
Horn angered to his limits

Mada froze on the place he was standing as his head started to spin as the thought that was all in his mind was [I will be able to earn money if I am able to do this right.]

Without caring about the other he walked up towards the City Lord, after reaching a five meter distance between the two of them he stopped and looked into the eyes of the City Lord then said "How long do we have to finish this job?"

The City Lord was stupefied by what Mada had just said he couldn't believe what he was hearing, he had been worrying if he there would be people to accept this mission that can also be considered as suicidal he knew that the Red Vine Python was guarding the Blood Ginseng that his son needed.

So the when he heard the quick response of Mada he felt the happiness surging up into his heart, feeling the gratefulness he had he walked to Mada grabbed his shoulders and said "Thank you young man, but I will say this that the time is only limited my son is dying from sickness so you can only do this for a month if I don't get the Blood Ginseng before that my son will die."

The City Lord lost his cool the more he talk about how urgent the situation was, his son was suffering from a disease and the Blood Ginseng that he had been looking for almost half a year was nowhere to be found and when he got the information that the Blood Ginseng was in the black swamp and was being guarded by a Red Vine Python he immediately called for the mercenaries of the City.

He wanted to get all the power that he can for this mission to ensure that it went well, he was also prepared to take out the money he had been the City Lord for some time and he had some business that he hold making him rich even when compared to most of the nobles of the City.

Mada looked unperturbed in the eyes of the other mercenaries making them feel a hint of admiration for the youth that was in front of them all, they were all veterans that had gone through many battles but they all knew that when they were at the age of Mada they didn't have the kind of strong heart that he have.

Mada looked at the worried face of the City Lord and said calmly to him "No problem, me and my group will be able to get the Blood Ginseng for you in a month don't worry about it. But I have to tell you that the amount of money that can hire us for this kind of job is not that little."

The City Lord was delighted the moment that he heard that Mada was able to get the medicine he had been looking "Do not worry about the money, I am able to get you no matter how much you want if you are able to get me the Blood Ginseng."

Mada gave him a nod and without saying anything else he started to make his way out of the room, he called out for Sol who was standing in the corner as she tried to attract less attention to herself.

The other mercenaries also took the job after they notice that Mada's group was already leaving, walking down the hall Mada had a smile plastered on his face he was already thinking on how much he would be able to earn this time around.

Reaching the end of the hallway he started to speed up so he can go back to the [Mercenary Guild] and make his preparations, but before he could even reach the gate a shadow pass by him and stopped in front of him and Sol.

"Don't think about leaving so early kid the matter about earlier is still not done, I still haven't given you a good beating so stop right now." Horn look at him as if he was already beaten up and was groveling down on the ground.

Mada didn't bother with his provocations as he continued to walk forward, even though Horn was in front of him that didn't mean that he was able to block the entirety of the way as the side was not obstructed by him and Mada being happy at the moment he chose to be lenient for now.

"Getting cold feet now kid? Are you really that scared… I knew it what a scared bitch you are." Seeing Mada wasn't affected however provocations that he did made him feel even more angered.

Horn also saw Sol who was standing behind Mada and when he saw that magnificent body if her lust immediately, and when he thought how this woman was following Mada around like some kind of assistant the anger that was only irritation earlier escalated because of the jealousy.

"Young lady, why are you with this kid? Come with me, if you do I will give you everything that you want this kid is a bitch so forget him and come with us the rhino mercenaries." Horn had a smile on his face and the more he saw Sol the happier his face look.

Sol only gave him a look but like before she still said nothing, continuing forwards she moved closer to Mada as if she was telling Horn that she was with him and she was not willing to leave his side… at least that was how Horn saw this movement of Sol.

Engulfed with anger he made a grabbing motion behind him and tried to hold Sol by her shoulder, but before he could even reached Sol's shoulder a hand grip his wrist in a death grip and when he tried to pull back his hands he was able to do it.

Horn looked at the person who's brave enough to hold his wrist with such force and what he saw was the face of Mada looking at him with those whitish pair of eyes, the moment that he saw those pair of eyes a feeling of danger engulfed his entire body.

"Don't touch much fried just like that.' Mada stared directly in the eyes of Horn like he was looking at an ant he emitted an invisible kind of pressure.

Horn felt his forehead making beads of sweat the more he felt that pressure the more panic he got, that pressure was not something that a human was capable of emitting that pressure was also different from those demonic beast that he hunted before.

Feeling the grip of Mada being slightly relaxed for a moment Horn hurriedly circulated the energy inside his body so he can get away, looking at his left wrist he saw the make that Mada had left a mark.

Feeling the disgrace that Mada had given him, he felt like he was being slapped by him on the face but what made him feel worse was when he felt that on his back was the sweat that was making his clothes wet.

He was now realizing how much the kid that was only full of flashy trick in his eyes was able to make him feel fear enough to make him sweat cold sweat. Thankfully there were nobody outside the manor as the other mercenary was still inside.

He was the first one to go outside after Mada and he made sure that there were no one else outside but Mada's group as he was planning to humiliate him and when the others go out they would see the pitiful look that the young youth was.

But he was not expecting that not only was he unable to make him grovel to the ground humiliating him but he was the one who was humiliated and the one that back down from the provocation of the Mada.

He had never this humiliated before, he was an Earthen realm cultivator and no one in the Sunlight were able to make him feel this way, even those two noble families that was currently fighting one another went to his doorstep personally in order to recruit him.

But at this moment he was being a coward in front of a rising in fame young man, and what else was that he was the one that made the first move even taking the initiative to make trouble but what he got was only the feeling of humiliation that was given to him by Mada.

Raising his right hand he started to circulate the energy inside his body, the temperature suddenly started to become hotter and hotter from normal and the hands that Horn raised was now being engulfed by flames making it look like his arm was eaten by the fire.

Mada saw the sudden change that Horn went to and the fire that was gathering to him making feel the danger that was coming from him, Mada became alert as he look at Horn that had black lines forming on his forehead from the anger.

He look at Sol and gestured for her to move into the distance, Sol complied with him and went nearer the gate of the City Lords Manor to avoid and stray fire.

"You fucking cocky bastard, you're only a brat and you think that you have the right to come here and what's more to make fun of me? I will fucking kill you to wash away this humiliation." Horn started to scream, the more he look at Mada the more he felt the urge to kill him.

He was about to make a move against him but then a scream emerge "Stop! You are at the place where the City Lord live so show your respect if you don't stop I will make you stop either with force or with words."

Mada followed the voice that suddenly came out all of a sudden, his vision was then dragged to the place where he came from the City Lord Manor. On the steps on the City Lord Manors stairs there was a young man that was around eighteen years of age.

He look at the two of them acting like that with a glare "Stop it or I the Head guard of the City Lords bodyguard will make you."