
new ability

"Yeah the usual".

"Come follow me sir"

"I'll take you to your room"

Sam followed the guy and when he did he arrived to where his room was, normally not even a diamond rank VIP could have a room all for themselves but Sam was special, he had a room in the world guild for being ranked number one in the whole world.

He entered his room which was quite big, the person in charge of this branch world guild came and asked for the item Sam wanted to sale with a very polite manner.

Sam transferred the items to the other guys inventory and said "this is all the items I wanna sale".

"The amount of items Sam had sent was at least in the 10k amount"

The lowest ranked item which was a normal item was worth 1 million, A rare item was worth 10 million and super item is worth 100 million, an epic item is worth 1 billion and a legendary item is worth 10 billion and lastly a mythical item is worth 100 billion.

Obviously that was the prize for normal item from those ranks, there were item in this ranks that were 100 times more valuable than a normal item from its rank and in Sam's item he wanted to sale, at leas half of them were such item.

It never ceased to surprise this branch guild master, when seeing such item being presented informs of him.

He went through all of them just in a few minutes and after finishing he calculated that total value of this item was 10,000 Mega Exp Card

A mega exp card gives 500 million exp

Obviously non of the dungeon explorers were that dumb to sale all their items for real money, real money had no meaning to them as they knew if a certain country falls their money meant nothing.

Gold and diamond would have been a good exchange for money but they were not valuable, as there was to much of them in the dungeons that they both were almost a common rocks.

Out of all the time in his week this time was the best as he would gain 10 trillion exp from the cards he gets from selling his items and they mega exp card he would gain from the dungeon.

All of them were used at one and he felt his level go up by 100.

Making him finally reach level 20,000 after 5 years of none stop grinding.

He left the shop with a huge grin on his face, he started walking towards his house and while he was doing that he was looking at his status.

Name: Sam

Age: 18

Level: 20,000

Rank: 1 in the leader board

Title: Dungeon Master, Fighter, Dagger Master, sword specialist, Mage, Warrior, archer, Boss Killer, Number one in the world, OP, Soloist, collector, Summoner.

From all the titles he had gained a total of 100 multiplier to all his stats

Before he could even go any further down his stats he noticed a new titled has appeared beside dungeon master, which was Summoner, this was his first time hearing fo such a title.

He immediately check to see how got it and after checking he noticed that when reaching level 20,000 the player would gain an SSS+ rank title randomly.

All his titles were SSS+ rank.

He checked what the title did and after a checking he noticed that he could summon monster to fight for him.

Hearing this the first thing he did was jump back in the dungeon and immediately start summon monster after monsters.

The monsters seemed to require some kind of points.

The 1st one cost only one.

He looked at the amount he had had and noticed he 100k of it.

Each monster cost more than the first summoner monster, Sam used almost all his point until he couldn't buy anymore monster.

He could only buy 3 monsters and next monster cost 100k point and he currently had 98,889.

Sam checked out the monster and after awhile he learnt that the monsters also had the ability to level up, without any hesitation Sam went straight to the 200,000 level and started to level up the monsters.

He brought the monster to 1 go and let his monster do the last damage letting that monster gain all the exp.

After a few tries all of the monster were now above average in level and now we're getting pretty strong.

Sam wasn't about to was his time and decided that it was time for him to pull to put in a month in doing this.

For the next two weeks he let them have the last blow on the monsters, so they could level up.

Now they were at 13,000, which was pretty easy to achieve thanks to them being able to kill the monster on a floor way above their recommended floor.

Sam did not stop and let them have it easy for the next 2 week too until they all reached level 16,000.

Seeing this Sam decided it was time to equip them with some weapons too.

The monster he had summoned each had a role, one was a Tank healer and an archer.

The healer had the ability to consistently heal everybody's hp by 150 each second and the archer had the ability to do 1000 times damage to all enemies beside the boss.

The tank had the ability to attract all monster towards itself which gave Sam the chance to sneak attack their weak pint and one-shot them with his dagger that gave a critical hit each time.

Sam noticed that he had rechecked 100k point and immediately decided to summon another monster.

This monster was an attacker, he would attack the monster that would be attracted to the tank.

Without wasting a second sam started raising these guy's level as the moment he would do that he didn't have to worry about his title anymore as these new monster would consistently increase the difference between him and the other players.

And then he could finally enjoy the leisure dungeons, each of these dungeons would send people to different worlds to explore and after reaching the peak of the world or either you get more of the world you could get out of the leisure dungeon.

It was called a leisure dungeon mainly because the chance of you dying was zero and as you could transport out of the other world anytime you wanted plus in some those world you would gain abilities that were way out of this world.