

"Okay, now the two months are up"

"get ready you will be entering the beast tower".

As he said that as everybody was pulled into something, they all disappeared from their position and appeared before a huge tower with a very huge door.

And around the tower, we're groups of people and there were many sitting areas filled with people, looking forward to seeing the result of this new batch of sect members.

The senior that had brought them here then said:" you guys need to go through this door, you will be kicked off the tower once you either think of leaving or your life is in danger".

"but before you enter I will tell you guys this, in this tower, there are 20 levels each level filled with different rank beasts,

Level one has copper rank monsters and with each level, the rank of monster goes up by one rank".

"The higher you go up the levels the higher your ranking will be"

Hearing that, the people did not bother and just entered the tower so they do not have any time.

The moment they stepped in the place, they appeared inside a circle and in the middle, there was a stair that went up.

The place looked small but it was unimaginable big once you started moving.

The beasts roars suddenly echoed around the place but this person we're not affected by this roar and immediately went to the second level.

While they did that Sam stayed here then activated a skill that he had bought for 25k points, it was called [Provoke]

It attracted the monster to where Sam was.

And in no time there monster after monster appeared and int hat second Sam brought his dagger and with a slight twist suddenly almost of the monsters here disappeared, then his other dagger was thrown out of his hand and it started to cut through the bodies of this beast-like butter.

There were exactly 10,000 beasts in each level and just now Sam had killed 1000 of them in an instant.

The power difference was quite obvious right now between 100-1000 stats, to his 100k stats.

He also heard the good news of levelling up.

He did not waste any more time on this level and went up a floor.

The moment he got there he saw that there was no one here as well, again he used the skill again which attracted a lot of beats that got quickly blitzed and levelled up again.

5 floor later still the same thing was going on, he would blitz thousands of them then level up.

Even though beasts did not give much exp but once a lot of them were slaughtered at one it was enough for him to level up.

Just like that he had been blitzing every beasts up until The 11th level.

The beasts we're now taste than him and he could not land an attack on them easily.

He had been lucky up till now that his speed had increased slowly each level up he gains don't now it was a time where his opponents just were at a higher level than him and he could not match the speed of the beasts at the peak of body establishment.

But his defence and attack could handle anything they threw at him and he was able to one-shot them.